Trigger Warning (Hot Button Issue)

Back in August of this year I accepted that I'm actually Transgender. I've slowly been coming out to friends and family since then and so far everyone has been accepting thankfully. Even my boyfriend is okay with it. I identify as Gender Fluid, my pronouns are whatever he/she/they and I prefer the nick name I've always had anyways Chris, as its gender neutral anyways. I know that posting this on here is putting myself at risk for receiving a lot of flack, but after seeing other's do the same here I've decided that if other's can do it, than so can I. My LGBT therapist wants me to write/journal to help ease my Gender Dysphoria (just to clarify being transgender is NOT a mental illness), but the emotional distress experienced by someone who's body doesn't match how they feel inside CAN be severe enough to be considered a mental illness. I'm one of those people who actually suffer from Gender Dysphoria. I'm sure my therapist (for safety reasons) probably didn't mean for me to be writing about this publicly online but I feel its something I have to do to really get it off my chest.

For anybody who disagrees with the "transgender lifestyle" or however you want to address it, I'm all for an intellectual debate on the issue but if you're going to just troll or resort to profanity and straight up nasty bigotry then don't waste your time typing a response here. This is something I've been secretly struggling with for all 30 years of my life and I'm finally coming to terms with it and dealing with it. I don't need anybody's destructive criticism, I provide enough of that to myself, thanks.....
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GBAtemp should have never allowed people to brag about being transgender. All they did was politicize GBATemp as a left leaning haven for people that do not fit the regular mold. Nintendo gaming is for kids and I guarantee you if you made sex discussion banned,these "transgender" members would no longer come on GBAtemp. It has gotten to the point where transgendered/homosexuals exclusively come on GBAtemp to blog and talk about said things. This isn't a LGBT support community like many of the people here think. If we only had a few transgendered members,I would not think anything of it.

With that being said it seems like people are joining up ONLY to discuss those issues. However,GBAtemp is NOT the right place to talk about those things. Why? Because again you are bringing politics and sexuality(alternative sexuality at that) into a gaming forum originally intended for nintendo gamers. Nintendo gamers usually happen to be kids. I find it very unnerving because I do not think it is right to tell young kids whether LGBTQ lifestyle is right or wrong. Those discussions are between them and their parents. It is certainly NOT a subject that should be discussed on this website. Again,I cannot for the life of me comprehend why so many LGBTQ people come on here for emotional support. GBAtemp just is not the place for that and there are better alternatives like reddit that are more suited towards such discussions.
Great comment Maluma. You forgot to mention that GBATemp isn't a forum about Nintendo but about Nintendo hacking and, so far, the people who came out as transgender are long time users that have contributed a lot in the forum. This website is clearly not for little kids.

Not only that, but users tend to write these things on their blogs, where everything not against the rules goes. You don't like it? Don't visit a blog. Don't like blogs? Filter them. And be ashamed for what you wrote. Seriously. I can tolerate bigots but not fake "won't somebody please think of the children" people.
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@330 seems like the bigot here is you because you cannot tolerate other opinions and you resort to name calling to get your point across. If you havent noticed most members here are clearly under 18,than thinking may not be your strong point.

Who the hell are you to tell other people's children how to think? You are no one,just an opinionated nerd on gbatemp. It is NOT your god given right to try to make it seem like everyone against LGBTQ is "bad" and everyone for it is "good". Fascism is something that is absolutely disgusting and I am up to the head with members on here wanting to be the thought police of the world. You have zero right to try to influence political perceptions of members that are far too young to understand the implications of current societal issues.

