Review cover AYANEO NEXT Advance (Hardware)
Official GBAtemp Review

Product Information:

After selling out its NEXT Advance models, handheld gaming PC manufacturer AYANEO is launching a crowdfunding campaign for even more powerful devices in its NEXT lineup. To have a glimpse of what these will deliver, we will look at the AYANEO NEXT Advance in this review.


They are either on a roll or under pressure… or both. With the Steam Deck’s imminent release, handheld gaming PC manufacturers need to grapple with a strong competitor and are releasing new models of their own to expand their user base; and one company in particular, AYANEO, has been churning out models after models recently. Their latest being the AYANEO NEXT line of devices.

While the Steam Deck represents Valve’s first foray into this niche market, it offers a powerful device at a competitive price (starting at $400). With its perpetual Steam revenue, Valve can afford disrupting the market in such a way that others like GPD, One-Netbook and AYANEO, with significantly fewer resources than Valve, cannot. Their products have traditionally been priced around $800-$1200; and it doesn’t seem like their prices will compete with the Steam Deck’s soon. The new ONEXPLAYER mini from One-Netbook retails for $1,259 and the newly announced AYANEO NEXT Advance costs $1,345

The latter is what we will look at today and is part of the NEXT models of handheld gaming PCs. AYANEO will launch a crowdfunding campaign this week for its AMD Ryzen 7 5825U-based NEXT models, and backer units might differ from this model under review. That said, these models will likely bear many similarities to what has been tested here as they are part of the same lineup. Shortly after being announced, the NEXT Advance was sold out given that it was ready to be shipped.

Make no mistake, at $1,345, this is not a cheap device and AYANEO does not ignore this fact. Rather, the company seems to be taking a new spin on its products to deliver an all-round premium experience reflective of the asking price. I mean, even the unboxing is an experience in itself. Once taken out of the package, I was surprised to be greeted by a small box that requested that I wore the included gloves to take out the console. Intrigued, I decided to heed to the advice, slid on the gloves and proceeded with taking the main content out. I was caught off guard by what I came across next.

I was staring at a transparent, tinted plastic box with the words ‘AYANEO NEXT’ etched at the lower left corner, accurately superimposed on the same words on the carton sleeve underneath to give a stereoscopic effect. Very fancy, I thought. The RelaxingEnd-esque gloves requirement is likely to prevent the casing from being smudged all over with your fingerprint but you can very well manipulate it without the gloves; but I’ll admit that the gloved experience is pretty singular.


However, this was only the beginning of the unboxing experience as more was yet to come from the space-themed carton box. In it, the first thing to greet the owner is a commemorative nameplate chip etched with the buyer’s (selected) name. The NEXT Advance also comes with a stand for the chip and I must say that it looks pretty sleek. More personalisation comes on the NEXT Advance console itself with the buyer’s name at the back of the left handle. My model doesn’t bear any such etching, neither on the console nor on the commemorative chip, but it should not be the case for other buyers. The overall presentation of the packaging feels very premium, including how the accessories and manuals are stored and delivered within the box. It even comes with an AYANEO-branded microfiber cloth!

It’s by far the most fancy, personalised and premium feeling I experienced with a handheld’s presentation and unboxing (or electronics in the recent past for that matter) and it shows that much thought was given to deliver on this. It reflects on the cost of the device and this cannot be said of other handhelds on the market. That said, I kept wondering if AYANEO could have brought the cost down with less fancy packaging… Moreover, a screen protector at the very least could have been included in the mix.


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However, the cost is not only reflective on the packaging and presentation but on the actual hardware itself. Holding the AYANEO NEXT Advance in the hands is a joy. While it packs the premium appeal, it still looks game-y with the new integrated hand grips. But this inclusion and that of rounded edges greatly help make the device comfortable and ergonomic to hold, better than the original AYA NEO. But it’s not just the grips that make holding the device a joy but also the matte finish of the device’s back; while the metallic texture on the front casing adds to the overall classy look. 

