Review cover Cult of the Lamb (Computer)
Official GBAtemp Review

Product Information:

  • Release Date (NA): August 11, 2022
  • Release Date (EU): August 11, 2022
  • Publisher: Devolver Digital
  • Developer: Massive Monster
  • Genres: Rogue-like, strategy, action, adventure
  • Also For: Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S

Game Features:

Single player
Local Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer
Cult of the Lamb from Massive Monster has been making waves since its recent release. Should you join the cult?


A lamb, last of its kind, has been sacrificed on the altar before four heretic prophets to cull the fulfilment of a prophecy and maintain the Old Faith. Unbeknownst to these Bishops of the Old Faith is that the lamb’s sacrifice plays right into The One Waits’ plans. The latter grants the titular lamb life again in exchange of building a loyal following in his name and defeating the Bishops to assert the one true faith. Are you up to the task, lamb?


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Despite being a Rogue-like with management mechanics, a genre where the plot mostly serves a placeholder, Cult of the Lamb’s narrative is original, well presented and developed enough to keep the intrigue going. Don’t expect a heavily-narrative driven title but this title’s story feels fresh with enough details to bring its universe to life. As you crusade across the land of the Old Faith, recruit followers and defeat heretics, you’ll come across some intriguing NPCs that will invite you to visit them in their place of dwelling (which further opens up the overworld map) to take on challenges and mini-games ranging from a game of knucklebones to fishing to fetch quests.

Side quests are also occasionally thrown at you by the followers you recruit in your cult and these are also quite varied. Some might ask you to build specific structures in your cult’s abode, others might request for a specific meal to be prepared, while some might ask you to find a follower lost in the woods. These add a distinct flair to the game’s universe that help bring it to life.


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As for the main quest - besting the Bishops of the Old Faith in this land of false prophets  - you’ll have to clear “dungeons” where each resides. This is where the Rogue-like mechanics kick in. As you enter an area, you’ll get to pick up a randomly generated weapon, each with a set of specific attributes. This will help you progress through the rooms, which are also randomly generated, and take on the waves of the enemies and underlings of the rival cult leaders. 

You’ll have fairly simple controls at your disposal for taking on the enemies. The lamb can attack, dodge and even conjure curses (temporary spell abilities that are limited by a gauge). This mix of offence manoeuvres helps keep the combat fresh as you mash buttons to clear rooms in the fast-paced fashion they unfold. 

Clearing each room will reward you with a chest that can contain items such as coins or even Tarot cards to boost your stats while in the dungeon. Your stats and those of your weapons can also be modified if you encounter certain friendly NPCs within the dungeon. Kudaai the weapons dealer will allow you to swap your weapons while the fortuneteller Clauneck will grant you stats boost based on the Tarot cards you pick.


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While each dungeon progresses in a similar fashion, they are each different in the setting, the enemy type as well as in difficulty level. They get progressively more challenging as you encounter new foes with new attack types/patterns. Each dungeon concludes with a mini-boss fight and they need to be cleared four times to unlock the main boss fight against a prophet of the Old Faith.

A single dungeon run is fairly fast, ranging anywhere between 5-10 minutes (or slightly more). I found this fast-paced, bite-sized approach to be a very welcome design choice as it makes the game more approachable and even addictive at times. It also helps you pace your non-Crusade duties for the maintenance of your cult.


Indeed, Cult of the Lamb is equal parts Rogue-like dungeon-clearing and equal parts cult management simulator. In between dungeon runs, you’ll need to monitor the hunger of your Cult and prepare enough meals for your followers; clean their poop which you can use as fertilisers for your crop; reap your harvest that will in turn help you prepare meals to sate the hunger of your cult.

On top of that, you’ll need to build new structures to house your followers; task them to collect resources or perform worship; indoctrinate new recruits from your crusades and re-educate (or imprison) dissenters. And don’t forget to perform Sermons to maintain the good faith of your followers and boost your stats. 

Through such management mechanics, Cult of the Lamb’s cultists inspirations are baked into the gameplay. While it can feel overwhelming at first, these cult leader tasks are eased upon you and make the management side quite fun and interesting. This is supplemented by the adorable, cartoon-like graphics and catchy tunes.


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If you've reached up to this point in this review, thank you and congrats for making it this far! My take might read like Cult of the Lamb is a well-rounded indie darling and it would be, had it not been for the multiple bugs that I encountered during my playthrough. Despite getting into this game well after launch, bugs seem to persist that can even hinder progress. For instance, right at the beginning, after getting sacrificed, the game was stuck during the segment with The One Waits. This persisted even after reboots and I had to start fresh from a new save file.

In another case, I couldn’t find the NPC to recruit and in yet another case, I couldn’t proceed with the indoctrination of a follower. Bugs persisted well after the starting segment as in the boss fight against the second Bishop, I could not attack but could still move and dodge. I initially thought the inability to attack was due to a spell from the boss but figured out this wasn’t the case. 

