Why does so much People unhappy and unsatisfied with their Lifes ........

Hello,my fellow GBAtemp Community.:)

When I read through Blogs,Off Topic and Edge of the Forum,I noticed a Topic that keeps coming up.

People who are dissatisfied with their Lives or,at worst,hate their own lives....:(

Sometimes it is not exactly a "life-threatening" Reason why this happens.
But usually there is more behind it.

And that touches me then always a "little", if it turns out that many People just do not have someone to talk.
And at a Time when "Communication" seems to "dictate" our Society....

That always makes me sometimes a "little" sad,to see,there are so many People on this Planet and so many of them are alone.....
Whether wanted or not.......

I wish you a nice and good Day,my Friends.
Thank you for Reading.:)


@cots I don't take the bible literally, my point of view is that the whole god thing was just to make a point that people could understand. Just because mindfulness came from indian religions and there is science to back it up now, doesn't lend any credibility to religion itself. People used to attribute anything they didn't understand to god, so it doesn't require too much of a stretch to make the incorrect assumption that if you felt calm after mindfulness that it must have had something to do with god. It just calms the mind, back then there wasn't the understanding of how the mind worked. What is sad is that some people only feel capable of making healthy living choices when faced with the wrath of god.
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Thank you.:)


Thank you for your Interest.
I am pleased that you both have found a Place where you can exchange your opinions and Point ov Views in peace.:)


Thank you for your,as always professional and grammatically excellent Views.
(The Google Translater already gives up on your great Explanations and Stories anyway and just translates something....:P).

But that is good,so i can really imrpove my English the next Level.:D

I try give you an answer on "your" Level,please forgive me,but I believe that this "Project" is doomed to failure right from the Start.

Part of that is the pushing of the "maximum Profits"
This Phrase make me really "angry" in this Times we live.....
Nobody cares about the "Human" Note,always Profit....sometimes I think I live on Ferenginar.....but not in a funny Way...
And there lays the "Bunny in the Pepper"...
Without Profit - No Fun.
Without Profit - No economic Growth (do we really need that today ???)
Without Profit - Dissatisfaction "in the Square".

A very important View on the "Unsatiesfied" Question.......

Hopefully we all become Robots or AI before it really comes to a Head....
I do not hope so.:)

I always have the Hope,that we "come back"...as Humans....:)

Thank you very much for your Contribution.:)
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There is a difference between seeking profit (extra helps for lean times, and allows you to try some other stuff out in your free time) and seeking maximum profit. Even business recognises that sometimes it is best not to cannibalise your base (I could sell my tools tomorrow, and probably even make a profit on what it cost me to get them, would make less tomorrow though by virtue of not having them), and most hunters will tell you about being a steward as much as a hunter (get too much or too much of the wrong choice and it won't bounce back, possibly ever), but what I see out in the world is increasingly cannibalistic*. Or if you prefer it is called human resources because your humans are a resource.

*guy I know went to work for an insurance company. Nothing resembling job security, no autonomy to make decisions, no place to relax, borderline tyrannical about breaks and ostensibly set up as a meatgrinder -- he was still there after 3 months and his card stopped working, apparently they time them out after said 3 months as they don't expect people to still be doing the job. Said company is probably the second biggest employer in that town.

As far as becoming robots or AI (or I suppose transhuman) then I suppose there is the being a screensaver in said AI's or robot's computer.

In my case I learned to run numbers and don't let impossibilities bother me, and most people thinking about calling me a loser are barely worth my contempt so I manage it dodge it.

As for translation fun and games... I have no idea what bunny in the pepper is. Are rabbits particularly noted as spoilers of pepper where you are at? I am guessing it is some variation of fly in the ointment but I am not sure. If we are doing metaphors though I do wonder why the caged bird sings.
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Thank you,@FAST6191. :D

Here lies "The Bunny in the Pepper"
Sorry my fault:
Here lies "The Hare in the Pepper"

means "Exactly that is the Problem." or "That is the Point."

"the Birds fly out of my Head
in the Pine Trees in front of my Window"

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I am still not entirely sure what Leporidae have to do with peppers (be it the stuff that adds flavour to some dishes and that some dubiously consider a basic spice, chillies or bell peppers).

Why do I feel like I am involved in some kind of secret catchphrase spy exchange but as some kind of Inspector Clouseau type character?
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but as some kind of Inspector Clouseau type character?
Should I really imagine that now ? :evil:

But yes,if you if you think so, then you are cordially invited.