Moreover, the face buttons and triggers are very pleasant to use. The RB/LB buttons are larger and so are the analogue triggers which are also wider and this really helps in making a more ergonomic experience with easy-to-reach keys. The face buttons are easily within reach as well and offer nice feedback when pressed. The most striking feature is the adoption of GuliKit’s joysticks, which are essentially as GuliKit’s own KingKong 2 Pro controller packs. These use a magnetic system that leverages the Hall effect to bypass the wear and tear that leads to the notorious stick drift. They are also pretty neat to use, being swift, responsive and accurate. The sticks are also modular, allowing the user to change to other modules based on their preference (not available at the time of writing, but likely to allow swapping between different the thumbstick shape and joystick shaft’s dimensions).


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A new addition to the AYANEO device is the fingerprint sensor at the top left side, next to the volume controls. It also doubles as a power button and having a fingerprint sensor really makes unlocking your device quicker, rather than having to type your password every single time. I use my left index finger for that but it might be more ergonomic if the sensor was featured on the front-facing side of the device, maybe on the large AYA key which is easily reachable with the right thumb. Nevertheless, the sensor is a welcome addition, even if its placement could have been optimised.

Of note, the NEXT bears only two USB-C ports - one at the top of the device and the other at the bottom - whereas the previous AYANEO models featured three ports. That said, both ports are full-featured Type-C ports and a dedicated dock (planned for a later release) will provide more ports.

To sum up on the hardware, it is definitely noticeable that the overall quality of the new AYANEO feels more refined, top-notch even, and shows how far the company has come in terms of build quality. It’s really built with comfort, ergonomics and quality in mind and the AYANEO NEXT Advance delivers on that. But how about on the performance side of things?


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With the NEXT series, AYANEO stuck to the AMD APU trend that it pioneered in the handheld gaming PC market. The NEXT Advance packs the AMD Ryzen 7 5800U processor (while the other NEXT models, NEXT and NEXT Pro will come with the 5825U chip). It is the first gaming handheld to do so, making it among the most powerful for the time being. More spec details of the NEXT Advance model can be found below:


With such specs, the AYANEO NEXT Advance is expected to perform better than its predecessors; and it surely does. I found that setting the system at 15W TDP to be a sweet spot for decent performance and battery life, where I could play for bouts of around 1.5-2 hours from a single charge. Of course, this will vary depending on individual use and game settings. 

As seen in the videos below, the console handles the latest AAA PC games pretty well when these are thrown at it. Again, this is a niche device and “pretty well” will be relative here as it won’t achieve visuals and performance close to a current-gen beefy PC tower. Don’t expect constant 4K60fps as the device’s screen bears a resolution of 1280x800. That said, the 7” display, like the previous AYANEO models, delivers crisp and gorgeous visuals, even if graphical settings are toned down in newer games. 

Dying Light 2 Stay Human at low graphic settings plays steadily around 43 fps in open sections and 60fps in closed areas. Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade, also at low settings, plays at around 43 fps. Monster Hunter Rise at high settings runs at a smooth 60fps and looks good; as it should considering it is a Switch port.

The speakers also add to the handheld gaming experience as they deliver clear audio but you can always plug in your favourite headset should you wish to. Also adding to the handheld experience is the heat dissipation mechanism which is pretty efficient. I haven’t felt the device to heat up to be unbearably or even very noticeably hot and the fan is relatively quiet too.

Below is a video of the PC gaming performance which should give you an idea about how the device fares with the aforementioned games:

Of course, a lot of us will turn to emulation and the NEXT Advance delivers on that front as well. With YUZU, Super Mario Odyssey had severe stutters in cutscenes when I tested it on the AYA NEO and AYA NEO 2021 Pro; and they do stutter on the NEXT but it’s much more bearable on this system. The game also plays more stably at around 40-50 fps , with some occasional dips to 35, in the open sections using Vulkan API. In closed areas it would play smoother and I’d say that it’s playable overall. Metroid Dread on YUZU fared better, hitting a steady 60fps throughout.

Next, I tried PS3 emulation via RPCS3. It is usually a hit-or-miss affair based on the title but I could get God of War Collection to play flawlessly at 60fps. Tekken 6 also performed as well.