While I managed to resolve most of the bugs by one or more restarts, their occurrence has been testing and felt surprising in a post-launch state as I haven’t seen many reviews pointing out such technical issues. 

That said, if you can look past the bugs, you’ll find a (mostly) enjoyable experience and unique take on the Rogue-like genre in Cult of the Lamb.

Cult of the Lamb | Launch Trailer


What We Liked ...
  • Cultist inspiration baked into gameplay
  • Fun bite-sized, fast-paced dungeon runs
  • Adorable graphics and catchy tunes
What We Didn't Like ...
  • Persisting bugs post-launch
  • Management aspect can feel overwhelming
Cult of the Lamb offers an engrossing mix of Rogue-like mechanics and cult management simulator with its bite-sized loops.
Cult of the Lamb’s presentation is definitely adorable and eye-candy material but the technical issues can’t be overlooked.
Lasting Appeal
While the cute aesthetics, catchy tunes and gameplay can feel addictive, the persisting post-launch bugs are testing.
out of 10


Beyond the persisting post-launch bugs, Cult of the Lamb delivers an original indie title that masterfully blends Rogue-like mechanics and cult management in addictive bouts.
Hopefully more issues are fixed soon, especially on Switch, lag and visual bugs everywhere. I like the game, but a lot of the lag ruins it for me.
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The game itself is very good but if you play on switch there are many graphic bugs and lags. On pc there are also sometimes game freezes but besides that it's definitely a recommendation.
Definitely a fun game but on Switch like the others are saying, it’s a bit buggy. Once you start getting a lot of followers, it gets pretty laggy when you try and do anything on screen like harvest or build. I’ve had some weird boss bugs where the boss disappears and turns into an icon of some sorts. Overall I’m enjoying the game though!
I would enjoy the game if both of my two farms would get attended instead of workers just switching places, sigh. And yes, they actually did attend both farms at one point but randomly decided not to anymore, regardless of me forcing them to or boosting their morale with the speakers, so yeah stopped playing halfway through.
I agree with the VERY overwhelming managment at first. On day 20 I've only beaten the first boss because followers require my care 24/7. Figured that I can just give priority to the cult and milk as much "experience" as I can before doing the rest. Which is weird, when you think about it: there are no penalties in waiting. Hell, it's even better because you get to do the dungeons with the best weapons and curses you can find, if you do. I think an easy fix to this would be to make the bosses stronger as time goes by.

As for the glitches, I get that they can be annoying, but I'm unsure whether it's fair to let them weight down a review this much, considering how the devs have said that they will fix them. Not saying that we shouldn't give them a free pass, but we shouldn't crucify (heh) them for those either.
There, three furry posts in a row. Good job. ;)

On topic, here's what I told a friend about it:

I found the game fun but in need of work. I was always feeling rushed by the clock, feeling like I was forced to spend way too much time with the survival / sims aspects and not enough with the dungeon aspects. If time moved slower, I would have not grinded as much (I was fully kitted out before being even halfway done with the dungeon stuff) and the game may have felt challenging.

Also, the lack of post-game was a bit of a disappointment for me. I unlocked all the possible cultist types, finished all the side quests, etc (bye bye fox/rat/thing, be sacced to that mystery wolf!) but I didn't end up with any reason to delve. Not to mention that delving is limited to three cycles.

Again, I still enjoyed it. I think there's ways to approach it, with less min-maxing and more YOLO'ing strats, that would increase enjoyment and diversity. "You must adventure after only a day's rest" for example.

I am reminded some of Inscryption. That one was also a roguelike, and had a similar flow. This isn't intentional, as there's some core differences between the two games, but I would definitely consider recommending Inscryption to much of the audience that Cult of the Lamb has.

(Added later) With a slower passage of time, the over-grind wouldn't have been so encouraged, and there would have been a better balance between dungeon and town. That's the core of my point. I had everything maxed after around 7 or 8 trips into the dungeon out of the necessary 16.
There, three furry posts in a row. Good job. ;)

On topic, here's what I told a friend about it:

I found the game fun but in need of work. I was always feeling rushed by the clock, feeling like I was forced to spend way too much time with the survival / sims aspects and not enough with the dungeon aspects. If time moved slower, I would have not grinded as much (I was fully kitted out before being even halfway done with the dungeon stuff) and the game may have felt challenging.

Also, the lack of post-game was a bit of a disappointment for me. I unlocked all the possible cultist types, finished all the side quests, etc (bye bye fox/rat/thing, be sacced to that mystery wolf!) but I didn't end up with any reason to delve. Not to mention that delving is limited to three cycles.

