The Under 25 Crowd Really Sucks Ass

I give up on people. For those of you 25 and under, your generation SUCKS! The more and more I talk to your crowd the more I find corporatist, authority compliant, pushovers. Yes, let's let companies re-release games at exorbitant prices even thou you JUST purchased the same damn game 3 to 5 years ago. Let's act like a person demanding more from a service isn't logical because as a customer they deserve to be treated properly. Game developers aren't gods. Corporations are NOT gods. STOP acting like it. At this rate it will be your generation that gives up on the human concept of government and just usher in a wave or corporate feudalism and let companies run what supposed to be sovereign nations. Where the fuck is your fire? What the fuck happened to not allowing corruption to run rampage on a society. It's like you'd rather be zombies for the sake of creature comforts. Go ahead and just take it right up the ass! Somewhere along the line your generation have forgotten that IT CAN BE BETTER. People in the past gave blood sweat and tears for it to be better for you and your asses just sit on your laurels and do nothing but be compliant while people with more wealth conspire to use you like a tool and run you into the ground. Hopefully you wake the fuck up before this planet is left with nothing good to hold onto.


You would never let someone overcharge you for a meal so what makes gaming so different?
Uh, the fact you don't need video games to live? I dunno about you but I've never seen any scientific evidence saying that cells stop reproducing and start dying without video games.
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Uh, the fact you don't need video games to live? I dunno about you but I've never seen any scientific evidence saying that cells stop reproducing and start dying without video games.

People bring that crappy ass argument all the time. Fact is, humans need entertainment. It's fundamental and the medium changes with each generation. Video games just happens to be a dominant medium and no human wants to feel as if they are out of touch with pop entertainment. Things need to be fairly priced. 2 year old ports that offer DLC and little graphical upgrades (and no 720p to 1080p does NOT count), should NOT be 50-60 dollars. It's about fair pricing. Nobody said that developers shouldn't make money in a capitalist society but there IS something called responsible capitalism. We don't need the rampant variety we had in the 1920's.
It's the previous generation that screwed us. They wrecked the environment and let Reagan do his trickle down bs.

Oh, and I see what you mean with the Switch. A good chunk of its games are Wii U titles.
I'm going to ignore you're whole spiel about how 25 year olds and younger being at fault for the current climate we live in. However, I laugh at your part about re-releases and it being our fault for them. First off, do you have any statistics that prove that the majority of these re releases and ports are mainly being bought for a second time by people under 25? Second, did it ever occur to you that people my age may not have gotten a chance to play these games the first time they came out because maybe we weren't in to gaming at the time, we didn't own the certain console the game was released on or simply couldn't afford the said game at that time? Honestly, you should be happy for those that get to play your favorite game for the first time through a re-release because they were too young to play it the first time. For example, why is Nintendo porting all these Wii u games to the switch? I know a lot of people on gbatemp yell at Nintendo for porting these games, but these people need to realise something: a lot of us (including me) didn't own a Wii u. Nintendo's strategy for games on the switch is pretty smart imo: use ports to fill in the gaps between the big brand new games. Plus most of these ports probably aren't even being done by Nintendo and are probably being outsourced. And also, did it occur to you that not everyone playing these ports for a second time are under 25? For example, my uncle who is in his fourties went out and bought the last of us remastered the first day it came out for the PS4 even though he already had played it on the PS3. Why? Because it was one of his favorite games of all time and he wanted to have a way to play it since he no longer owned his PS3.
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Using election data to judge a group of people is a bit ridiculous in normal circumstances, but it's even moreso here. A LOT of voters saw the election as idiot vs not-as-much-an-idiot.
That's fair, what I should've done (and will later do) is link the primary election data, we had a lot more options there and our generation still voted big-time for Bernie and Hillary. But I wouldn't dismiss election data, people tend to keep their core values in mind when voting.
I give up on people. For those of you 25 and under, your generation SUCKS! The more and more I talk to your crowd the more I find corporatist, authority compliant, pushovers. Yes, let's let companies re-release games at exorbitant prices even thou you JUST purchased the same damn game 3 to 5 years ago. Let's act like a person demanding more from a service isn't logical because as a customer they deserve to be treated properly. Game developers aren't gods. Corporations are NOT gods. STOP acting like it. At this rate it will be your generation that gives up on the human concept of government and just usher in a wave or corporate feudalism and let companies run what supposed to be sovereign nations. Where the fuck is your fire? What the fuck happened to not allowing corruption to run rampage on a society. It's like you'd rather be zombies for the sake of creature comforts. Go ahead and just take it right up the ass! Somewhere along the line your generation have forgotten that IT CAN BE BETTER. People in the past gave blood sweat and tears for it to be better for you and your asses just sit on your laurels and do nothing but be compliant while people with more wealth conspire to use you like a tool and run you into the ground. Hopefully you wake the fuck up before this planet is left with nothing good to hold onto.
Uh, fuck you too, I guess?
Not everyone likes companies doing this. I don't, that's for sure. It's a really dickish thing generalising literally everyone under 25. It's not my fault I'm under 25, why would you blame me for being 17, or for something I don't even think/do?
Game developers aren't gods. Corporations are NOT gods. STOP acting like it. At this rate it will be your generation that gives up on the human concept of government and just usher in a wave or corporate feudalism and let companies run what supposed to be sovereign nations.
That is one of the most flawed arguments that I have seen in a long time lol