Emulating PS2 with PCSX2 also delivered good results. Ratchet & Clank plays at a smooth 60fps as does Zone of the Enders

You can see the emulation performance of these games in the video below:

I was quite impressed by the emulation performance of the 5800U processor. Normally, I wouldn’t recommend getting such a console for emulation but given what I’ve experienced with the NEXT Advance, you might very well consider it as an (almost) all-in-one device. Since it is designed for comfortable, on-the-go gaming, the emulation performance makes the device even more attractive. Moreover, this bodes well for the future of such handhelds which will be able to perform even better when it comes to emulation or PC gaming in general.


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Still on the software side of things, the NEXT Advance also brings back the dedicated AYA Space app. This was recently launched for the older AYANEO models as well and works as a games launcher that also lets you customise settings such as screen resolution and TDP. The software brings more features on the NEXT such as the ability to customise what tapping and long pressing the custom key (the smaller one on the right) does. The app can run in the background as well and can be called up in a floating window by pressing the rounded AYA key to provide handy shortcuts such as the virtual keyboard, volume and brightness adjustments, taking screenshots and more. It’s rather user-friendly and quite handy, and it’s encouraging to see that AYANEO is supporting its devices and user base beyond the hardware. Given that it is still in beta mode, I look forward to what new additions the team brings to the app in the future.


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In fact, such support has been a highlight since the new management took over and they seem keen on delivering a quality user experience and customer support. This might be the edge that they offer in comparison to other handheld PC manufacturers; in addition to the premium presentation and hardware. They are also churning out not only powerful devices but improving on the hardware and design aspect. With beefier specs, an improved design and premium presentation, the NEXT models are more than an incremental upgrade to the original AYANEO, even if they do bear some similar features (screen and I/O locations).

Of course, the cost will be prohibitive to a lot of people and you’ll also need to keep your expectations in check with such a device. You could find or build a PC that’s cheaper and deliver better performance. In fact, the NEXT Advance won’t play every game at ultra settings at a buttery smooth 60 fps+. But given that it is a handheld, I would say that the on-the-go performance it delivers is pretty impressive and delivers the best I’ve had on a handheld gaming PC. It’s a niche market and those who can afford and adopt the device will find a lot to like about it. And demand seems to perpetuate for such devices, as exemplified by the fact that the NEXT Advance model was sold out shortly after being announced.


It’s commendable to see smaller companies like AYANEO still venturing into this market given the heavyweights like Valve that are also making their own moves. The gap that they can fill could be when the Steam Deck isn’t available in some markets or is out of stock since devices like the NEXT Advance ship worldwide. Another edge with the device is the overall experience that it delivers, as it is decidedly more singular and personalised; albeit not very budget-friendly. But it seems like AYANEO won’t back down so easily even when facing strong competition, and it will be interesting to see how the company will innovate with its upcoming products to compel users to join its community.

The AYANEO NEXT Advance itself does offer a compelling experience and you will find much to like about it if you can afford it. But as the other NEXT models are crowdfunded products (and a pricey one at that), caution is advised; but the company seems to have shipped its backer units of its previous campaigns so far. Hopefully the new models ship soon, as with the specs that they pack, although powerful and do deliver very decent performance, face serious competition that threaten to make them obsolete.


AYANEO NEXT Indiegogo Campaign

AYANEO will be launching a crowdfunding campaign for its new handheld gaming PC models, the AYANEO NEXT and AYANEO NEXT Pro. The specs details of the NEXT models can be seen below:



More details can be found on the official AYANEO NEXT Indiegogo campaign and the official AYANEO NEXT webpage.


What We Liked ...
  • Unboxing is an experience in itself
  • Powerful handheld gaming system
  • Great gaming and emulation performance on-the-go
  • Ergonomic, comfortable design
  • Premium build and presentation
  • Handy dedicated AYA Space app
What We Didn't Like ...
  • Costly device
  • No screen protector included in package
out of 10


With quality gaming on-the-go whether it’s for AAA PC games or emulators, the AYANEO NEXT Advance delivers a compelling experience in a premium product with a particularly singular unboxing experience; but it all comes at a cost. But if you can afford it, you’ll find much to like about the device.
Why should i buy something for almost 1000 money more, if i could get the steamdeck?

What makes that ayaNeo so much better?
If you could get Steam Deck, you wouldn't write this comment.

Ironically, the higher price tag for Aya means higher chances of it being in stock.

