Consoles vs. Computer

Well there are alot of people fighting over Consoles vs. Games lately.
I think that consoles are better because they are designed for games.
But Computers are great for online games that have alot of players, such as MMORPGs.
Or some games designed well for the Computer such as Sims 3, Counter Strike and some others.
That's my thought on it.
Oh and guess what, it's christmas eve EVE!!!


I use both. Huge fan of Nintendo. Wii is awesome, i's like a library of past and present games.
Computer i use for the extreme graphics, downloading,developing, work, news, media serving.

But honestly, since i've got the Wii, I haven't played a PC game again.. And i own a lot of PC games.
[quote name='unnkown95' post='3347345' date='Dec 24 2010, 07:39 AM']pc's are better[/quote]

Opinions are opinions, and can't be proven as 100% fact except for in the eyes of the person who has the opinion.
[quote name='Guild McCommunist' post='3347058' date='Dec 24 2010, 12:33 PM'][quote name='FireGrey' post='3344639' date='Dec 23 2010, 01:45 PM']I think that consoles are better because they are designed for games.[/quote]

That is the biggest derp statement I have ever read.

And the only people who say it's easy to cheat on PC games either A) play shitty games or B) don't play PC games. TF2, CS:S, and probably any other Valve online-enabled game (probably including L4D, Garry's Mod although it's not an actual Valve game, Half Life 2: Deathmatch, etc) have like no cheating unless you play on a server that allows it.

@OP: You are seriously uneducated on any form of what you're trying to debate. Even as a shitty PC owner and a "casual" PC gamer, I can definitely say even with my crap specs that the PC is a better platform.

EDIT: Odds are I'll still buy consoles over PC's though, mainly because I don't have the money to get a good one. Buying a Xbox is, at most, like $300. Buying a good gaming PC is, from my estimates, at least $1000+ (my friend built his for $1200).

You can easily get a decent computer for $300 - $500 that'll be able to pretty much max out most things and run the newest things on high.

spoiler alert: running games on High still makes them look better than the console counterpart 70% of the time.
[quote name='Law' post='3347682' date='Dec 24 2010, 11:28 AM'][quote name='Guild McCommunist' post='3347058' date='Dec 24 2010, 12:33 PM'][quote name='FireGrey' post='3344639' date='Dec 23 2010, 01:45 PM']I think that consoles are better because they are designed for games.[/quote]

That is the biggest derp statement I have ever read.

And the only people who say it's easy to cheat on PC games either A) play shitty games or B) don't play PC games. TF2, CS:S, and probably any other Valve online-enabled game (probably including L4D, Garry's Mod although it's not an actual Valve game, Half Life 2: Deathmatch, etc) have like no cheating unless you play on a server that allows it.

@OP: You are seriously uneducated on any form of what you're trying to debate. Even as a shitty PC owner and a "casual" PC gamer, I can definitely say even with my crap specs that the PC is a better platform.

EDIT: Odds are I'll still buy consoles over PC's though, mainly because I don't have the money to get a good one. Buying a Xbox is, at most, like $300. Buying a good gaming PC is, from my estimates, at least $1000+ (my friend built his for $1200).

You can easily get a decent computer for $300 - $500 that'll be able to pretty much max out most things and run the newest things on high.

spoiler alert: running games on High still makes them look better than the console counterpart 70% of the time.
True. On a scale of low, medium, high, and very high in Grand Theft Auto 4:

Console settings are all medium with some low, with stuff like draw distance, etc sliders at 10 out of 100, at frame rates often below 25.
My $50 graphics card runs it: all very high with shadows on medium, all sliders 100 out of 100, at frame rates often above 45.

For $100 you could get a new PSU and a graphics card that can make graphics infinitely better than any console.
[quote name='Bulit' post='3346559' date='Dec 24 2010, 01:57 AM']
[quote name='Rasas' post='3346543' date='Dec 23 2010, 09:50 PM'][quote name='Dangy' post='3346383' date='Dec 24 2010, 05:30 AM']Computer
+Superior Graphics.
+Easier to customize.
+Game mods.
+Better emulator support.
+Ability to play at higher resolutions/no up-scaling.
+Better MMO experience.
+Controller/mouse and game pad support
+Free online multiplayer (for most games).

-Easier to cheat/hack.
Some people like to cheat, hack or as some EULA's say modding is hacking such as Maplestories and several others.
I don't like to cheat
-No split-screen multiplayer
Some PC games have split screen multiplayer though they are rare plus you can emulate games that would have it.
name one pc game that supports splitscreen.
-More expensive upfront.
Depends on what you play really.

