Definitive Guide to installing PsGroove

The guide will be updated as more ports of PsGroove are released.
<b>Some of the guides are incomplete(No Download Links not Numbered etc etc I hope to have the thread fully done by Friday and will update until this gets patched or other stuff.)So yeah dont complain.</b>
I recommend consulting Rydian's FAQ to enable Backup Support.
I recommend installing the stealth backup manager I will not supply it and will not help you find it if you ask you will be ignored.
Even if you use the stealth backup manager is used you may still be detected and banned from psn.

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<b>Nexus One</b>

<img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

First download the the kernel from
<a href="" target="_blank"></a> (You must navigate to the Nexus One directory.)

1.Place the psfreedom.ko file in the root of your memory card

2.Place the boot.img file in the same place as the Android SDK tools

3.Restart your phone while holding the trackball while the phone is starting.This should put the phone into fastboot mode.

4.Using a command prompt or from a shell window type fastboot boot boot.img

5.When the phone is booted open a terminal window emu and type su

6.Run insmod psfreedom.ko from your memory card

7.Connect the Nexus One to your ps3 and push power and then quickly push eject.

<b>Note:If you have a ps3 slim you need to unplug and replug the power cable back in then do the step above.</b>

8.The Nexus One should have a blank screen and Install Package Files should be on your XMB.


Restart your phone while holding the trackball while the phone is starting.This should put the phone into fastboot mode.

Type in on your pc:
fastboot flash recover recovery-RA-nexus-v1.7.0.1-psfreedom.img
<b>Palm Pre</b>
<img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

Download Terminal using whatever package manager you so choose.

1.Download psfreedom.ko from here <a href="" target="_blank"></a> (Navigate to Palm Pre directory.)

2.Enable Usb Mode from your Computer and place the psfreedom.ko onto the root of your phone

3.Eject and Unplug your phone reboot and start up terminal type insmod /media/internal/psfreedom.ko

<b>If you have a ps3 slim you need to unplug and replug the power cable back in.</b>

4.Plug in the Palm Pre turn on your console and hit the eject button quickly after.

5.Install Package Files should be on your XMB.
<b>Teensy Board </b>
<img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

Download PsGroove

1.Download Teensy Loader from the official site of Teensy USB Development Board.

2.Plug in your Teensy Board through the USB.

3.Click the Teensy Board icon and click File-Open Hex File Select psgroove.hex

4.Select Operation-Program

5.Select the Operation – Reboot

6.Plug the teensy into your ps3

<b>Note:If you have a ps3 slim you need to unplug and replug the power cable back</b>

7.Power your ps3 up then quicky hit eject.

8.Install Package Files should be in your XMB.
<img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />
Download PsGroove for N900

1.Extract all files into the root using scp.

2.ssh into your N900 and type in ./

3.Plug in your phone

<b>Note:If you have a ps3 slim you need to unplug and replug the power cable back</b>

4.Power on press eject quickly

5.You should have Install Package Files on you XMB.
<img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

1.Place the zImage file onto your micro sd

2.Run Dingux

<b>Note:If you have a ps3 slim you need to unplug and replug the power cable back</b>

3.Connect the Dingux device and Power on quickly press eject

4.Install Package Files should be on your XMB.
<b>TI-84(Guide by Karot)</b>
<img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /> <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

<img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

With the release of 0.06.0001 the calculator hack has evolved into a wonderful application worthy of Ti-84 users that don't even have a ps3. The file is available here -> <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Guide supplemental:

<b>New features and instruction:</b>
<u>Hook mode</u>
Desc: Hook mode makes it so the jailbreak will work even if the application isn't turned on.

Do steps 0-15 above.
16. Apps -> PS3JB
17. Push 2 for install. That's it.

Note: You'll have to uninstall this when ever you wish to modify the Ti-84's data. Other wise it'll see the calculator as a USB Hub and fail to link up.

Desc: This will allow the use of a payload. A payload is data that the program can forward in place of it's own activation code. Basically this means that the user can use the newest version of the Ti-84 Jailbreak with the newest Hermes without waiting for someone to compile them together. Google "HERMESv2 Payload" etc to find the payload since I'm not entirely sure if I can post links to it here.

When loading the PS3JB to the Ti-84, also put the payload files (They have a .8xv extension) onto the calculator. You can do this even if you've already put PS3JB on the calculator (Version 5 and up).

