Hacking CycloDS Evolution / RAM Expansion?


Jan 8, 2008
Baldwin, NY, USA
United States
Within the next few days I'll be able to use my black CycloDS Evolution. I read the top 30 homebrew list and became very excited. I read however that I might need an expansion pack in slot 2 to use a web browser. I'm not really interested in GBA use, only NDS / Homebrew. Is the RAM only useful for use with a web browser? What are my options? Are there different RAM amounts available, and do they provide better performance, and if so, for what? Thanks for reading.


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2007
United States
You only need a RAM expansion pack of some type(the 3-in-1 EZ Flash V is natively supported for rumble and RAM functionality) to use the DS Browser ROM, and a useful dslinux install(has links and retawq as browsers, font is microscopic though). SNEmulDS can also use a RAM pack to increase compatibility with large ROMs, but it is not required and not too many SNES games actually work with it in a playable fashion yet IMO(see the emulation forum).

The browser in DSOrganize does NOT require a RAM expansion pack(it uses temporary file caches on your uSD card) and it works fairly well.

Okiwi IIRC does NOT require a RAM expansion pack, but is pretty useless ATM IMO.

DShobro, not sure at all about this one and it relies on you running another program on your PC to actually browse sites.

The official RAM pack, 8MB only comes with the DS Browser retail AFAIK, but comes in a lite variety and full GBA size variety(for phat DSes).

IF you get the 3-in-1 you can also use it to play GBA ROMs via Rudolph's Expansion Pack Tool software, or by packing ROMs by NDStation on the PC. There is also gbaldr to use with it, but it's not nearly as useful as the other two option IMO. Comes in both lite and GBA sizes. costs c. $20 + shipping, provides 16MB RAM to applications for 20MB total on the DS.

There is also the eWin expansion pack but I'm not sure how compatible it is with the above apps, and it also allows you to play GBA games via eWin's own loader software. It has 32MB of RAM, but again I don't know how compatible it is or how much RAM apps would see with it if they worked. Lite size only AFAIK. c. $14 plus shipping.

There's also the EZ-Flash IV Lite Deluxe, which shows up as 16MB of extra RAM again even though it actually has 32MB of RAM/48MB NOR Flash/?? MB SRAM. Can also play GBA ROMs via it's own loader or the 2 in 1 tool. Also is a fully functional NDS slot-2 flash cart that can run patched DS ROMs and applications and this one is the uSD version and it lite sized, there are other older versions that use SD and miniSD that are GBA sized IIRC but harder to find and not as good NDS functionality IIRC. costs c. $40 plus shipping.

There are also other packs like the M3 Perfect, etc. but they cost significantly more $$$. Not sure about what sizes these come in, usually $70 and up plus shipping.

I own the 3-in-1 ATM myself, and am also strongly considering picking up an EZ-Flash IV Lite Deluxe if I can't find a TTDS combo pack with the RAM expansion pack(re-badged ewin expansion pack) included, only in lite sizes. I also play GBA ROMs so I wanted one that could also play them.

Hey how big is that triple function power pack and 3000mAh battery? Is it worth getting one? If so, know where to find them?


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2007
United States
Too bad about Okiwi as it WAS looking nice, but is still mostly useless in it's current state.

Found out that, apparently, QuakeDS will also make use of a RAM expansion pack. Not sure if it's required though.

I'd also suspect that DscentDS may also make use of a RAM expansion pack, but haven't specifically seen anything about it yet. (I never cared much for Dscent...)


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
"there are other older versions that use SD and miniSD that are GBA sized IIRC but harder to find and not as good NDS functionality"

miniSD is the original EZ4 and all the rest (lite, lite compact and the lite deluxe) use microSD (no SDHC support). DS support is the same throughout but the compact lacks serious GBA support due to a small amount of ram (only small roms and no DS-GBA link feature). Only the deluxe has 32 mbytes which to help autodetection Lick just assumed was 16 megabytes.
That aside +1 to cutterjohn.


aka Ricochet Otter
Jun 2, 2007
United States
and a useful dslinux install(has links and retawq as browsers, font is microscopic though).Â
Small note: there are two ways to increase font size. The first is to compile your own build with the larger font selected. The second is to use the 'consolechars' program and an appropriate .psf font file to change the font used, which doesn't require you to compile your own builds.

Consolechars can be obtained from http://dannysied.googlepages.com/DSLinux_addons.zip. Put consolechars in /usr/bin and font.psf in your home directory. Launch it by typing "consolechars -f font.psf" to change to the larger font or "consolechars -R" to reset it to the regular font. Ignore the dlditool that's in that zip file since dlditool is now enabled in the precompiled builds.


Jan 12, 2007
United States
The extra RAM is not very useful, only a handful of homebrew uses it and none I can think of actually require it. Linux and Quake for DS are the ones that come to mind, QuakeDS it is mostly for bigger maps and maybe multi-player from what I read. It is actually *slower* to use, so it is only needed when it is *really* needed... if that made any sense.

If you don't plan on playing any GBA roms, nor running the DS browser... you can probably skip any sort of RAM expansion.