Yeah, I had to cancel mine because I'm expecting a child. my reservation was very, very early.. who knows, maybe i could have bought one at the end of february
Why should i buy something for almost 1000 money more, if i could get the steamdeck?

What makes that ayaNeo so much better?
the main draw for the expensive counterparts is that they typically have a better CPU.

The steam deck uses Zen 2 cores (roughly equivalent to a Ryzen 3300x with different clocks)

aya's devices are 6c or 8x/16t Zen 3 cores (downclocked version of Ryzen 5000 CPUS), so CPU wise, they are faster than the steam deck (better for emulation) however, the Steam Deck has 8 CU RDNA2 for an igpu (roughly equivalent to GTX 1050 mobile graphics) while all other competitors using Ryzen are stuck with 8 CU Vega Cores, which is slightly slower, but comparable to a GT 1030.

In emulation, the Ayaneo will roll the Steam deck, however in traditional native titles, the faster gpu on the Steam deck would give it a significant lead.

other than that, most of the things the AYA provides are more QOL stuff (e.g running windows natively, so no hacky methods to get games running, support for 2280 m.2 ssd instead of 2230 m.2) Whether that is worth 2-3x as much to you as a user is on each individual.
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Why should i buy something for almost 1000 money more, if i could get the steamdeck?

What makes that ayaNeo so much better?
Steam deck will only have a 4 core apu, aya neo comes with 6 core and 8 core models. Ayaneo will be using the Ryzen 5000 series Apus while valve uses older ryzen 2 apus. The neo next and next pro models come with 16GB ram all the way up to 32GB of ram and a 2TB nvme ssd. Steam deck caps out at 512GB drive which is pathetic if they’re going to charge over $600 for that model. The one thing the deck does better is price and Rdna 2 gpu. That’s it’s.
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Considering the amount of releases the Aya has, it's probably successful.
Each iteration drives the price further up, instead of them releasing the same model, optimized and cheaper.

Weird way to sell a product. I was hoping they had a flagship device and stood by it longer that a few months.
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the main draw for the expensive counterparts is that they typically have a better CPU.
The steam deck uses Zen 2 cores (roughly equivalent to a Ryzen 3300x with different clocks)

aya's devices are 6c or 8x/16t Zen 3 cores (downclocked version of Ryzen 5000 CPUS), so CPU wise, they are faster than the steam deck (better for emulation) however, the Steam Deck has 8 CU RDNA2 for an igpu (roughly equivalent to GTX 1050 mobile graphics) while all other competitors using Ryzen are stuck with 8 CU Vega Cores, which is slightly slower, but comparable to a GT 1030.

In emulation, the Ayaneo will roll the Steam deck, however in traditional native titles, the faster gpu on the Steam deck would give it a significant lead.

other than that, most of the things the AYA provides are more QOL stuff (e.g running windows natively, so no hacky methods to get games running, support for 2280 m.2 ssd instead of 2230 m.2) Whether that is worth 2-3x as much to you as a user is on each individual.
So the faster GPU should lead to substantially better frame rates for ps2, ps3 and dolphin emulation? That’s the main reason I’m interested in one of these handhelds.
Just like all others it's a expensive NICHE handheld PC for just a few ppl who can burn so much money for such poor performance.

Also though I don't like Steam Deck design, this AyaNeo-Next is even worse, they try to make it premium however it looks like some kind of cheap android Made in China gaming console.

I totally prefer a lot the older AyaNeo design big time but SteamDeck is the first ever to bring Handheld PC out of the niche area and 4 everyone finally...
Handheld PC market will become so huge this year. The perpetual rinsing of old ass Android chipsets is almost over and the next gen stuff that is coming using Linux looks very impressive as you can get upto GC/PS2 perfectly on the go for around 300 bucks.

Sure beats modding another handheld when its all native and as purposed.
the main draw for the expensive counterparts is that they typically have a better CPU.

So the faster GPU should lead to substantially better frame rates for ps2, ps3 and dolphin emulation? That’s the main reason I’m interested in one of these handhelds.
most emulators are CPU bound. the only emulator thats heavily GPU bound is Xenia(360 emulator)
Why would the NEXT Advance have a slightly lower clock speed than the regular NEXT?
And what is the difference between the three models?
They are too outside of real price range as they should be ...

