GBAtemp hiring new moderators: we need you!


GBAtemp needs you!
The GBAtemp community has just lost one of its most valuable supervisors Minox who decided to step down after years of incredible service at GBAtemp. His presence and dedication are already heavily missed, if you're reading this Minox - I really mean it and I'm sorry you decided to go.

It's time to inject some fresh blood into our mod team! If you think you have what it takes, send me a PM. You don't have to post in this thread to apply. For your information, hiring decisions are made by staff consensus, I won't be the one to decide.

So you must be wondering: why would anyone want to join the mod team on these crazy forums? Well there are quite a few incentives:
- first you get a shiny badge, and access to our secret staff forums
- become part of the GBAtemp mod family and join our secret group chat
- get free games and hardware for review (you're free to choose the games/stuff you want to review)
- weigh in on important decisions concerning the organization of events and the future of the site
- early access to new features/skins and beta testing
- climb up the ladder to become a supervisor with full power over the entire site

What we're looking for before anything is level-headed persons with good common sense, if you've submitted valid reports before you literally get bonus points. Also, if you're familiar with the 3DS and Switch hacking scene, we're looking for moderators for these areas in particular.

Interested? Shoot me a private message! Your application will be reposted on our staff forum where the staff will render their verdict. We will inform you when decisions have been made.
Last edited by Costello,


Onion Soup
Editorial Team
GBAtemp Patron
Jan 7, 2015
Middleish South-Left
United Kingdom
Honestly, it would be much easier to deal with if they did something like this:

Op makes useless post.
User sees post, reports it and moves on. Maybe, if they have something to add, they comment, but preferably not. Then a mod removes the thread, and pms the op about why their post was removed, that they could have just searched for the info, and point them towards any applicable FAQ. If it was me, I’d also probably say they could just ask me if they have any further questions, and I might go ahead and answer what they asked in their thread. (pm-ing doesn’t work if someone is new, right? Can they still pm mods? If not can they respond if a mod pms them?)

tl;dr I think treating those threads like spam from a bot, and then informing the user via pm would really help with the congestion we see in the switch forum.

(I could also be dead wrong, so feel free to correct me)
New users can't start a conversation until they have 10 posts. They should still be able to reply to a conversation if another person initiates it. There's rarely a reason to need to PM a mod, but they can always just write a message on their profile asking for the mod to start the conversation.
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Card Collector
May 9, 2008
Like with that video contest? :P
Hey I never said it was a good way. It’s just a better way than nominating yourself imo lol

What you said about the recruitment does make sense, but bear in mind that the current staff isn't omniscient, we sometimes miss great people who wouldn't manifest themselves if we didn't provide an opportunity.

This is also why I'm accepting PMs this time and not public posts. If you PM me, nobody will know that you applied other than the staff, therefore you won't be seen as power hungry by the community. If you simply think you'd be a good fit then please do apply. If you're too proud to do that, then maybe your pride will make you miss great opportunities... or maybe you're really so good that we will contact you directly instead, but this rarely happens.

Our community is growing intensely and it makes it hard to follow. We get hundreds of reports every day and it becomes hard to deal with, it feels like we are seriously understaffed. Our current staff is doing amazing and I can't thank them enough, but it's simply a matter of volume. General activity and the number of visits on GBAtemp has increased by 40% over the past few months so if we don't act, more and more threads will derail into unmoderated madness.

Finally, when it comes to the requirements, this is all very loose. The staff will judge, so it feels wrong to eliminate subsets of people based on technical criteria such as join dates or post counts. You don't need to have joined 10 years ago to be an outstanding member of the community for example.
I think you misunderstood what I meant power hungry. It’s not about whether it’s public or private. I meant the fact that someone goes after it might be because might come from egotistical sense.

I agree, the community is growing, sections on the forums are increasing, and you guys ARE understaffed imo, and yes, they do a good job whenever they are available. I am not contesting any of that. But I think it’s necessary to pick someone because you feel they are the perfect candidate rather than rush into this because you’re in dire need to do so.

While I get where you’re coming from when it comes to “it feels wrong to eliminate subsets of people based on technical criteria”, but the fact is, you reap what you sow. In other words, if people were shitposting as a way to enjoy themselves over here, and for that reason or the other, they got warned several times, I don’t see how they could be considered for such a role?
Join dates and post counts are not inherently a good enough measurement, sure. But a combination of that is imo. Join date tells you that a member has been loyal enough to stick with the site over the years. Combining that with post counts, it would tell you that this person is not one who goes on and off for a few years, or a lurker. The opposite is true too, someone with 5000+ posts in like a year or 2 is kinda ridiculous.
But in any case, like I said before, those are always criteria that staff can choose to overrule if they feel that the candidate is good enough. I just don’t think it’s wise to open it up for everyone.

Anyway, if I can help out, I would like to shed some light over some people that I know have been helpful over the years, with considerably good knowledge to certain areas. I am not sure if those people are interested to begin with, but maybe it helps recognizing those that you might have missed:
@Lacius: Pretty thorough dude. Seen him around in different sections of the forums. Always helping out.
@Ryccardo: same as Lacius, with more technical skills I believe. Though from the post above he seems to not be interested.
@KiiWii: Another helpful guy. Calm headed, and tries to be as helpful as possible with everyone. You’ll mostly notice his interest around the PS4 scene.
@Tom Bombadildo: Well I know he’s already staff and it’s probably easier for him to get mod, but if it’s a sectional mod you’re after, you can rest assured he would take good care of the vita section.
@Originality: Very helpful in the computer section.

