Consoles vs. Computer

Well there are alot of people fighting over Consoles vs. Games lately.
I think that consoles are better because they are designed for games.
But Computers are great for online games that have alot of players, such as MMORPGs.
Or some games designed well for the Computer such as Sims 3, Counter Strike and some others.
That's my thought on it.
Oh and guess what, it's christmas eve EVE!!!


[quote name='unnkown95' post='3345401' date='Dec 23 2010, 09:22 PM']ok if you had the choice between a laptop with an i5, 4 gig ram, 17 inch screen, ati graphics, 500gig hard drive-dell computer (my computer which i payed 549.00 plus tax for) or a sony playstation 3, with 2 controllers, black ops, move bundle etc- so like 550$ worth of gaming stuff which bundle would you choose if you had to use it, you cant just turn around and sell it[/quote]

Even though laptops suck...
You can bundle whatever you want with a console, but on a PC if you really dont' have any money...every game that isn't online multiplayer is free, and there are a LOT of amazing single player games out there for PC. A lot.

Plus you PS3 bundle example sucks.
I'd only need 1 controller, I hate black ops and would rather have it on 360 regardless, move has no good games yet.
Now a 20gb used PS3 with a controller and a 50$ internal HDD...yes please, but i'd still pick the laptop.
the fact that i got Bad Company 2 some 2 days ago for 10$; and Super Meat Boy for some 3$ makes me all love my PC more than my consoles right now :lol:
[quote name='unnkown95' post='3345401' date='Dec 23 2010, 08:22 PM']ok if you had the choice between a laptop with an i5, 4 gig ram, 17 inch screen, ati graphics, 500gig hard drive-dell computer (my computer which i payed 549.00 plus tax for) or a sony playstation 3, with 2 controllers, black ops, move bundle etc- so like 550$ worth of gaming stuff which bundle would you choose if you had to use it, you cant just turn around and sell it[/quote]
Well that depends. If I can use the laptop for anything besides gaming, then the laptop. If I can only use it for gaming however, then the PS3.
I have a Laptop that can run anything I throw at it, and every current gen console at the moment.....And I can honestly say I use the laptop more for gaming (even if you take WoW out of the equation)
It helps that steam is good at having epic sales...

Edit: my laptop is a asus G72GX

Another Edit: If you think about it game consoles rely on computers whether or not console gamers like it
My opinions:

Computers: They are an all around system. They are the Jack of all trades. They can emulate old games, create new games, play online with millions of players at a time, etc. But as a Jack of all Trades, they don't do everything perfect.

Consoles: As a dedicated gaming system, they accel at what they do. Video games. They prevent people from hacking, they have dedicated communication system. They can do all of this out of the box. Cheaper than a computer system, and with subscription services like netflix. All from the family TV.

The one that is better is all down to the END USER.
[quote name='Argentum Vir' post='3345732' date='Dec 24 2010, 07:14 AM']My opinions:

Computers: They are an all around system. They are the Jack of all trades. They can emulate old games, create new games, play online with millions of players at a time, etc. But as a Jack of all Trades, they don't do everything perfect.

Consoles: As a dedicated gaming system, they accel at what they do. Video games. They prevent people from hacking, they have dedicated communication system. They can do all of this out of the box. Cheaper than a computer system, and with subscription services like netflix. All from the family TV.

The one that is better is all down to the END USER.[/quote]
But console only excel at gaming only. So its only meh.
Up until the days of the Amiga I always preferred computer over console. When I had a C64 none of the consoles (VCS, Intellivision, Colecovision) touched the quality of the games coming out for it. When the Atari ST/Amiga was my preferred gaming platform the only thing really out was the NES. I owned one and enjoyed it but it still didn't touch the Miggy/ST. The Megadrive and the SNES came out then and my gaming choice went from home computer to console. The quality of the arcade conversions coming out for the MD/SNES were vastly superior to the Miggy/ST. Just compare Street Fighter II and Golden Axe to see the huge difference.

I still kept the Miggy because it has some great games that just could never be ported to the consoles. When the Miggy died and PC's became the home computer of choice they were pretty limited game-wise and fiddly as to get games running on them. The consoles beat them hands down in my opinion, graphically and just ease of use, so I stuck to the consoles. Eventually the PC's overtook the consoles in gaming quality BUT at a huge price difference so I still stuck to consoles. The PC I'm using now cost about the same as a 360 but is nowhere near as nice for gaming.

If you've got the cash for a top notch system then PC's are definitely the better gaming choice, but for the average bod I'd say consoles were the much better gaming choice. No fuss and no muss gaming is what the average people at home want.
If you haven't done both then your opinion isn't really valid. I thought pc gaming sucked until I actually started.