Before Steam (and God bless this team), this from factor device as AyaNeo (and as the rest of the brands) they raise up the prices because these companies saw that are not so many companies in this market, and they play with it. We don't need to forget that they are simple notebook/netbook, with portable game joystick (and not even keyboard). So, for such specs , the range of the price should be as Steam made it, and Steam totally make correct work here as them price it's similar if you are going to take a notebook with bigger screen in higher resolution, keyboard and same specs. I can understand for a small company, to absorb the costing of all the new molding around and what so ever , but cannot costs the product more than double of what should it cost. They try to change the CPU to Justify the more double cost of the product. But unfortunately, for all of brands (except Steam) that are working with this shape console/notebook/netbook PC, it's difficult to believe on such production expenses to justify or push me to buy it, and talk a person here that love this product.
They are too outside of real price range as they should be ...

Before Steam (and God bless this team), this from factor device as AyaNeo (and as the rest of the brands) they raise up the prices because these companies saw that are not so many companies in this market, and they play with it. We don't need to forget that they are simple notebook/netbook, with portable game joystick (and not even keyboard).

one of the competitors, GPDWin comes with a keyboard. so I wouldn't blanket statement saying that the rest of the brands do, as one of the oldest ones is not part of that list.
one of the competitors, GPDWin comes with a keyboard. so I wouldn't blanket statement saying that the rest of the brands do, as one of the oldest ones is not part of that list.
My comment wasn't focused on the keyboard, the keyboard was just complementary of the topic.

The main point it's that doesn't matter GPDWin (that for my personal opinion, they are the worst in this marketing price choice) come with the mini keyboard, but the general hardware doesn't justify the price!
aya copin rn
ok but in all seriousness, i'm glad the steam deck is finally bringing a lot of attention to the portable PC market and is causing a lot of competitors to release a bunch of cool stuff, even if most of it is like nearly impossible to afford lolll
I'm conflicted. This product looks leeeeagues better than the Steam Deck... but that price point.... I get that Steam has the ability to price their hardware so low, but this isn't as appealing.. Even with the option of a 2TB NVME.
aya copin rn
ok but in all seriousness, i'm glad the steam deck is finally bringing a lot of attention to the portable PC market and is causing a lot of competitors to release a bunch of cool stuff, even if most of it is like nearly impossible to afford lolll
it's a higher price since aya is a young company and can't get the economy of scale that steam can. but it does run full windows and is available almost anywhere in the world.
I'm conflicted. This product looks leeeeagues better than the Steam Deck... but that price point.... I get that Steam has the ability to price their hardware so low, but this isn't as appealing.. Even with the option of a 2TB NVME.
I actually don't like both external designs but I don't think this Aya looks better, it looks like a cheap random made in china console.

Aya has much better older console designs and there are others which actually look nice.

The older Aya Neo clear design looked awesome and the Onex design black and orange also looks nice.
ONEXPLAYER and Aya Neo are decent handhelds, and the price is actually not unreasonable, though it might be a bit high to justify the purchase for most.
Valve is pushing the price down so much though, that once they're in stock available for purchase, there is no way anybody else is going to be able to compete.
Valve has the advantage of being able to recoup losses through Steam, and no other company on PC currently has that. Epic Games could, if their storefront wasn't a joke.
So there's no doubt that these companies are feeling pressured to release their latest handhelds sooner rather than later. As this is most likely their final chance to generate significant sales.
ONEXPLAYER and Aya Neo are decent handhelds, and the price is actually not unreasonable, though it might be a bit high to justify the purchase for most.
Valve is pushing the price down so much though, that once they're in stock available for purchase, there is no way anybody else is going to be able to compete.
Valve has the advantage of being able to recoup losses through Steam, and no other company on PC currently has that. Epic Games could, if their storefront wasn't a joke.
So there's no doubt that these companies are feeling pressured to release their latest handhelds sooner rather than later. As this is most likely their final chance to generate significant sales.
Please, there is someone really that thinking this company Steam sell them products in please, I cannot even read this. Did you try to list out the components, and as normal user modder try to make by your self such handled console?