Again, I still enjoyed it. I think there's ways to approach it, with less min-maxing and more YOLO'ing strats, that would increase enjoyment and diversity. "You must adventure after only a day's rest" for example.

I am reminded some of Inscryption. That one was also a roguelike, and had a similar flow. This isn't intentional, as there's some core differences between the two games, but I would definitely consider recommending Inscryption to much of the audience that Cult of the Lamb has.

(Added later) With a slower passage of time, the over-grind wouldn't have been so encouraged, and there would have been a better balance between dungeon and town. That's the core of my point. I had everything maxed after around 7 or 8 trips into the dungeon out of the necessary 16.
Fascinating that this basically reflects my own experience almost perfectly.
Nevertheless I've played 25h in the first 12 days after launch, collected everything and haven't really touched it since.
I hope they add on to the experience or build upon the general idea/concept in a future game :yay:
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Haven't found many issues besides very poor IA in terms of cultists making their job right with the farm. The problem is the lack of automatization for the sim part, it makes it so the more cultists you have, the more time you have to waste attending to them, which is kinda annoying.
Haven't found many issues besides very poor IA in terms of cultists making their job right with the farm. The problem is the lack of automatization for the sim part, it makes it so the more cultists you have, the more time you have to waste attending to them, which is kinda annoying.
No spoilers, but I found that you get more things that let you do that as you level up.
No spoilers, but I found that you get more things that let you do that as you level up.
May be, but I'm pretty advanced (almost finished in terms of the town) and still nothing about that besides the cleaning and bathroom thing.
This game seems blasphemous in nature to the Christian faith. There are several parallels to Christ's own death, and since this is described as a cult, with dark imagery and even pentagrams, my own personal reading - and maybe others will see this too - is that this is Satan using worldly developers to mock the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

While I have defended other franchises from being "demonic" due to vague references that are hardly there (including Pokemon), this is different from those other games as it takes an ultimately dark religious tone. I can not recommend this game to friends.
This game seems blasphemous in nature to the Christian faith. There are several parallels to Christ's own death, and since this is described as a cult, with dark imagery and even pentagrams, my own personal reading - and maybe others will see this too - is that this is Satan using worldly developers to mock the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

While I have defended other franchises from being "demonic" due to vague references that are hardly there (including Pokemon), this is different from those other games as it takes an ultimately dark religious tone. I can not recommend this game to friends.
I bet you also condemned Doom, eh?
Feel like this game needs a sequel. Felt like it ended abruptly and there's a ton of fleshing out they could do with another game. Pretty fun flavor of the month game though.
This game seems blasphemous in nature to the Christian faith. There are several parallels to Christ's own death, and since this is described as a cult, with dark imagery and even pentagrams, my own personal reading - and maybe others will see this too - is that this is Satan using worldly developers to mock the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

While I have defended other franchises from being "demonic" due to vague references that are hardly there (including Pokemon), this is different from those other games as it takes an ultimately dark religious tone. I can not recommend this game to friends.
Bait? You realize this game is really satirical. Don't know why youre taking it so seriously. For gods sake, it's a devolver digital game lmao
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Reactions: Cris1997XX
I bet you also condemned Doom, eh?
Not really a big fan of Doom either, but to me, Doom is just stupid. Does anyone know if a demon can bleed? I've never been into blood and gore games, so... yeah, no Doom for me.
Bait? You realize this game is really satirical. Don't know why youre taking it so seriously. For gods sake, it's a devolver digital game lmao
Is it satirical, or is it mockery? Does the developer really say that it is satire and not mean much by it, or do they confess that they believe religions, especially Christians, are stupid? This needs a deeper examination.
Not really a big fan of Doom either, but to me, Doom is just stupid. Does anyone know if a demon can bleed? I've never been into blood and gore games, so... yeah, no Doom for me.

Is it satirical, or is it mockery? Does the developer really say that it is satire and not mean much by it, or do they confess that they believe religions, especially Christians, are stupid? This needs a deeper examination.
The developer is apparently also trans and into stuff like scat, so I would take their words with a really small grain of salt...
This game seems blasphemous in nature to the Christian faith. There are several parallels to Christ's own death, and since this is described as a cult, with dark imagery and even pentagrams, my own personal reading - and maybe others will see this too - is that this is Satan using worldly developers to mock the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

While I have defended other franchises from being "demonic" due to vague references that are hardly there (including Pokemon), this is different from those other games as it takes an ultimately dark religious tone. I can not recommend this game to friends.
Pure american puritan. Salty tears of people like you should be sold as spice.
  • Haha
Reactions: Cris1997XX
Review cover
Product Information:
  • Release Date (NA): August 11, 2022
  • Release Date (EU): August 11, 2022
  • Publisher: Devolver Digital
  • Developer: Massive Monster
  • Genres: Rogue-like, strategy, action, adventure
  • Also For: Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S
Game Features:
Single player
Local Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer


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