This phrase, which is actually old and has been known for centuries, is explained by Johann Christoph Adelung in his large lexicon for the German language, the Grammatical-Critical Dictionary of the High German dialect (1793-1801): "In the Upper German is also a strong with pepper spiced broth, a pepper broth called pepper. Put a rabbit in pepper, prepare it with a pepper broth. Therefore, the figurative saying there is the rabbit in the pepper, that's the real reason of the evil, that's what it lacks. "

In the older comprehensive German proverb dictionary by K. F. W. Wander (1867 ff.) One reads: If the hare comes in pepper, then it becomes black and how the hare in the pepper comes, then it is eaten. Wander also mentions the French and Dutch variants - C'est là où gît le lièvre; Daar ligt de haas in het zout - and commented: "There is the difficulty, it depends. Under pepper is not the well-known spice, but meant a broth prepared in the Middle Ages, the pepper was a constituent. Hasenpfeffer was a dish in brown pepper broth. The Berliner Fremdenblatt (1866) says about the saying:> In some areas of northern Germany, the rabbit is prepared with a lot of spice and pepper, all sorts of Zuthaten come, so that the actual small (and in Fricassée the chicken) is sometimes difficult to find. We now assume that this leads to the saying, "There lies the rabbit in the pepper, formed for certain nodal points that are difficult to find or to loosen." In Westphalian: Doa the de Hase in the Peaper. When the hat comes in the scribe Pfeffer. "

Wander also has related proverbs: First catch the rabbit, then pepper it and pepper is part of the venison.

In the German Dictionary of the Brothers Grimm, under the heading Hasenpfeffer, it is noted (Volume 4.2, 1877): "the parts of the rabbit hunted with a spice stock and blood: hare pepper, lepus in jure nigro."

From a more recent point of view, Lutz Röhrich (Lexicon of proverbial phrases, 1991) and Heinz Küpper (Illustrated Dictionary of German slang, Volume 3, 1983) with the phrase there is the rabbit in the pepper deals. According to Röhrich, it has been documented since the thirteenth century, and he cites Geiler von Kaysersberg (died 1510), who titled a sermon cycle: "Ain spiritual meaning of the häßlin, how to pepper it into the pepper" and Philander (17 "No one knows where the hare is in the pepper when it is served or helped." Küpper states: "That is the most important thing in all of this; this is the main difficulty, the crucial mistake. > Pepper <means the spicy sauce, also the canned venison. The hare that lies in this pepper is no longer alive; or you know where the missing hare stayed. "

Finally, the entry from the new Brockhaus Encyclopaedia (2006), which applies to the Hasenpfeffer (French Civet de lièvre): "Ragout from the non-frying parts of the hare (belly flaps, ribs, barrels).":D
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I agree with someone above who said this is a complex problem to resolve. Most people are dissatisfied with their lives because they're not getting the results that they expected to get (yesterday, last year, whenever). Most Many of those same people are unwilling to take personal responsibility and realize that they are where they are in life because of their own choices. We can all say it's YOUR fault. it's her fault, it's their fault, etc... and that places the control for change in... someone else hands, when in fact life is much like poker (KennyRogers The Gamber) You have to find out how to work with the hand you've been dealt regardless of what that hand is.

Taking personal responsibility is something the net reinforces by its very nature, at least it makes it easy to avoid.

In real life, which happens away from a computer, people don't tolerate bad behavior no matter how much they might seem like they do. It will get you results, just not to ones that will bring the destiny you desire.

I have found after 56 years that A thought creates an action, an action repeated creates a habit. a habit repeated becomes a character which in turn can only elicit a particular destiny (result).

IOW if you want to change your results (in life) you have to first and foremost change your thoughts about what things mean and what you focus on.

Some keep focusing on past failures (negatives) and just keep getting more of the same and can't figure out why. That's akin to driving an auto (forward) while only looking out your rearview mirror (focused on the past failures OR successes). In short order, you are sure to get in another accident. Our mind attracts what we focus on.

Try not thinking about a pink hippo for the next ten seconds and suddenly your thoughts keep returning to it,

If you never change your beliefs, for better or for worse, your life will be like this... F-O-R-E-V-E-R. is that good news?

If not here are the best ten two-letter words I can suggest to find/ make your self happier,
Lincoln said "Man is just about as happy as he intends to be" (or close to those words)
No one makes us feel anything we don't want to. We accept negative feelings, choose to feel bad.. IN reaction to others actions.

It is far better to act than to react, then you and you alone are in control.
It's all about self Control

Sorry for the Wall o text.. but...it was after all Your choice to read it.
Have a fan frigging-tastic day / holiday.

PS many substances rob you of your ability to control yourself and your environment, but it's your choice to not put them in your body.
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Thank you for your Contribution.:)

It has a very,very good Point:

Most Many of those same people are unwilling to take personal responsibility and realize that they are where they are in life because of their own choices.