You, as final user will pay the price less than Steam...Steam, for you, has the same access price as your in the Market or as industrial (more cheaper)?
Steam it's not Samaritans Company, Steam, decided to sell the console in normal price market/earnings, because they have the factor of Steam "Store" that combined with as much as Steam Deck they keep earning anyway with this kind of system ( but it's just a plus)....

Here, are others Company that are fullish/ gone mad, and wants to earn a lot because thinking that they can do, why not (but I add, they can, in certain of limits range).
Aya Neo, at beginning, they were in more normal price range around 8xx USD (still a bit higher price for the hardware, but was justified for the new company and product).
Now, AyaNeo except to lose the esclusive Design product as the beginning that were more beautiful the console (than now that really seems more cheaper copy Chinese low level console) and lose more in beauty because now they want earn some "comfort" handle Design and in the end destroy the original Design. To me, AyaNeo (and I love this company of what they did before) seems that they want to follow GPD Company, as they noticed this product with higher price can still sell from others, and them (AyaNeo) results it's really questionable.... Especially as the progress of this company that I saw from years. So for lucky, to whom like those products, comes out Steam in right time...
most emulators are CPU bound. the only emulator thats heavily GPU bound is Xenia(360 emulator)

So since my main reason for purchasing
either a Steam Deck or ayaneo is
emulation capabilities do you think the
most cpu upgrade is significant enough to warrant spending several hundred dollars more for the aya?
I don't think any of those handhelds ever had any reasonable price, that's complete BS...

GPD 4 example started with hardware that would only go to cheap notebooks and nobody would even want a laptop with such crappy hardware.

My last laptop was around 800eur and is a 11.6 laptop with I7 high power and a Nvidia GPU long time ago.

Those consoles don't have any kind of hardware near 1000eur, and compared to a laptop they should even cost much less by the fact that they have much less plastic much smaller screen, not many I\O and most no keyboard, less copper...

They were always a niche for a few ppl only exactly because of their very Poor Performance-Per-Price, if they were ever sold at a reasonable price so many more people would have been interested in buying them and much more companies would have jumped the race.

After Steam Deck starts shipping tons of them I'm thinking more companies will eventually jump to the race at least when the market improves.

Ps: in my opinion I think there was actually big demand for such device as long as they have done it like valve with decent hardware and actually affordable price that most people can buy and valve definitely ended up this whole NICHE market to a real product for the masses, definitely it will no longer be a niche having a handheld PC.
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Just one reason
AyaNeo < Steam Deck
Over 1000<399
More than one reason actually: while the AYANEO NEXT Advance has a more powerful CPU than Steam Deck, the Deck has the better GPU, 40-50% better in fact. You could say the Deck has a better balance between the CPU's power and GPU's power, where this device's CPU is most likely being bottlenecked by its GPU in some applications.

This review just makes me even more hyped for Steam Deck.
Please, there is someone really that thinking this company Steam sell them products in please, I cannot even read this. Did you try to list out the components, and as normal user modder try to make by your self such handled console?

You, as final user will pay the price less than Steam...Steam, for you, as the same access price as your in the Market or as industrial (more cheaper)?
Steam it's not Samaritans Company, Steam, decided to sell the console in normal price market/earnings, because they have the factor of Steam "Store" that combined with as much as Steam Deck they keep earning anyway with this kind of system ( but it's just a plus)....

Here, are others Company that are fullish/ gone mad, and wants to earn a lot because thinking that they can do, why not (but I add, they can, in certain of limits range).
Aya Neo, at beginning, they were in more normal price range around 8xx USD (still a bit higher price for the hardware, but was justified for the new company and product).
Now, AyaNeo except to lose the esclusive Design product as the beginning that were more beautiful the console (than now that really seems more cheaper copy Chinese low level console) and lose more in beauty because now they want earn some "comfort" handle Design and in the end destroy the original Design. To me, AyaNeo (and I love this company of what they did before) seems that they want to follow GPD Company, as they noticed this product with higher price can still sell from others, and them (AyaNeo) results it's really questionable.... Especially as the progress of this company that I saw from years. So for lucky, to whom like those products, comes out Steam in right time...
Most console manufacturers sell at a loss. Nintendo have traditionally been the only ones that don't.
This is far from a new thing, and it's far from unexpected at this point. It's rather become the norm.
It's not just about the parts cost either. R&D is expensive.
Most console manufacturers sell at a loss. Nintendo have traditionally been the only ones that don't.
This is far from a new thing, and it's far from unexpected at this point. It's rather become the norm.
It's not just about the parts cost either. R&D is expensive.
They always say that every time but I don't bite it, they make so many millions of consoles that the hardware gets so much cheaper.