On the reals though.
A lot of games are remade in HD because sure, its cheap. And sure, people rebuy good stuff that they might have already bought. But this has been a generation of "safe" game creation. Games that break the mold run a high risk of bankrupting companies. Indie and Kickstarter games are the only ones who have the ability to create creative games nowadays because they have more or less, nothing to lose.
Another reason companies are willing to re-release games (aside from the obvious money grubbing), there are entire gaming generations who have missed out on some of these big titles. Like getting FFX on PS4, that was over 10 years ago. 10 years ago the gaming environment was much different. Gaming wasn't as social as it is now. Gaming was still kinda regarded as nerdy, even though the PS2 was breaking down the living room wall coming with a built in DVD player. More and more gamers are now final fantasy fans, way more than there ever have been. Maybe the newer releases aren't what the franchise used to be? Maybe Squeenix wants to reel in some new players who have tasted the FFVX koolaid and have no way of playing older games? The PS4 has nearly a 75 million install base. I am sure there is a huge chunk of gamers who have never played FFX, or FFXII, or FFVII. It stands to reason that there are a lot of easy sales to be had if a company of Squeenix's size re-release some cult favorites on a newly popular console.

Something else to consider is that the gaming landscape hasnt changed much from the Playstation 2 to the Playstation 4. Sure, things are more social, with chat and more online connectivity. But outside of more and more horse power in each console, the games somewhat remain the same. We still get yearly sports titles, Cod, and other things that havent changes since we transitioned from the 2D 16 bit era to the 3D 32 bit era. Just something else to think about.
People bring that crappy ass argument all the time. Fact is, humans need entertainment. It's fundamental and the medium changes with each generation. Video games just happens to be a dominant medium and no human wants to feel as if they are out of touch with pop entertainment. Things need to be fairly priced. 2 year old ports that offer DLC and little graphical upgrades (and no 720p to 1080p does NOT count), should NOT be 50-60 dollars. It's about fair pricing. Nobody said that developers shouldn't make money in a capitalist society but there IS something called responsible capitalism. We don't need the rampant variety we had in the 1920's.
If the game was one price when it came out, it should be a similar price at re-release. In many cases however, it is not.

Let's go through some examples.

Ocarina of Time - n64: 59.95$
Source: GamePro #124

Ocarina of Time 3DS: Right now, 20-30$

Around release, probably in the 40-50$ margin.

"W-Well that's just one example, it doesn't count!"
Super Mario 64: 66.99$
Source: GamePro #97

Super Mario 64 DS: Fluctuates a bit but never went over 40$ and still doesn't today, unless it's one of those fucking stupid VGA boxes, which no one should buy anyways

Star Fox 64: 79.95$
Source: GamePro #106

Star Fox 64 3D: 29.99$ now, was probably around the 40$ 50$ range when it came out. May have stayed at 30$. Sure as fuck wasn't 70$ though!

"W-Well that's just Nintendo!"
Well okay you goalpost moving strawman, let's go further down this list!

Half Life 1: Steam

Half Life 1: Source: Steam
10$ -- includes HLDM Source as well, so that's really two games in one for *less.*

Okami (original, wii): About 40$

Okami HD (like every platform at this point): About 20$, generally less if digital depending on platform
This one's even on sale for 7 dollars!

I can go on, and on, and on. Video games were more expensive in the past than they were today. In fact, look at this.

View attachment 111909

This is the price of Mario 64's MSRP adjusted for inflation today. Notice how it's like 40$ more? Nintendo would be right to charge you 100$ today for a re-release alone, without any changes, updated graphics, or anything, as that would be about the same value and price that it were the day it came out.

So, in short?


You really don't know what you're talking about. Spend less time bitching about us youngins and actually read up on shit. Not everyone needs to be in with pop culture -- I'm not in on the big jokes, music, media, and so on, because I don't give a shit. It doesn't apply to everyone. You're talking out of your ass and making shit up as you go. I come in with sources and evidence. Ball's in your court, champ. Show me what you old farts can do.
Games got cheaper as time went on. Not more expensive. Stop asking to pay less for what is already a cheaper product. A lot more work goes into these projects than you think, in many cases the source code is unwieldy or just flat out gone and they have to make it from the ground up. This isn't just some lazy cash grab like people think, and I say this as someone who dislikes rereleases.

