1) This forum is dedicated to discussion regarding world news, current events, and politics - local or international. Please stay civil and respectful to each other.
2) Everyone is entitled to an opinion, whether or not you think it's wrong.
If you disagree with someone, please use logic and rational arguments to contradict them.
3) It is OK to discuss world or local news from anywhere in the world, but all discussions must be in english.
4) Moderators won't hesitate to pull the trigger (using the "delete post" and "warn" buttons) if you come close to breaching those rules. If your post gets moderated, it is NOT because the moderator disagrees with your opinions or arguments, it is merely because you violated the rules.
5) You will inevitably get comments such as "this is a gaming forum, why talk politics?". Contrary to what you may think, the average age of our active members is well above 20, this is a community mainly for and by adults. GBAtemp is a place where people can talk about anything they want, we encourage discussion, we certainly don't want to prevent it.
Before we created the 'world news, events & politics' area, there were threads like these scattered all over the place. This particular area now centralizes these threads so it's easier for the mod team to watch over. If you don't care about this area, just don't click on any of its threads. We may eventually offer the option to hide these threads if they really bother you.
Open this: https://gbatemp.net/account/new-content
Select the 'World news/politics' forum in the list & save your settings
Any insult or other rule-infringing behavior will result in post deletion, a possible warn increase, and if you do not cool down a temporary suspension may be considered.
The rules page can be found here:
and here: https://gbatemp.net/threads/announcement-concerning-thread-titles.589800/
2) Everyone is entitled to an opinion, whether or not you think it's wrong.
If you disagree with someone, please use logic and rational arguments to contradict them.
3) It is OK to discuss world or local news from anywhere in the world, but all discussions must be in english.
4) Moderators won't hesitate to pull the trigger (using the "delete post" and "warn" buttons) if you come close to breaching those rules. If your post gets moderated, it is NOT because the moderator disagrees with your opinions or arguments, it is merely because you violated the rules.
5) You will inevitably get comments such as "this is a gaming forum, why talk politics?". Contrary to what you may think, the average age of our active members is well above 20, this is a community mainly for and by adults. GBAtemp is a place where people can talk about anything they want, we encourage discussion, we certainly don't want to prevent it.
Before we created the 'world news, events & politics' area, there were threads like these scattered all over the place. This particular area now centralizes these threads so it's easier for the mod team to watch over. If you don't care about this area, just don't click on any of its threads. We may eventually offer the option to hide these threads if they really bother you.
Open this: https://gbatemp.net/account/new-content
Select the 'World news/politics' forum in the list & save your settings
Any insult or other rule-infringing behavior will result in post deletion, a possible warn increase, and if you do not cool down a temporary suspension may be considered.
The rules page can be found here:
and here: https://gbatemp.net/threads/announcement-concerning-thread-titles.589800/
Last edited by Costello,