I'd believe selling at kinda even price or a very small profit and then they sure make all the money they want trough selling games, movies, music, subscription...

Then our wallets keep going down while those companies buy stuff like M$ entertainment department throws 68 billions on Activision.
More than one reason actually: while the AYANEO NEXT Advance has a more powerful CPU than Steam Deck, the Deck has the better GPU, 40-50% better in fact. You could say the Deck has a better balance between the CPU's power and GPU's power, where this device's CPU is most likely being bottlenecked by its GPU in some applications.

This review just makes me even more hyped for Steam Deck.
And the DDR5 Vs DDR4 on the other expensive handhelds also help Steam Deck.

In terms of GPU however I don't know exactly how much better Steam Deck is because in raw theoretical performance the Intel IGPU is also around 1.6Tflops but off course AMD has much more GPU knowledge and better drivers for sure.

All we know for sure overall steam deck is much better but sure it sadly lacks a bit of CPU.

I wouldn't actually mind paying 450eur for it with more memory bandwidth and 8 core CPU, it would be so much better.
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So since my main reason for purchasing
either a Steam Deck or ayaneo is
emulation capabilities do you think the
most cpu upgrade is significant enough to warrant spending several hundred dollars more for the aya?
If you want something in a similarlish ballpark strictly for emulation (not normal games) look at people using the Ryzen 3 5300U laptops. It's probably the closest you'd get to the steam deck cpu performance wise. If that's enough for you, then the steam deck (might) be enough for your use case. Else you'd want the faster cpu. Off the top of my head, it would play most wiiu/ps3 games fine, but edge cases won't run at full speed (e.g Skate 3 on PS3).

If you are going as far as switch emulation, the development is still to early to say how it'll fare in the future, but it definately currently isn't at the point where it can brute force everything yet.
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If you want something in a similarlish ballpark strictly for emulation (not normal games) look at people using the Ryzen 3 5300U laptops. It's probably the closest you'd get to the steam deck cpu performance wise. If that's enough for you, then the steam deck (might) be enough for your use case. Else you'd want the faster cpu. Off the top of my head, it would play most wiiu/ps3 games fine, but edge cases won't run at full speed (e.g Skate 3 on PS3).

If you are going as far as switch emulation, the development is still to early to say how it'll fare in the future, but it definately currently isn't at the point where it can brute force everything yet.

I’m mainly interested in ps2, wii, GameCube and psp for emulation. With potentially a bit of original Xbox mixed in. Would the ayaneo be capable of running all those emulators at say 2x or 3x graphics with strong frame rates for all games?
All we know for sure overall steam deck is much better but sure it sadly lacks a bit of CPU.

I wouldn't actually mind paying 450eur for it with more memory bandwidth and 8 core CPU, it would be so much better.
You should watch some of The Phawx's videos on Steam Deck and other portable PCs. The long and short of it is: since we're operating on limited power, parking (temporarily disabling) CPU cores on these devices very often will actually improve performance in a number of games/scenarios. It allows more power to be dedicated to the GPU portion of the system, and so long as the remaining cores aren't hitting 100% utilization (which is very rarely the case), they take over the workload of the parked cores. An additional benefit is that you can even sometimes get better battery life this way.
Review cover
Product Information:


  1. Recently released is Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II, one of the few Xbox Series S/X console exclusives and first-party Xbox titles. Is it the type of exclusive that the console has been waiting for?

  2. The same hardware in a new and exciting form factor, we see if this modern age SP can live up to the hype.

  3. Astor, a young Diokek warrior, must journey across Gliese to solve the mysterious disappearance of his creators.

  4. PSVR2 comfort is imperative to keep you playing for longer!

  5. Playtime is over! Grab your action figures and defend the Hypercore from Major Evil’s forces in Hypercharge: Unboxed!

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