-More difficult to use overall.

+Not as easy to cheat.
This mostly counts for the PS3 and 360 on other consoles it is as easy as buying a gameshark or action replay which might be a negative to some people.
we're talking about current generation consoles
+Split-screen multiplayer.
+Cheaper upfront.
+Easier to use overall.

-Graphically inferior games.
-More difficult to customize/less options.
-Few game mods.
-Less emulator support.
-Little/no MMO games
-Harder to communicate. (Keyboard.)
You can use a headset for some games and if your playing split screen talking is usually faster then typing and easier....
you can use a headset on pc too.
-Cost money to play online (Xbox 360).[/quote]
...and thanks for ripping off my list, Dangy. :glare:

Your list looked like a 2-year old wrote it. My bad for trying to help out.
[quote name='Law' post='3347682' date='Dec 24 2010, 07:28 PM']You can easily get a decent computer for $300 - $500 that'll be able to pretty much max out most things and run the newest things on high.

spoiler alert: running games on High still makes them look better than the console counterpart 70% of the time.[/quote]

$300 - $500 USD? Links please. Seriously, I would die if I could get a good computer for that pricing.
[quote name='Guild McCommunist' post='3348029' date='Dec 24 2010, 10:53 PM'][quote name='Law' post='3347682' date='Dec 24 2010, 07:28 PM']You can easily get a decent computer for $300 - $500 that'll be able to pretty much max out most things and run the newest things on high.

spoiler alert: running games on High still makes them look better than the console counterpart 70% of the time.[/quote]

$300 - $500 USD? Links please. Seriously, I would die if I could get a good computer for that pricing.
Me too. I do need a desktop so I can game more on my PC. I like gaming on the console/pc about the same. Some games are better on the console than on the pc. So I would say Consoles and Computers for gaming.
[quote name='unnkown95' post='3347345' date='Dec 24 2010, 03:39 PM']pc's are better[/quote]
Stop posting fucking useless shit and back up your arguments.

My opinion: I personally prefer consoles because I prefer the controller and I don't have a decent enough computer to play any good games. I also prefer the console 'cause most of my friends play that and playing with friends is much more fun. Consoles are also less hassle free and are designed for gaming.

Ultimately, it's down to the indivisual. Whether he has enough money to pay for a decent gaming computer. Whether you just want to get to gaming quickly without any hassle or are willing to do a few thigns to get it working. And, what platform your friends play on.
So yeah, there is no "definite" winner between console and PC.
[quote name='Guild McCommunist' post='3348029' date='Dec 24 2010, 09:53 PM'][quote name='Law' post='3347682' date='Dec 24 2010, 07:28 PM']You can easily get a decent computer for $300 - $500 that'll be able to pretty much max out most things and run the newest things on high.

spoiler alert: running games on High still makes them look better than the console counterpart 70% of the time.[/quote]

$300 - $500 USD? Links please. Seriously, I would die if I could get a good computer for that pricing.

I imagine that's if you build yourself. There are guides available to help you out.
[quote name='Guild McCommunist' post='3348029' date='Dec 24 2010, 02:53 PM'][quote name='Law' post='3347682' date='Dec 24 2010, 07:28 PM']You can easily get a decent computer for $300 - $500 that'll be able to pretty much max out most things and run the newest things on high.

spoiler alert: running games on High still makes them look better than the console counterpart 70% of the time.[/quote]

$300 - $500 USD? Links please. Seriously, I would die if I could get a good computer for that pricing.
You just have to look for deals. Microcenter and Fry's both often have "buy a CPU get a free motherboard" deals:

Athlon II X4 640 with free motherboard $96 after mail in rebate
4GB RAM $52
Budget case $40
600W Power Supply $55 after mail in rebate
GTX 460 1GB $149 after mail in rebate
500GB HD $45
DVD drive $18
2x Sata cable if needed $6

That's $461 after rebates and before taxes and shipping. There's enough to spare to get a 470 instead of a GTX 460 if you wish, but even the 460 will run all games maxed at 1920x1080 except for Crysis and Metro 2033 (those just on high)
[quote name='Hells Malice' post='3346311' date='Dec 23 2010, 09:36 PM'][quote name='Argentum Vir' post='3346281' date='Dec 24 2010, 05:19 AM'][quote name='ShadowSoldier' post='3346270' date='Dec 23 2010, 09:14 PM']
no you dont. you have just gotten used to the auto aim that consoles give you. even on multiplayer. keyboard and mouse will always be more accurate and even comfortable.