Liberals wanting to silence others is bigotry. Would you like it if people on here were pushing god or allah onto your children? Force feeding them propaganda and banning anyone that says anything negative about god? How would your liberal mind feel about that?
Try harder. Who the hell are you to tell people what to write on their blogs? Maybe you should watch your kids rather than assuming the internet is your babysitter. And no, I'm not a liberal.
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@Maluma "Who the hell are you to tell other people's children how to think?" Don't you mean, "Who the hell are you tell other people's children to think?" Clearly your issue is that if the parents say one thing and they happen to meet a few LBGTQ who aren't Satan incarnate, then they won't be able to differentiate "good" from "evil" and then they're lost souls, right? I mean, if your book of God says--btw, it doesn't say this--, "Shun everyone who sins!", you've got to do it, right? It's beyond ludicrous to actually demand the internet, gbatemp, or really any place that kids might hang out be bubble wrapped in your own limited ideology or to just outright demand that no ideology be espoused.

Here's a hint: requiring English is inherently espousing an ideology*. So is punishing abusive behavior. So is allowing certain topics in blog posts separate from the main forum. It's almost as if the person who runs gbatemp has their own idea about they should run their site. Or, as 330 puts it, parents should be the ones responsibly deciding whether their kids should be visiting gbatemp or really any website.

So, yea, we tolerate you. Maybe gbatemp's owner will decide he doesn't tolerate one of us and kicks us off his property. That's really where the general property rights lie--oh no, another ideology! Whether you want to call it name calling or not, I believe you're ludicrous. Or a bigot using ludicrous as an excuse. Either way, the absurdity of "for the children" is pretty pathetic.

* The one that English is the language of a lot of console technology and a universal enough first and second language to provide a consistent medium of information exchange.
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@Maluma chill, no one is here to turn your kids transgender. These blogs are "coming out" not "join me".
absolute good = freedom
Absolute evil = control
People that are against transgendered individuals seek to control the nature of some human beings and their freedom to express themselves externally. So all people that are against transgendered are all bad.
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@weedz I do not have kids number one. Second being transgender is not natural,anything you need a plastic surgeon for is not natural. That is why people ask "Are those boobs natural or are they fake?" Anything you need hormonal therapy is not "natural". Hency why bodybuilders either compete in natural or unnatural(unnatural takes testosterone shots just like transgendered).

@330 you are a liberal, no conservative would be saying what you are saying.

@kuwanger I don't believe in god so your silly little example does not apply to me. Secondly,you can't right a paragraph on how only your ideology is right and then call me a bigot. Do you even know what that word means?

Bottom line is that this has NOTHING to do with making someones kids transgender. It has to do with the fact that liberal politics are being rammed down your throat and if you dont like it your comments either get deleted or you get banned. Why are there discussions of politics on a kids forum? I think many are failing to answer that question. It's fucking regretful how many LGBT come on here for emotional support.Ive never seen these little stories on any other gaming website,because gaming and politics do NOT go together. There is a reason why it is considered rude to talk politics with other people. Religion and politics are two conversation topics that should be completely banned from discussion on here. This simply isn't that type of community.

If someone here says being transgender is not natural than they get banned. That is just fascism at that point since there is only one "right" opinion and you are only allowed to express your opinion as long as it fits the liberal narrative. Nothing good will ever come of this for GBAtemp. Mark my words on that,the coming out blogs have caused an immense amount of drama on gbatemp that only results in a higher workload for the staff.

Way to change the argument into turning people into transgenders. I NEVER once said that. I said that people are having a political ideology FORCED down their throats. If you don't agree with the liberal status quo you are a bigot on here and worthy of scorn.
You’ve been registered for a year and the Temp has been here since 02. You really think you got that good a bead on this community and its user base? You’re nothing more than another holier than thou self righteous asshole spewing drivel that hides behind “save da babys” rhetoric.

Edit-On another note, I do have kids. 2 actually, 9 and 11. And I have no problem with my brother and/or his husband taking them for however long they want to. Why the fuck would I care if they read a blog post about someone coming out?....
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First, natural or not, whys it your business to speak out against someone?

Two, this wasn't political, transgender itself is not a political issue.

Third, this isn't a site for little kids. There may be kids here, but obviously their parents saw it fit to let them browse these forums. Again, their business.