That said, if you can find an EZ 3in1 for $10-15, it isn't a bad addition to the CycloDS adding RAM (not that much uses it), rumble (can be fun for a few games that support it) and GBA when you maybe get interested in it.

Save your money, don't buy an EZIV unless you are hard core into GBA games and simply need lots of them with you at all times. GBA games max out at 32mb, so even stored on your slot1's micro-sd (for use with 3in1, etc) you can fit the few you might care about having quite easily.


Jan 8, 2008
Baldwin, NY, USA
United States
Thanks for all the replies. I guess, for now at least, I won't be getting an expansion.

At the time of this post, I only have the DS Lite and CycloDS Evolution.
The other stuff is in the mail, so I couldn't tell you from personal experience.
Here's some info.
- 3000mAh mega power pack
- Triple source of power for NDS Lite
- Emergency power supply function
- 40 hours of gameplay
- Compatible with original or third party console battery packs
- Compatible with original or third party power supply
- Compatible with AA size normal, alkaline or rechargeable batteries
- 3 hours for a full charge (one by one process)
- All in one design, easy to set up and use
The pack itself is a 3000mAh battery made by Dragon. You take out your original battery and hook this into your DS. The pack has a slot for your original battery, which I am replacing with a 1200mAh battery, also made by Dragon. The pack also has a slot for 4 AA batteries, either normal, alkaline, or rechargeable.
Here's an informative picture, complete with poorly translated instructions!

Hopefully people will still look at this thread, and can answer this:
I heard playing an MP3 isn't possible while playing a game. Would an expansion pack make this possible? I'm assuming this would have to be developed, probably on the cart makers end. Team Cyclops, come through for me.


Jan 12, 2007
United States
You linked to a thumbnail, it is impossible to read.

There is no way to play an mp3 and a game at the same time, with anything currently offered for the DS. I wouldn't say it is impossible, but I would be surprised if it happens.


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2007
United States
and a useful dslinux install(has links and retawq as browsers, font is microscopic though).Â
Small note: there are two ways to increase font size. The first is to compile your own build with the larger font selected. The second is to use the 'consolechars' program and an appropriate .psf font file to change the font used, which doesn't require you to compile your own builds.

Consolechars can be obtained from http://dannysied.googlepages.com/DSLinux_addons.zip. Put consolechars in /usr/bin and font.psf in your home directory. Launch it by typing "consolechars -f font.psf" to change to the larger font or "consolechars -R" to reset it to the regular font. Ignore the dlditool that's in that zip file since dlditool is now enabled in the precompiled builds.
Well, I did NOT know of the app that did NOT require re-compiling, although it is kind of funny seeing that t here's that post in the dslinux forums about the guy trying to re-compile for a larger font size. I'd bet that he wishes that he had known of that app and that is something that SHOULD be added to the wiki.

As for dslinux myself, I can live with the small font as pages don't all quite render nicely even with the tiny font but it does ok, and is readable after a fashion. I'm MUCH more interested in finding a way to get the browsers running with a SCDS1 SDHC myself, and hopefully my trail of posts ending at the dslinux forums and supercard's own forums gets a fix of some sort in place some day, as everything else for dslinux seems to work for the SCDS1...

Anyways, we're threadjacking here, so time to move along...

Thanks for the info. I was looking at some other alternatives the other day on dealextreme and other places. Found a bunch of 2000mAh batteries with and without chargers that looked interesting as well.

I don't think that the DS will ever be able to play MP3s AND do anything else really meaningful as playback of MP3s/OGG/etc. is somewhat CPU intensive and the DS doesn't exactly have alot of horsepower or RAM for that matter as shipped.

Apparently the ARM CPUs used in the DS aren't soft-moddable to higher speeds either as were some of the older ARM chips used in various other handheld devices, iPaq, Newton 2100, some of the ARM based Palms IIRC(as well as the 68XXX Palms), etc.

Personally, I was really hoping that the PSP would get better games, but when it came down to getting a new handheld, DS native games just pushed it over the top even though it is incredibly weak from a technical standpoint, then again it does have something like 5 times the battery life of a PSP with standard hardware which is important to me in handhelds. (I still like OLD 68XXX Palms, e.g. IIIx for their mono screens(great outside in the summer still easily readable) AND incredible battery life(weeks or months even with a fair amount of usage, and I used to read ALOT of ebooks on my old IIIx). Actually I upgraded my IIIx with a TRG XTRA XTRA Pro upgrade(8MB RAM/4MB flash) which ws meant to be used with hacker-dude san's Japanese OS support, but in my case it doubled my RAM and FLASH which was useable for storing applications and documents, unfortunately I semi-bricked it last summer while trying to defrag FLASH with rechargeable batteries that were apparently too far drained to last FLASH operations.

Can't find a copy of Palm OS 3.30 that DOESN'T want to backup my files before re-flashing the OS. (I can get to recover mode I think, but there is no way I can get the backup to run, and I can't see how to tell it to skip it with the update app supplied by Palm, and I've misplaced my old raw copy of the OS update file. If anyone knows where to find 3.30 raw update file, please PM me... my own searches haven't turned it up yet, although I'm sure I have it on a CDR somewhere...)

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