My New 3DS xl has A9LH and Luma3DS (current build straight from Aurora's github.)
Ok, a while ago I tried modding my N3DS' home menu. I installed the modded CIA after customizing it in (forgot the name of the program). I have a 9.2 backup, a 9.2 to 11.0 backup and backups of the current bricked state. I've tried downloading the home menu using 3DSNUS and replacing the files with GodMode9, I've tried playing around with the 11.0 by doing L+R+Up+A and updating it, still doesn't work. In the 11.0 backup, I have none of my personal info and the friends list doesnt work. I've tried screwing around with my bricked backup and dumping all of the personal info i can including moveable.sed and injecting it to the 11.0 backup and it still didn't show my old stuff.