I'm going to ignore you're whole spiel about how 25 year olds and younger being at fault for the current climate we live in. However, I laugh at your part about re-releases and it being our fault for them. First off, do you have any statistics that prove that the majority of these re releases and ports are mainly being bought for a second time by people under 25?
Actually he has no statistics at all and won't find any anyways since my post flat out proves games cost *MORE* when they originally came out than they did when they got remade.
I give up on people. For those of you 25 and under, your generation SUCKS! The more and more I talk to your crowd the more I find corporatist, authority compliant, pushovers. Yes, let's let companies re-release games at exorbitant prices even thou you JUST purchased the same damn game 3 to 5 years ago. Let's act like a person demanding more from a service isn't logical because as a customer they deserve to be treated properly. Game developers aren't gods. Corporations are NOT gods. STOP acting like it. At this rate it will be your generation that gives up on the human concept of government and just usher in a wave or corporate feudalism and let companies run what supposed to be sovereign nations. Where the fuck is your fire? What the fuck happened to not allowing corruption to run rampage on a society. It's like you'd rather be zombies for the sake of creature comforts. Go ahead and just take it right up the ass! Somewhere along the line your generation have forgotten that IT CAN BE BETTER. People in the past gave blood sweat and tears for it to be better for you and your asses just sit on your laurels and do nothing but be compliant while people with more wealth conspire to use you like a tool and run you into the ground. Hopefully you wake the fuck up before this planet is left with nothing good to hold onto.

Im barely under 25 lol so I don't count,but a large majority of GBAtemp come from upper middle class or even upper class smug white liberal families. It doesn't really matter what they do or don't do since they will most likely be financially successful regardless.
We actually ran a mock election in a local high school, Bernie won at 40%. Closest to that was Hillary at 22%. And my classmates and college buddies are not representative of our entre age group but we hold those values pretty close, most of the old people (people above 25) call us socialists. I can guarantee you we'll put our money where my mouth is and actually get closer to real progressive change than other generations.

This saddens me, this is stupid. Socialism is not the future, "progressive change" is just degeneracy, stop. Because that high school has a bunch of gullible kids doesn't mean the entire generation has been turned into communist dick-sucking zombies.
Suck my ass.
We're the future, deal with it. Most of the shit you bring up is a problem with people in all age groups, generalization is retarded.

Pretty much spot fucking on. The shit he's moaning about has been around for years. It'd be arrogant to blame an entire generation as if it's not been a problem with humans as a whole.
In Book III of Odes, circa 20 BC, Horace wrote:

Our sires' age was worse than our grandsires'. We, their sons, are more
worthless than they; so in our turn we shall give the world a progeny yet more

People have been bitching about young people since before Jesus was born.
That's fair, what I should've done (and will later do) is link the primary election data, we had a lot more options there and our generation still voted big-time for Bernie and Hillary. But I wouldn't dismiss election data, people tend to keep their core values in mind when voting.
That's because Bernie was the objectively best choice

(I kid, but had I been 18 by the election cycle he would have been who I voted for. Still kind of pissed off about the fact that I missed the privilege to vote by less than 8 months)

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

In Book III of Odes, circa 20 BC, Horace wrote:

Our sires' age was worse than our grandsires'. We, their sons, are more
worthless than they; so in our turn we shall give the world a progeny yet more

People have been bitching about young people since before Jesus was born.
“The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise.”

― Socrates
As usual Lighty, I can agree with some of what you post, but not quite enough of the way you post it to like it. The financial sector does rule much of the world with centralized banking and money equaling speech in America, but video game developers are usually* separate from that world and just want to churn out fun, quality products. Even remakes are in some cases welcome, because they bring performance upgrades and/or ports to new (portable) systems.

* Exception is EA, who would prostitute themselves for the right amount of money.
This saddens me, this is stupid. Socialism is not the future, "progressive change" is just degeneracy, stop. Because that high school has a bunch of gullible kids doesn't mean the entire generation has been turned into communist dick-sucking zombies.
I'm not a socialist, I personally am against socialism (let alone communism). I'm just saying what I've been called. Just because we've been called that doesn't mean we are.
This saddens me, this is stupid. Socialism is not the future, "progressive change" is just degeneracy, stop. Because that high school has a bunch of gullible kids doesn't mean the entire generation has been turned into communist dick-sucking zombies.
Socialism h'ain't communism my guy

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