1. Apps -> PS3JB
2. Push 5 for options.
3. Change Stage 1 Payload to HERMESv2 (Or what ever Hermes you want to use)
4. Push Y= to save
5. To exit, push 2ND and then MODE

Desc: Normally the calculator shuts down after 5 minutes of inactivity. This option (added in v6) changes that.
1. Apps -> PS3JB
2. Push 5 for options.
3. Scroll down to "Turn off after:"
4. This is in seconds, I suggest 30 since that's how long it takes to JB the ps3.
5. Push Y= to save
6. To exit, push 2ND and then MODE

<u>Alt Firmware</u>
Desc: A little bit future proofing, a little bit reverse compatibility. This lets you load a firmware support optional. If you're on an earlier firmware this is your salvation. I have no idea how to use this since I'm on the 3.41 firmware.
<b>Blackcat USB</b>
<img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

Download: and Flip Software (Preferably 3.3.1) the rar archive contains an already hex edited compiled source and the backup manager.

First, you gotta put the Blackcat USB in DFU mode by flipping both switches to the 1 and 2 positions.

Push the button on the board, if it shows up as AT90USB162 on your Device Manager, you are in the DFU mode.

Open Flip and select target device AT90USB162.

Now go into Settings and select a communication medium, choose USB. Your Blackcat’s info should show up.

Go to File, hit Load Hex File, and choose the Teensy 1.0 hex file.

Erase, Blank Check it, and write the Hex file onto the chip.
Hit the verify button to make sure it went through ok, if so just hit the “Start Application” button.

Load the Manager.pkg onto the external drive. (Formatted FAT32)

Go to your PS3 and do a complete power cycle. (Turn off completely with switch on back.)

Plug in your Blackcat USB, turn on the switch in back.

Power on your PS3 and hit the eject button immediately. (This is the part most people mess up.)

If you did it right, you will have two folders on your XMB. One that says “Install Package Files” and another “/app_home/PS3_GAME/”.

Plug in your USB drive with the Manager.pkg file. You should now see it in the “Install Package Files” folder. Run it. You should now have Package Manager installed.

Install your original PS3 game and run Package Manager. It will ask you whether you want to load it or back it up. Back it up!

After a few minutes you’ll have a copy of the game showing up. Select it and it will load it to the XMB menu.

Hit the game icon and you can now start enjoying the backup copy of your PS3 game.

<b>JTAG SPI Nand Tool</b>
<img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

Files: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

TUT (im stealing some of it from taiowiki)
First, download and install the microchip software.
After you have it installed, you should have a menu created something like: MicroChip ->MCHPFSUSB v1.3 in your windows menu bar. Please also remember the install location of this package, as you need to install drivers later. Reboot your machine. (i didnt have to)
Now, open the TIAOTIAO 360 USB SPI interfaceSPI interface package, use the jumper to short the BL pins as shown below:

Set interface in bootloader mode

Then, connect it to your PC using a mini USB cable (comes with almost all digital camera):

Connect to PC

You will see the PWR light is on, and you should also hear a beep from you pc indicating a new hardware is found.
Following the following screensscreens to install MiroChip USB Driver:

Found new hardware wizard

Select a specific location for the deriver

Select the MicroChip USB Driver

The driver is located in your MicroChip USB package installation, as shown in above picture.

Driver specified

After you have specified the location of microchip driver, click Next to install the driver.
Once your driver is installed, unplug the USB cable, and re-plug it in, then run PDFSUSB.exe to load the firmware to PIC:

Run PDFSUSB to load the firmware

Run the PDFSUSB tool from your start menu. Select the only option in the drop down menudrop down menu and click load HEX button:

ok this is were i take over
browser to were you downloaded the hex file and load it a error window should pop up just click cancel then click load hex file it should say erasing chip or somethin and then say complete if not make sure your in bootloader mode or try it again if it says complete then unplug it switch the pins to normal mode

plug it back in your computer if windows says generic usb hub then your done

oh and yes you can still use this to jtag xboxes just reflash it again not that hard
Motorola Droid</b>
<img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Simply copy the to your sd card.

Boot the phone into recovery mode.

Back up your phone by selecting Nandroid and Backup to make a backup of your current rom.

Choose install zip from sd card

Select choose zip from sd card


Choose yes after selecting it.

When installation finishes reboot your phone.

Your USB should function as any regular PsGroove device but nothing else.

Unplug then replug in your ps3

Plug in the Droid

Power up the ps3 and quickly press eject

Install Package files should be on the XMB.

<b>Atmel USB</b>
<img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

Just go to the official download site for PSGroove <a href="" target="_blank"></a> and download the PS Groove HEX file, psgroove.hex

<b>Device Firmware Upgrade</b>

When you received your very own AtMel USB PCB Controller, the first thing to do is to load the HEX file into the on-chip flash memory of your microcontroller. The “Flip” Software is the tool been used to upgrade the device firmware (you can get it for free at USB CD-ROM or Atmel Website).