Fourth, must of us aren't liberal. We just respect people. I hope to god not all conservatives think respect is a trait of their enemy.

Fifth and final, this site belongs to shaun and costello, they can do what they want with it. If you came into my home with the attitude you've had here I'd have shown you the door. That's not fascism, that's privilege of being a host. A right you have as well.
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@bricmii82 been here 10 years. Funny how you are name calling. Ad hominem is all you guys have. Where is the save the babies argument? You guys are changing the argument to fit your narrative which I find hilarious.

bricmii,I see you are kind of slow so I will help you understand. Politics have no place in a gaming forum.Reason being is that different gamers have different political/religious views. You wouldn't go on a gbatemp to talk about anthropology would you? Not discussing politics/religion is a social norm that is followed in day to day life to avoid unnecessary conflict.
Apparently you’re too slow to comprehend that this site belongs to people who don’t mind having said topics discussed here. After 10 years I’d figure you’d come to terms with that fact. Apparently not. Probably why you left your original account in the first place.
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@Weedz exactly it is their home. In case you haven't noticed shaun and costello rarely participate on here. They do not care either way since they have a website worth at least 500,000 USD. Why even bring them into this you clown? Stick to the subject at hand. Why should an opinion be forced down people's throats as a fact? Fascism is what is going on. I find it comical you brought the owners into this. Just like the save the babies,like what are you even talking about?

This flame war happens every single week for the past 2 years. I don't know whether you struggle with critical thinking,or you just haven't paid attention. Funny how you guys flipped the argument into "turning peoples kids transexual" . You guys had no other option but to misconstrue my argument because you knew deep down I am 100% right. Here is the argument for all the people that are illiterates/playing stupid. Every single person here ended their argument with an ad hominem attack. Absolutely pathetic. Funny how everyone here says they aren't liberal but have the same oppressive attitude as CNN.

How does GBAtemp benefit from discussing politics?

Here is the definition of bigotry so all the uneducated folks can learn a thing or two.

Bigotry: intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.

I don't have any intolerance towards anyone,just do not think politics should be discussed on GBAtemp since politics are deeply personal/divisive. If you can't wrap your head around that,you are going to have a long life ahead of you because critical thinking is a crucial skill.

@brickmii2 The slow one here is you. Costello doesn't benefit at all from taking a stance on the issue. He doesn't care period. He lets other people do the mod work. He cares about making money and thats it. Don't confuse apathy with caring about your little life crisis . Also I find it pathetic you are name dropping Costello because I killed your argument in half. I guess everyone that didn't vote automatically supports Trump huh? Because that is your flawed logic. Seeing as you were born in 82 and still acting childish,I will go under the presumption that you did not achieve much in life.
“Critical thinking is a crucial skill”-after repeating President Trump tweets and Fox News talking points..... nice. You get a gold star Timmy.
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@brickmii82 I am from Latin America. You must seriously be mentally impaired if you think I support Trump.Brickmii you are starting to make a fool out of yourself with your false assumptions.
I talk to shaun and costello quite a bit. More shaun than costello though.. I bring them into this because this is their "property", again, their right to do as they please.

I didn't end my arguement with an attack at all, but yet you call me a clown. I've been pretty respectful towards you. Which seems to be the difference between us. How are we the oppressive ones when your the one trying to ban certain topics from being discussed?

I have tolerance for your opinion, I just happen to disagree with it. I think you need to swing that judgmental pendulum back in your direction.
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@weedz why are you name dropping though. I have seen you chew people out on blogs before,show me where Shaun and costello support talking about politics? I can't find the thread anywhere. Again do not confuse apathy with support. Costello is running a business,he isn't going to voice his political views as that is one of the DUMBEST business mistakes you can make. No competent business man will EVER discuss politics because they are more or less alienating 50% of the customer base by doing so.

Do you ever question why staff has such a high turnover rate? They are being overworked because of the same issues popping up for years on end.Gaming brings people together and discussing politics is divisive.

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