This I disagree with, I don't know what auto aim you're talking about, but comfort and better accuracy for me comes in the form of a controller. And while I could get it for PC, what's the point of paying extra for it when it comes free with the console, which I already prefer.
I get pissed about auto aim when I snipe on MW2. ON multiple occasions I had just fired and someone ran in front of my reticule and directed the fire to the left or right of my intended traget. Also the M & K combo may be more accurate, but it isn't suited for some people. Take me for example, when I get worked up when I'm doing bad ass on TDM I twitch. On a M & K I hit the wrong buttons. I get pissed off and do so much worse. Also I am definitely not going to buy a controller for my PC because that would ruin the experience for me.

Aim Assist is stupid on all accounts. It's one more way game devs casual the FPS market up.

Aim assist is essentially required for consoles. It sucks when it causes misfires, but you'd barely ever hit your target otherwise.
Have you ever tried to betray a teammate on a game like Halo? You don't auto aim on your teammates and it makes aiming at them MUCH harder.
A thumbstick is just too inaccurate overall to work without AA.
Fallout 3/NV for PC (and probably console too) show this very well too. People always complain about how hard it is it aim on F3/NV with a controller, and that's because they don't use aim assist outside of VATs. Or if it does use AA, it doesn't use much.
No, it isn't. Seriously, when I feel like being a dick, or I'm pissed I do team stalking sessions. This is where I look for someone with a killstreak and kill them. Then the fun starts. I have to kill him and perhaps his little buddies too. I do all this without the so called aim assist that the consoles apparently need. My friend does the same thing. Also with what you're telling me is that people who use gamepads instead of the M & K on the computer need aim assist as well? Bullshit, I see some people who have controllers that are miles better than people with a M & K on the PC.

ALSO, NPC =/= players. NPCs know when to move, and dodge. People who play competitively have distinct movements that their bodies can replicate over and over because they have done them so much. FO/NV shouldn't even be compared to games such as COD, or halo. Besides people dies so much faster in COD than halo so I guess what you're saying is Haloers need aim assist to be good.
[quote name='Hells Malice' post='3346311' date='Dec 23 2010, 09:36 PM']Fallout 3/NV for PC (and probably console too) show this very well too. People always complain about how hard it is it aim on F3/NV with a controller, and that's because they don't use aim assist outside of VATs. Or if it does use AA, it doesn't use much.[/quote]

This must be from a few pages back, but I just want to point out that Fallout 3/NV does have autoaim, even on the PC, even with mouse and keyboard. The only time Autoaim isn't active is when you're scoped.

People who are complaining about not hitting their target are playing it like an FPS instead of an RPG, and forgetting to level up their gun skill (or are using guns above their skill/strength requirement)

[quote name='Josh Sawyer']Auto-aim in F:NV is disabled when you aim using a scoped weapon.[/quote]

And to the above post, generally when you plug in a controller it turns on auto aim/aiming assist, especially if its a game that natively supports the 360 Controller.
[quote name='Argentum Vir' post='3348231' date='Dec 25 2010, 01:38 AM'][quote name='Hells Malice' post='3346311' date='Dec 23 2010, 09:36 PM'][quote name='Argentum Vir' post='3346281' date='Dec 24 2010, 05:19 AM'][quote name='ShadowSoldier' post='3346270' date='Dec 23 2010, 09:14 PM']
no you dont. you have just gotten used to the auto aim that consoles give you. even on multiplayer. keyboard and mouse will always be more accurate and even comfortable.

This I disagree with, I don't know what auto aim you're talking about, but comfort and better accuracy for me comes in the form of a controller. And while I could get it for PC, what's the point of paying extra for it when it comes free with the console, which I already prefer.
I get pissed about auto aim when I snipe on MW2. ON multiple occasions I had just fired and someone ran in front of my reticule and directed the fire to the left or right of my intended traget. Also the M & K combo may be more accurate, but it isn't suited for some people. Take me for example, when I get worked up when I'm doing bad ass on TDM I twitch. On a M & K I hit the wrong buttons. I get pissed off and do so much worse. Also I am definitely not going to buy a controller for my PC because that would ruin the experience for me.

Aim Assist is stupid on all accounts. It's one more way game devs casual the FPS market up.

