Got an Andoid Phone

I'm impresses by the amount of apps and compatibility but the games are nowhere near my expectations.
I thought they would be little time wasters that can get a good 1-2 hours of game play but they ended up being things that I play for 5 minutes and then uninstall.
Angry Birds was boring a nowhere near as good as the original flash game crush the castle.

There is a lot of apps out there and I got myself the GO Launcher EX which is fairly smooth, does anyone have some recommendations for apps?


Well I heard android emus were kinda ... good.
Lol, it is funny you posted it in the EOF. But I love the Android.

But this should be moved to the "Blogs" right?
[quote name='clarky' timestamp='1341097900'] little game to waste time, try game dev story [/quote]
I second that. Great game, I've wasted quite a few hours on it.
[quote name='Suprgamr232' timestamp='1341099972'] [quote name='clarky' timestamp='1341097900'] little game to waste time, try game dev story [/quote]I second that. Great game, I've wasted quite a few hours on it. [/quote]
Also Dungeon town (or something like that, its made by the same guys who made dev story. I would get some emus since most are online for free.
[quote name='shlong' timestamp='1341136352'] lol games on phonejust pirate gameboid and play pokemon [/quote] already done ^^
Just i've been a bit busy with pokemon white 2
Final Fantasy III, Nova 3, Shadow Gun, Son the Hedgehog Episode 2, and so much more. Check out some Android websites.
Vats an Andoid phone?

[quote name='shlong' timestamp='1341136352']
lol games on phone
just pirate gameboid and play pokemon

Isn't it already free?

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