Thank you,a very important View.
And without personal responsibility it must leads to unsatiesfiedness.
But our Human Society "teaches" to not take personal responsibility.Why should they ? if no personal consequences follow.......
A very,very strange peculiarity of our time.....

Thank you.:)
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@redhorse it's way too complicated to say that you are where you are purely because of your own choices, there are often external influences as well that set your life on a certain trajectory. But I agree your own choices can help or hinder you a certain amount. While I'm not religious at all, I think https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serenity_Prayer helps.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.
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@smf Your quote is very valid and should be taught in grade school. However, even though there's things beyond your control you should never blame your own personal actions on those things. @Redhorse is right. People need to stop blaming things they can't control for the way they think or act. It's like school shooters. Everyone wants to blame the bullies that probably deserved to get hurt for mistreating the shooter, blame the inanimate object used to shoot with, blame the lack of mental health care when in reality the only person that is guilty of actually committing the crime is the shooter. Kids see how the blame shifting takes place and this actually makes future shooters think "well, it's everyone else's fault" thus justifying them to go on a spree. Blame shifting should not happen as it hurts society in whole. Yes, there are external factors you can't control in life, but the only person responsible for how you think and how you act is you.
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Hello my fellow Alex, i have much luck to find a person like you in foruns like this, you are kind and help hand guy, help me in many gaming ways, and i do agree with you, people today are much angry and toxic, in deep of they feelings they are self defense all time, a portion of they are alone, other are bad, yeah, many people for no reason are baaaad, and feel pleasure to take down other people, tell hard things, it´sad very sad, no one care with the person behind an Avatar or account. Cause this we need to praise our worth virtual and personal good friendships. I just want to live in peace and do nothing bad to other people, life is short, be happy in a good way is all we can do in this short life, so i say everytime live the life you have with good mod, there days we can´t but we need try.
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Honestly I just hate my job b/c its poorly managed. Other than that im pretty satisfied with everything else. But yeah its coming to a point where I'll have to look elsewhere from scratch even tho it took me years to get the job I have now.
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Thank you for you kind Answer.:)
It seems to me that you have already achieved a happy and contented Life when you see what has "happened" in the last few Months.:D

That is really a nice and good Thing.
Please stay as you are,my Friend.
Thank you.:)


Thank you for your Story about your Job.:)
A very important View in today´s Times.
A Job can really "destroy" you....

When someone is unhappy and unsatsfied with the job,maybe it is a good Idea to think over it and consider maybe a "Change" in the Life.
But not simply "run away"....
Maybe think about Factors like
- personal Attitude
- Enviroment (Job and Personal9
- the People (with one you work)
- the Work itself (is it good for me,do I like it)

Maybe it opens new Point of Views.....

Thank you for your Contributions and for Reading.:)
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  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Just double click the folder and add it
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    The root folder where you have games stored
  • HiradeGirl @ HiradeGirl:
    Yeah, just try the "add new game directory".
  • JefferyCuddletrousers @ JefferyCuddletrousers:
    no error message, and its just a file not a folder
  • HiradeGirl @ HiradeGirl:
    And do what the troll said.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Yeah but Citra uses that to scan folders
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    So it could be like C:\\Games\folder\game.Cci
  • JefferyCuddletrousers @ JefferyCuddletrousers:
    nothing like that pops up
  • JefferyCuddletrousers @ JefferyCuddletrousers:
    wait i mightve gotten it
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    You'll want to add c:\\Games\folder
  • JefferyCuddletrousers @ JefferyCuddletrousers:
    it works now i have no clue what just happened?

  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    You can also drag and drop the game into it for future reference
  • JefferyCuddletrousers @ JefferyCuddletrousers:
    i know that, it just wouldnt show because it had to be a file and it wasnt
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Well now it works
  • JefferyCuddletrousers @ JefferyCuddletrousers:
    yeah im confused but thanks all for trying to help haha
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    Think this Nyko PowerPak+ in my OG 3DS is starting to expand ever so slightly 😨 what a shame, to have to go back to an OG size battery soon.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Most emulators will be like that where it asks for a parent directory
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    @Sicklyboy, 3ds batteries are fairly cheap just don't overspend on oem
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    Yeah I just like this massive extended battery lol
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Lol length
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I remember those psp batteries that came with bulged psp battery covers
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    my PSP battery started swelling up AGES ago
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    As in I got rid of the battery when I noticed
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    People were hacking batteries just to cfw them
    Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty: @JefferyCuddletrousers, welcome