The biggest disadvantage of pc gaming is the initial cost. Other than that it has so many advantages over consoles.

For the people saying consoles are better since they are designed for gaming, consoles are just special pc hardware. Games are just optimized for each os.
[quote name='Argentum Vir' post='3345732' date='Dec 23 2010, 03:14 PM']My opinions:

Computers: They are an all around system. They are the Jack of all trades. They can emulate old games, create new games, play online with millions of players at a time, etc. But as a Jack of all Trades, they don't do everything perfect.

Consoles: As a dedicated gaming system, they accel at what they do. Video games. They prevent people from hacking, they have dedicated communication system. They can do all of this out of the box. Cheaper than a computer system, and with subscription services like netflix. All from the family TV.

The one that is better is all down to the END USER.[/quote]
PC can emulate old games, it's the home of the FPS and RTS genres, free online, no useless subscription bullshit , incredible steam game prices that always beats the price of a console game going for more, and you get the best graphics with the most graphical options. The PC can emulate everything up until the Wii. It can't emulate PS3, PSP, or 360 games as of now, but most of 360 games are already on PC anyway. In fact, Fable 3 is coming to PC next year as well. There's also the PCSX2 which can actually emulate PS2 games in 1080p. You need a pretty good computer to run this, but it's not it's enforced or anything.

We get mods for games like Half life, Oblivion, fallout, etc. It makes boring games actually fun by having things like combat mods, npc mods, graphic mods, and all that. Console games can't do this.

It's not hard to connect a PC to a TV. You got yourself a perfectly fine media center right there. No format and codec restrictions, like on the consoles.

The only thing Consoles do better is being extremely simple to use, and having fighting games and JRPGs. The controller argument is invalid because you can use the xbox controllers as well as many other controllers on the PC with the right drivers and such. Besides that, I can't think of anything the consoles do better.
iv owned a few consoles, and many computers. i also consider a computer a "jack of all trades"
i mean, blue ray player/burners,
if you want tv tuners/ video capture cards
obvious gaming power,
flawless internet.
media center
a computer can pretty much replace most electronic devise in your house.

i dont remember who said it, but i agree that a lot of these prebuilt "gaming" computers give it a bad name.

On the other hand, i consider myself a heavy pc gamer, but i get a high amount of joy doing anything with computers. (fix any friends for free (they buy parts)) but hey, i still miss my wii that my x-gf jacked. and im going to get another one, period. basically becasue of exclusives. and uniqe hardware.
[quote name='jarejare3' post='3344664' date='Dec 23 2010, 02:03 PM'][quote name='BobTheJoeBob' post='3344649' date='Dec 23 2010, 08:53 PM'][quote name='jarejare3' post='3344648' date='Dec 23 2010, 12:52 PM']':teach:[/quote]
You say the computer wins in all aspects, prove it.
List me some aspect and i will tell you why.

The gaming experience, the "original feeling" of holding a console and the price. If you can tell me why computer beat these 3, I lose.
[quote name='ojsinnerz.' post='3345914' date='Dec 23 2010, 08:42 PM']fucking snip.[/quote]

So all of what you are saying is don't like the 360's subscription fee (yes, you do have online fees *cough* WoW *cough*), that arguably illegal emulators exist (take a long time to perfect, and rely on the hard work of others with nothing in return), and that it's better for meta-game things like mods and such that have no purpose other than the novelty factor...

That about right?

Don't be a fanboy (that goes to everyone in this thread). PCs and consoles are, for all serious purposes, the same. You can use many USB controllers on a PC, and consoles (at least the 360) can use keyboards / mice for some games (pacman CE DX for example). The only real differences are the fact that most large-budget produces tend to favor consoles due to the large install base, and pricing tends to be a bit different --- at least, it tends to be in a different format (you may have to upgrade your computer multiple times over the next 5 years, where you only get a new console once every 5 years - no difference).
Good lord unnkown95, you really are making some stupid posts:

ok if you had the choice between a laptop with an i5, 4 gig ram, 17 inch screen, ati graphics, 500gig hard drive-dell computer (my computer which i payed 549.00 plus tax for) or a sony playstation 3, with 2 controllers, black ops, move bundle etc- so like 550$ worth of gaming stuff which bundle would you choose if you had to use it, you cant just turn around and sell it

Easy, PS3.

