I'm not sure how much longer I can do this.

Imma preface it by saying that this isn't a political opinion or view so don't take it out of context.

After getting vaccinated, most public places in my state have not required masks. Now with the delta variant, my work is making me put it back on. Now I was happy to just wear a mask for a very long time, but after getting to take it off for a few months, it's going to be very difficult to go back to that world. It's making me depressed frankly. That's all. Everyone stay safe
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I'm sure you know you better that I know you.
But I don't think you're having depression, but rather anxiety.
And I do understand how you feel, it's hard for me to return to a world without masks.
So I'm still wearing one and will wear one from now onwards.
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I expect you feeling down is less about needing to wear the mask itself and more what it says about the state of the pandemic. It looked like we were almost done with it, but turns out we aren’t quite that close. You’ve done what you can by being vaccinated, but a lot of things are out of your control.

As for the mask, you did it before, so you can do it again and it shouldn’t be required as long this time.

Hope something good happens for you today to help lift your spirits.
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I Hate It, I Hate It, I Hate It. :angry: But, I do it, I do it, I do it. :(

wonder if I can wear an athletic supporter in lieu of the mask? :rofl2:
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Each of us wears a "psychological" mask (social role, respectability, conformity) as well as a "material" one (of cloth). Get rid of the first and the second will no longer be a problem.
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Already getting vaccine last April and I still wear mask. I don't care what CDC or anybody says. I am still intend to wear my mask until it is 100 parent over. It doesn't bother me. I went to the restaurant about a week ago or so and it doesn't required mask if you already getting vaccine. One woman saw me wear my mask and she said I already getting my vaccine and I dont need it. Did you received vaccine ? I said yeah. She said then why wear it? I smiled and I said I just want to. She said ok and I walked away smiling and proudly.
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@Nerdtendo, If it's damp it means you don't change it often enough...just kidding.:wink:
Is it more important to protect the health of your relatives (especially the elderly), friends, and everyone else, or is it more important to indulge your own whim? Do you think anyone would enjoy wearing a surgical mask? When it comes to life and death everything else must be put aside.
It's not anxiety. I'm familiar with that one. It's definitely a depressed feeling... Not clinically depressed or anything, but it is depressing.
depending on what you do, try to push for work at home. I know some jobs are not able to. but the other option is the type of mask. Most people who complain about confront (not Politically) I realize they are buy either cheap disposable mask or Heavy Fabric. Look if you have to were a mask for an extended period SPEND THE Money for quality and Comfortable mask.
1. GET COTTON Mask ( a lot of cheap ones are polyester or bends)
2 .get mask plastic insert ( relieves the Anxiety about having something on your face and makes it easy to breath with cheap mask)
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@NerdNerdo, politics has nothing to do with my argument. I'm talking about common sense, altruism, sense of humanity and solidarity. Feelings not politics.:)
@Nikokaro there is also the sense of humanity that says "I would like to live my life where I don't have to hide myself away, can enjoy the company of others, and if some people lose their lives (my own included), that is a sacrifice that should be made to improve the quality of life for all. That's why it's such a slippery slope. Both of us are valid.
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Concretely speaking, one thing that I can agree with you about, and that I care about, is the difficulty in falling in love in this condition, and in carrying on a courtship; I, who have always fallen in love admiring the smile of a woman...:rolleyes:
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I'm sick of treating the plague rats who won't get vaccinated with kid gloves. They're the ones who should all be forced to stay in lockdown while the rest of us are free to go without a mask in public. Vaccine passports should be credit card sized and laminated, and be a requirement at any business you intend to enter while maskless.

Of course, the other major hurdles are the fucking useless pigs that won't enforce public health measures and mandates. That should also result in fines and/or jail time. People are unfortunately free to be as stupid as they want in America, but when that stupidity becomes detrimental to everybody in their community, it's time to correct that behavior one way or another.
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Politics affects us a lot, especially during the pandemic and vaccination. That's right, when the global crisis first started and covid was spreading very quickly, at first the vaccine was given only to health care workers. First of all, and this is absolutely correct, because they were very vulnerable, constantly coming into contact with sick people. I recently read several articles on https://papersowl.com/examples/oppression/ about oppression, about difference and inequality. It seems to me that in emergency situations such privileges are justified.

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