Gaming Are Nintendo published games gonna have separate purchasable dlc?

Sonic Angel Knight

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2016
New York
United States
I dunno if I'm not understanding correctly or not but I noticed that the games made by nintendo that do have DLC have no option to purchase any of the "Expansion Pass" content separately. The legend of Zelda Breath of the wild one specifically says "Cannot purchase separately" While ones like Fire emblem Heroes do not have that messages instead have prices but no way to purchase them separately. (Because the switch won't allow me to take screen shots, I cannot provide images to what I am speaking of)

I dunno if the reason is cause the full list of dlc content is yet to be made available due to.... obviously Planned Updates throughout the rest of next year maybe the reason, but I just notice how other games' dlc isn't marketed the way nintendo's games are in the eshop. I dunno if this is a problem or not, if i should be worried that I can't save money on dlc by not being required to purchase a season pass to access unwanted dlc instead can just choose what I want. :blink:

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