I’m sure there are a lot of other viable candidates. I am sorry to those that I just didn’t remember at the moment. But I hope this post help with the selection process.
Last edited by Madridi,


Some sort of musician.
May 15, 2015
Can I get a list of moderators? I may have to talk about a certain "report-er" not doing the best job. They delete a whole section of comments for no reason.
If this has been an issue for you, the smart thing to have done since then was to PM an administrator. Be proactive, and take action when you can, not when it suddenly becomes inconvenient!

Hells Malice

Are you a bully?
GBAtemp Patron
Apr 9, 2009
No more Minox, that's a real shame. :( Easily the finest, most professional I've encountered here.

I can't think of anyone that I'd nominate. A few come close, but just miss the mark in a few departments. More diversity among the staff is always a plus, unless the 'good old (white) boys club' is something you're actually striving for, heh.
Someone with a bit of actual life experience couldn't hurt, either.

I too would like a token mod, chosen only for their physical appearance and not their actual experience or qualifications.


Onion Soup
Editorial Team
GBAtemp Patron
Jan 7, 2015
Middleish South-Left
United Kingdom
Anyone that isn't a white male must be inexperienced & unqualified, got it.
Rather qualifications over appearance friend. You're making connections that don't exist.


Vipera’s Alt
Jan 16, 2017
United States
I too would like a token mod, chosen only for their physical appearance and not their actual experience or qualifications.
hell yea. I might just have a shot after all!

On a more serious note, I highly doubt that was what Old meant. As the Temp becomes more and more of an everything-forum, I think different perspectives would be extremely beneficial to the moderation team. Obviously it’s more important that the mod is actually good at what they do, but it’s not the only thing.


Never sleeps
Chief Editor
Oct 2, 2012
United States
Anyone that isn't a white male must be inexperienced & unqualified, got it.
Well there's the award for weirdest escalation of a non-issue, ever. You're shoving words into a person's mouth that weren't said.

As far as actual diversity, there's a lot of that. We have two token females on staff! Go us! In actual seriousness, there's Americans from multiple states, Australian, Swede, French, Italian, German. Plenty of diverse people from multiple countries. But that's totally irrelevant. Bortz could be a white male, or a trans half black half brazilian dragon-kin from Atlantis, and it wouldn't impact his ability to moderate one bit. Skill and ability should be the number one focus here.

Hells Malice

Are you a bully?
GBAtemp Patron
Apr 9, 2009
hell yea. I might just have a shot after all!

On a more serious note, I highly doubt that was what Old meant. As the Temp becomes more and more of an everything-forum, I think different perspectives would be extremely beneficial to the moderation team. Obviously it’s more important that the mod is actually good at what they do, but it’s not the only thing.

No I kind of doubt he has the brain capacity to have meant that. His reply pretty blatantly expresses that sentiment.

This is a gaming community, and realistically speaking basically the only moderation decisions being made have little to nothing to do with life experience or perspective. If I go around shitposting memes or screaming racial slurs, a mod doesn't really need to have been born in a certain part of the world to handle that. There are rare instances where that's not entirely the case, but something so fringe shouldn't affect the overall process.

The one and only thing that matters is that the person can handle the role. They enforce the rules without being a dick-tator about it. A common problem with newer mods is that they tend to go a little overboard and over-moderate for the sake of steadfast sticking to the rules. This is a place with many voices, and not all of them will be nice. That doesn't mean they should be censored. It's a pretty fine line mods have to walk to allow a freedom of discussion and expression, while also keeping this as an environment people are happy to be in.
It's also basically impossible to cater to everyone. Especially in this era of snowflakes.

But yeah, the mod team needs good mods chosen for their ability to moderate. Everything else is secondary or unimportant. Their skin colour, age, location, "life experience", etc doesn't matter as long as they are fit to properly do the job. It's already a hard role to fill, no point adding extra shit to the pile.


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2018
United States
You could be an IMAX theater with the amount of projection you're doing.

Not a drop of projection, just facts and opened eyes.

I commented on the lack of diversity among the staff, nothing more. My statement is accurate. The situation could be corrected, in the name of fairness & progress, if they choose to do so. Those that get 'triggered' by this fact (note the various replies to my original post) likely have an inert/personal reason as to why.

@Chary - I mentioned diversity (GASP!) and he went straight for "...their physical appearance and not their actual experience or qualifications." That's literally the definition of dog whistling.

Buuuuuut hey, it is what it is; this is the forum and it's not likely to change anytime soon. Just trying to inject a bit of life experience and social realities into the mix. I've noticed a definite pattern that whenever the subject of 'race' 'diversity', and/or 'sexual preference/lifestyle' (among other topics) appears in a thread, it typically devolves into a game of "not ME!!, how DARE you!!" & denial to the point where a staff member steps in and begins axing posts/members. You need only to look at the comments in this very thread, the pattern of 'likes' coupled with the clique-like mindsets, to see the factuality.

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