And others have said, a lot of people who own pc's, don't play games on it. The only games I've played on this pc is from the Indie Bundle, and that's because it's the only way for me to play them. But if it was available on the home console, I'd take that over computer any day. I think a computer should only be meant for checking email, messaging and all that, my whole god damn life and all of my hobbies shouldn't revolve around the thing.
Okay, I just tl;dr'd this whole topic, and here's my opinion.

Computers should be meant for work, socializing, and a few games.

Consoles should be meant for games, and maybe a few more games. Maybe add some games in that too.
oh my god shadowsoldier, like i said there will always be one retard out of the 100 that picks the ps3 over the pc, there is no point in arguing with the one retard...
[quote name='unnkown95' post='3344872' date='Dec 24 2010, 02:25 AM']i mean with a pc not only can it be used for gaming but of course it can be used for everything else. Of course you can run linux on a ps3 but it is not even in comparison to a pc. The ps3 and xbox 360 have like 6 core proccessrors which are great for gaming but for running linux or someother os on it they will suck , a pc's proccessor can be used for everything. I mean if you take a sony ps3 vs. a pc with an i3 proccessor in it there is no way the ps3 can stand a chance.[/quote]

Actually, the PS3 would be way faster.

It sports a 3.2GHz 6core.

[quote name='unnkown95' post='3345047' date='Dec 24 2010, 03:55 AM']look if you have 300$ to spend on a console or a pc, pc is the best option period. There is no room for arguing if a console can do it, there is a pc that can do it 2X better[/quote]

This thread is about gaming. A $300 PS3 will play games much fucking better than a $300 PC with a 800MHz processor.

[quote name='unnkown95' post='3346068' date='Dec 24 2010, 12:54 PM']oh my god shadowsoldier, like i said there will always be one retard out of the 100 that picks the ps3 over the pc, there is no point in arguing with the one retard...[/quote]

And how many of those 99 "smart people" know what a fucking game is?

Man, you're a bloody retard.
[quote name='monkat' post='3345937' date='Dec 23 2010, 04:54 PM'][quote name='ojsinnerz.' post='3345914' date='Dec 23 2010, 08:42 PM']fucking snip.[/quote]

So all of what you are saying is don't like the 360's subscription fee (yes, you do have online fees *cough* WoW *cough*), that arguably illegal emulators exist (take a long time to perfect, and rely on the hard work of others with nothing in return), and that it's better for meta-game things like mods and such that have no purpose other than the novelty factor...

That about right?

Don't be a fanboy (that goes to everyone in this thread). PCs and consoles are, for all serious purposes, the same. You can use many USB controllers on a PC, and consoles (at least the 360) can use keyboards / mice for some games (pacman CE DX for example). The only real differences are the fact that most large-budget produces tend to favor consoles due to the large install base, and pricing tends to be a bit different --- at least, it tends to be in a different format (you may have to upgrade your computer multiple times over the next 5 years, where you only get a new console once every 5 years - no difference).

WoW is just one game. Ok, there's games with subscription services, but so fucking what? Unlike on the xbox 360, there's an astounding number of games where you're not paying anything outside when you purchase the game. On the 360, you're paying just to play with your buddies. With LIVE, you're paying a lot of useless shit that you can get for free on the PC.

Even without the "illegal" emulators, so fucking what? The PC has an astounding number of classic games since long long time ago. Name me any good RTS on the consoles. Wait you can't.

Mods aren't just for novelty. Some are for pure silly enjoyment, yeah. However, there's many mods that fix things up and actually make a game enjoyable.

What large-budget titles? Every Bethesda, Activision/Blizzard, Bioware, Ubisoft, Eidos/SE, rockstar, EA games? All on PC. The only thing missing is Red Dead Redemption. And guess what? Every game by Bethesda, Rockstar, Bioware, etc are on sale right now on steam. Activision is a bunch of greedy assholes so none of their games are on sale.

You can use keyboards on consoles yeah, but can you set it up so that you can play a game entirely with nothing but keyboard and mouse? Nope. For a few games, like you said, but not for every game. Fighting sticks are all supported on the PC. Joysticks are all supported on the PC.

Let me sum it up for everyone here.
PC: Most games have far more options in literally everything. Home of the FPS and RTS, extremely cheap game prices, and a great media center that isn't restricted by codec limitations or missing features. There are games that require a subscription fee, but unlike xbox live, you don't need it just to play with your friends. It does everything for free. You can even emulate almost every console.

Console: It plays games, it's extremely simple. There's fantastic games (Every game by Platinum games and clover studios for one) and suitable for playing with friends or guests at home. Home of the JRPGs, and a bunch of third person shooters.

I'm done here. This entire thing is pants on head retarded.

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