when i tried to contact them in effor to obtain the AceKard Card FW source tolook at what needed to be patched, this was the Response
Basicly they are waiting IF nintendo updates the 3DS No update no Love for the acekard 2i owners that updated thier DSi
i have recived a Beta patch from Acekard however i have made a promise not to release the gam eHeader/icon they are using or the .nds. it did make AKAIO Glitch out once on Chrono Trigger once. but fine after a power cycle.
they are waiting for a "V4" of the 3DS FW update to see if this exploit's being patched.
They have released thier update for DSi 1.4.4
Thank you very much for all the efforts you did to Acekard.
Well,we have finished the 1.4.4 update patch.To be honest,we just want to wait until Nintendo release a new update for 3DS.
Then potential update for 3DS may block Acekard again if we release the update patch to early,so we've been waiting.
But don't worry.We'll release it quite soon,so please just be patient for several more days.
Basicly they are waiting IF nintendo updates the 3DS No update no Love for the acekard 2i owners that updated thier DSi
i have recived a Beta patch from Acekard however i have made a promise not to release the gam eHeader/icon they are using or the .nds. it did make AKAIO Glitch out once on Chrono Trigger once. but fine after a power cycle.
they are waiting for a "V4" of the 3DS FW update to see if this exploit's being patched.
They have released thier update for DSi 1.4.4