Aim assist is essentially required for consoles. It sucks when it causes misfires, but you'd barely ever hit your target otherwise.
Have you ever tried to betray a teammate on a game like Halo? You don't auto aim on your teammates and it makes aiming at them MUCH harder.
A thumbstick is just too inaccurate overall to work without AA.
Fallout 3/NV for PC (and probably console too) show this very well too. People always complain about how hard it is it aim on F3/NV with a controller, and that's because they don't use aim assist outside of VATs. Or if it does use AA, it doesn't use much.
No, it isn't. Seriously, when I feel like being a dick, or I'm pissed I do team stalking sessions. This is where I look for someone with a killstreak and kill them. Then the fun starts. I have to kill him and perhaps his little buddies too. I do all this without the so called aim assist that the consoles apparently need. My friend does the same thing. Also with what you're telling me is that people who use gamepads instead of the M & K on the computer need aim assist as well? Bullshit, I see some people who have controllers that are miles better than people with a M & K on the PC.

ALSO, NPC =/= players. NPCs know when to move, and dodge. People who play competitively have distinct movements that their bodies can replicate over and over because they have done them so much. FO/NV shouldn't even be compared to games such as COD, or halo. Besides people dies so much faster in COD than halo so I guess what you're saying is Haloers need aim assist to be good.

Lol? CoD has shitty straight-shooting guns that kill you in 2 bullets. You don't need aim assist because the second you're shot at, you're dead.
In Halo you need to, generally, keep your gun trained on a person. Which requires MUCH better aiming, especially at long distances.
So hey, maybe Halo players do need more AA, but that's only because you actually need to use a HELL of a lot more skill that would be impossible on a console without AA, unlike CrapOfDuty...where skill is a foreign concept, but straight shooting guns in a 'realistic' shooter isn't.

I guarantee consoles need AA over M/K. If you take two equally skilled players (not two randoms where, herpderp, one may be miles better then the other). One with M/K, one with controller, M/K will win. It's a fact. Mice are just much more precise. Thumbsticks are 'precise enough'. You can tell me you "don't need AA", but you're blowing smoke up your own ass. You're wrong. The team killing thing was an example, your teammates don't usually expect you to kill them, so even if it is harder to hit them without AA, it's nothing close to how hard it'd be to kill someone who KNOWS you're attempting to kill them. You need aim assist, you're just pretending consoles don't. You shouldn't bother to think it's a bad thing. It's a way to compensate for the inferiority of thumbsticks, and that's cool, because it works great in most cases.
Also, PC uses very little AA. So little it isn't generally worth mentioning. It just makes FPS smoother and feel less finicky, but it barely helps a player at all.

EDITBEFOREPOST: Play Shadowrun. Enjoy getting your ass grinded into the ground by PC players. The game had problems on console from day one, and that problem was all the console players getting pissed off at PC players. I used to think I sucked at that game when I played on xbox, then I played it on PC and dominated. It was pretty clear to me why.

Dunno where the NPC thing came from, must be replying to someone else. I never mentioned NPCs. FO/NV should definitely be compared to other FPS. With a maxed gunskill and top-tier guns, aiming still feels like shit on a console. There's a reason for that, but I won't tell ya why.
this thread is useless, i mean there so many resonons a pc is better than a console. People like consoles cause they are easy to sart playing games on, with a pc if have some knowledge you can go much much farther. I can do anything you guys can do on a console on my pc and better
[quote name='unnkown95' post='3349660' date='Dec 25 2010, 08:22 PM']this thread is useless, i mean there so many resonons a pc is better than a console. People like consoles cause they are easy to sart playing games on, with a pc if have some knowledge you can go much much farther. I can do anything you guys can do on a console on my pc and better[/quote]
OK. Play every and any PS3 exclusive on your PC.
[quote name='BobTheJoeBob' post='3350826' date='Dec 26 2010, 02:27 PM'][quote name='unnkown95' post='3349660' date='Dec 25 2010, 08:22 PM']this thread is useless, i mean there so many resonons a pc is better than a console. People like consoles cause they are easy to sart playing games on, with a pc if have some knowledge you can go much much farther. I can do anything you guys can do on a console on my pc and better[/quote]
OK. Play every and any PS3 exclusive on your PC.

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  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Meatspin is Kens desktop background lol
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Yes uremum didn't tell me about her transition and begged me to make it my background
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  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @BigOnYa, Sounds like you and AncientBoi get along together TOO well.
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Thank God we are 20 states away from each tho. Kenny's almost neighbors with him.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I live in kc you dingus
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Ok still closer to him than me, perv boi
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Not to mention you guys share the same last name.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I thought you were Mrs.bigboi
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Nuh twice divorced, I took my maiden name
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Mrs. bigancientboi?
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Ms. now, We divorced.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
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    BigOnYa @ BigOnYa: The end of this game, in the house, is like Texas chainsaw massacre house, is crazy. I just...