You must follow these steps carefully and should be completed to allow the device starting DFU (Device Firmware Upgrade) mode and then it will load the HEX file:

1. Install Flip software (Flip Version 3.0 or above is required).
2. Push the RST (Reset) button.
3. Connect the board to the PC using the USB Cable (Standard Ato Mini B)
4. Push the HWB (Hardware Bootloader) button.
5. Release the RST button.
6. Release the HWB button.
7. If your hardware conditions explained above are correct, a new device detection wizard will be displayed. This will happen if you are using Flip for the first time. Please follow the instructions (the INF file is located in the USB sub directory from Flip installation: (“install path:\ATMEL\FLIP\FLIPx.x.x\usb”)

<b>New Device Detection Wizard
Now, on your PC screen, the New Device Detection Wizard will automatically open.

Select “Install from a specific location (Advanced)” and click on Next>
Select “Search for the best drivers in this locations.” and click on “Include this location in the search:”. Now Browse to the path C:\Program Files\ATMEL\FLIP 2.4.2\usb and click on Next>

Then, check your Device Manager. There should be a new icon with the description AT90USBxxx (where xxx is the number of your USB PCB Controller). If there is no icon show, you must start the procedure again.
Ok, now your Device is in DFU Mode. Launch the program Flip to proceed with the flashing process.

Click the chip-icon in the upper left corner and select your device from the up-poping list.
Now click on the USB-Cable icon in the upper left corner to select the communication mode. Select “USB”. In the up-poping window click on “Open” to open the communication port.
Now click on “File” “Load HEX File…” and browse to your ready psgroove.hex file.
Now Load the HEX File (in the Operations Flow Tab Check Erase,Program and Vertify,then Push Run button) A window will pop-up that shows the processes.
After all the processes are done click on the “Start Application” button in the right down corner.

The AT90USB boot loader will detach and jump into the user application when “Start Application” button is pressed.

Congratulations, now your very own PS Jailbreak clone is ready (It is without the Backup Manager support though)

PS: I know this tutorial is not perfect, will update it when neccessary. Thanks to grecomafioso for this.
<b>HTC Raphael</b>
<img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

Straight from PsFreedom Wiki.This version is homebrew only.

* Extract the archive on your sdcard (replace zImage/modules)
* Be sure that Actice Sync mode is enabled in Windows Mobile
<b>* Run Haret with USB connected to your PC </b>

To enable

* Disconnect your USB from PC
* From android go to DevTools->Terminal Emulator
* Type "su", then "cd /sdcard", then "insmod psfreedom.ko"
<b>iPod and some other devices(Some iPods Guide by Cyan)</b>
<img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />
i compiled ipod firmware for each devices using the last hermes v3 + patches fix by waninkoko and mathieulh.

<u><b>here are my compiled versions :</b></u>

patch hermes v3 from nemsia + replaced port1_config_descriptor using this one :
<a href="" target="_blank">psgroove hermes v3</a> + patch hermes, waninkoko, mathieulh
Hermes V3+Fix
<b>ipod 4g grayscale</b> <a href="" target="_blank">rockbox.ipod</a>
<b>ipod 4g color/photo</b> <a href="" target="_blank">rockbox.ipod</a>
<b>ipod video (5g/5.5g)</b> <a href="" target="_blank">rockbox.ipod</a>
<b>ipod mini 1g</b> <a href="" target="_blank">rockbox.ipod</a>
<b>ipod mini 2g</b> <a href="" target="_blank">rockbox.ipod</a>
<b>ipod nano 1g</b> <a href="" target="_blank">rockbox.ipod</a>
<b>sansa c200</b> <a href="" target="_blank">rockbox.mi4</a>
<b>sansa e200</b> <a href="" target="_blank">rockbox.mi4</a>

Rockbox PSGroove Hermes v4 :
Sorry, my previous compiles were v3 without fix, I applied the wrong patch <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/frown.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":(" border="0" alt="frown.gif" />
here are the real v4 (from v4b) :
<b>ipod 4g grayscale</b> <a href="" target="_blank">rockbox.ipod</a>
<b>ipod 4g color/photo</b> <a href="" target="_blank">rockbox.ipod</a>
<b>ipod video (5g/5.5g)</b> <a href="" target="_blank">rockbox.ipod</a>
<b>ipod mini 1g</b> <a href="" target="_blank">rockbox.ipod</a>
<b>ipod mini 2g</b> <a href="" target="_blank">rockbox.ipod</a>
<b>ipod nano 1g</b> <a href="" target="_blank">rockbox.ipod</a>
<b>sansa c200</b> <a href="" target="_blank">rockbox.mi4</a>
<b>sansa e200</b> <a href="" target="_blank">rockbox.mi4</a>

More PSGroove Rockbox with Hermes v4 <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>

PL3 Rockbox 2010 10 17, for 3.01, 3.15 and 3.41 : <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>

if you want to retain the rockbox mp3 player functionality, you must use the rockbox revision 28160. i have these builds if needed, though i got a report that psgoove is not working with my rockbox complete files.

<b>Getting those backups onto your External a hassle eh? Follow the instructions below and you'll never have to worry again.</b>
<b>For isos(non PSJailbreak ready):</b>
A. Extract the file. ISO with WinRar
B. Open the file. ISO with UltraISO or a similar program
C. Extract all the contents to a folder named as the "identification" of the game itself
D. Copy the folder (with game ID name), with all its contents extracted in the directory "Gamez" in HDD
E. Open the game with Backup Manager (obviously taking PSJaillbreak)
<b>For PSJailbreak friendly backups:</b>
For use with a jailbroken PS3 and backup manager. Simply copy the extracted
GAMEIDGOESHERE folder to your backup manager "GAMEZ" folder on your external
device. No files larger than 4GB.
<b>Transferring games from external or computer to internal hard drives</b>
You can use the ftp server tool to transfer the games over your network or you can use Comgenie’s Awesome Filemanager! to transfer from any device plugged into your ps3.
<b>Which Backup Manager should I use?</b>
I suggest the Open backup manager.If you are really paranoid you can probably use the Stealth Backup Manager if it makes you feel safe.
Open Manager has more features then the regular Backup Manager and also has support for Hermes Payload of PsGroove.
<b>Can I play 3.50 and higher games on my PS3?(Cyan once again is a helpful person.)</b>
<b>The process written by Cyan may be resigning, recrypting or only swapping keys/signatures inside the elf.
Therefore Cyan wrote "replace", as he thinks it's the more appropriate explanation.</b>
<!--quoteo(post=3368620:date=Jan 3 2011, 04:47 PM:name=Cyan)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Cyan @ Jan 3 2011, 04:47 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=3368620"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->I'm not sure if this is the right topic, or maybe it's already covered in another one, but :

Thanks to the new released keys, PSX scene user "Veritas?" released a tutorial on how to decrypt eboot.bin from 3.50+ games (like NFS or GT5), and replace the encrypted data in order to be used on 3.41 Jailbreaked fw.

<b>Confirmed working :</b>
Tales of Gace F
GT5 (currently only USA version)

I can't link to the topic, they are linking to many retail / recrypted eboot files.

but here is his tutorial :

<!--QuoteBegin-"Veritas?"+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE("Veritas?")</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteEBegin-->I've actually written this a few times and promptly lost it due to browser instability. Oops.

Anyway, this guide requires you to have some knowledge of how the SELF and ELF file formats are laid out. I don't have a quick tool to do this for me, but it takes maybe 5 minutes of my time to do it by hand.

1. Open EBOOT.BIN in a hex editor of your preference.
2. In EBOOT.BIN, look at the SELF control info, if you see anything resembling the game titleid, it's an NPDRM SELF and this guide won't work, give up.
3. Use readself on EBOOT.BIN to get information about the encrypted metadata sections.
4. unself EBOOT.BIN eboot.elf
5. Open eboot.elf in a hex editor of your preference.
6. In eboot.elf, go to every encrypted metadata section (now decrypted), copy its data, and replace the encrypted data in EBOOT.BIN.
7. In EBOOT.BIN, change SELF header to indicate it's FSELF.
8. In EBOOT.BIN, change SELF section headers that are marked as encrypted to say they are not encrypted.
9. If the game is a newer SDK version (like GT5, which is 3.50), in EBOOT.BIN, find the .sys_proc_param segment and change the SDK version to something earlier, such as 3.41. This will probably cause crashes in games that actually use newer SDK features that are not available in earlier SDK versions.
10. Save EBOOT.BIN
11. Cross fingers, run game, hope it works.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

Now you've got your handy PSJailbreak installed and know how to get those "Backups" onto your hard drive there's nothing left to do except to play them.

If you have questions please post them me or the community will be glad to help.


I may or may not have fallen
Oct 8, 2008
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United States
i heard somewhere that it won't work with the iphone but i don;t remember the reason why. although i don't remember where i heard that to begin with.


Mar 9, 2009
United States
I dont know about that but I know people say that about the psp because it cant change something in the something or whatever but MuscleNerd said on his twitter the iPhone port is almost complete.


Remember that death is not the end, but only a tra
Aug 26, 2009
New York
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United States
Rock Raiyu said:
A TI-84+/SE port is being released today. They released a video demonstrating it. I guess having a college calculator pays off.
Sweet. I got a TI-84 Plus right in front of me


Mar 25, 2007
Visit site
United States
So is that Nexus One (android) just for that specific phone or is it open for all android OSes?

I hope the iPhone gets worked so I can have two way to get this to work. HTC Hero (CRAP!) and iPhone 3GS

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