Why I hate the Switch and this current era of Nintendo.

I hate the Nintendo Switch. I'm sure some of you are screaming and crying already just from that. Something about it just isn't right.

It seems like when the hardware itself is successful, Nintendo doesn't really try as hard with their software. Case in point the Wii has hardly any first party games and a lot of the ones it got were weird spin offs. All we've been getting from the Switch are some of the worlds laziest offerings, sequels with hardly any new content, ports of games that are only a few years old. When there is something original, personally, I've hated it. Breath of the Wild(which is technically a port but we'll let that slide) just does not feel like a Zelda game to me, and honestly a bunch of 1 puzzle minidungeons doesn't make up for the lack of any real content at all. The new Kirby was an absolute joke. It had hardly any levels and its so soulless and uncreative. Splatoon 2 just felt like a map pack. Xenoblade 2 went HARD on being Anime big titty waifu desu generic trope bullshit when the original game wasn't like that at all, if you like boring anime bullshit good for you I guess, but I don't.

I think the only game Ive enjoyed was Mario Odyssey. It had some semblance of creativity, the capture mechanic was cool, and going back to the classic 3D style felt great. However, even with that game I have a lot of problems. There were almost zero unique objectives for the games moons. 99% of them are just sitting around for you to grab and it felt really really boring getting them all about halfway through. Compare this to sunshine where almost every single shinesprite is a unique mission(besides like red coins and a few others but its a small amount so its ok!).

Also holy shit, I have had ENOUGH of the ports. Is Nintendo so starved of creativity that they need to just keep pumping out old games in place of new ones? And don't give me that "They're ports they're not replacing new releases" because look how dry the release schedule has been without them, they're totally trying to pass them off as major titles. I understand the Wii U didn't sell good but look at you guys you're complete hypocrites. "Wii U sucks what a shit console no games nothing to do". Well apparently the Wii U was the best fuckin console of all time because everyones eating these ports up and saying they're the best games ever. I loved the Wii U, and played all the games because they were great but now I feel punished in a way for supporting Nintendo when they were down. Charging more money for these quarter-assed ports than they cost initially on Wii U(A lot of these games were released at a budget price on Wii U and they're charging a full $60 on Switch) with absolutely zero new features.

The 3rd party offerings are horrendous as well. Charging more on Switch than other platforms while they also run and look much much worse is just unacceptable. I think the worst offender here has been Capcom. The Resident Evil ports are extremely over priced and selling Devil May Cry 1 standalone for the same price as the entire HD Trilogy thats on every other platform is a complete joke. These ports from 3rd parties also launch much later than the other platforms typically which makes no sense whatsoever. With all these points combined, why on earth would you want to play the switch version of any of these games? Just for portability? Thats a really weak reason if you ask me.

That's about all I have to say about the system and its games I guess. Overall, Im really disappointed with the direction Nintendo has been going since the Switch launch. I used to like them because they were different and focused on quality. Now they're just like everyone else but a lot worse at the same time too.

If you like the switch, good for you I guess, enjoy paying double for 5 year old games and replacing your joycons every 6 months.

EDIT: Wow, how could I forget to mention the complete lack of a virtual console on Switch and how horrendous the online is! The lack of a virtual console really sucks. Yeah, they're kind of sort of not really at all trying with the NES Online app I guess. Hey, maybe by the end of next year you guys will get like 4 SNES games too wow!!! I don't care if I have to pay for these games again, some for the 4th time even, I'll do it (especially when these older games are much better than Nintendos current releases). And we should have up to Gamecube for the VC that doesn't and won't exist because the hardware can absolutely handle it. As for the online, holy shit how is it 2019 and they're charging for online and its still absolute garbage? Not only was it FREE on Wii U, but it was also much more smooth and stable and had Miiverse as a way to communicate with others. Now theres no way to communicate with anybody, its unstable as all hell and you gotta pay for it. Kudos to Nintendo for at least making the sub cheap but its still not worth the asking price. How is it I can play Smash 4 on Wii U, almost NEVER have a bad match but on the much more powerful Switch with what I assume is a more developed infrastructure, I almost NEVER have a good match? It's inexcusable.

Also some of your replies are incredibly laughable. Right guys Im just trolling haha. Fanboys are insane.

Yet another edit: I'm not complaining about every Switch games price. I think its fine for Nintendo and other companies to charge $60 for NEW games. My problem is with how much they're charging for ports. DKC Tropical Freeze was not a full $60 when it released on Wii U(I believe it was $40) so why is it $60 on Switch? Captain Toad on Wii U $30 but the Switch version is $40. It's unacceptable.

As for 3rd parties, yes I know Nintendo doesn't control what they charge but that doesn't mean its not a problem. If a game either is old, runs worse than other platforms, has less content than other platforms, looks worse, releases way later than other platforms or any other number of reasons that plagues these Switch releases, then it should just cost less period, or at least the same god damn price as the superior versions. You are literally paying a premium for whats almost always an inferior product and if that is acceptable to you, you should really rethink a few things.
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Don't forget that the Switch was rushed to the market because of the failure of the Wii U.

Personally, I love the console and many of its games. Breath of the Wild and Mario Odyssey I really enjoyed and put hours upon hours into. Mario Maker 2 has become my next obsession. Lazy or not, I don't mind the Wii U ports because I never owned that console when I bought the Switch. If you don't like them don't buy them.

Just my opinion. Perhaps tomorrow's direct will reveal something new that's more to your taste.

I totally agree on the pricing issues, though. Nintendo first party games are hardly ever price reduced and nearly every multiplatform title has been more expensive on Switch.
I would level a lot of criticism toward the hardware. Aside from the drifting issues, lack of D-pad and responsiveness/tactility. We can really see downgrades in ports. Dragon Quest Builders 2 turns into a slideshow on the switch. Ark, HellBlade, etc... run poorly compared to counterparts.

On the plus side, piracy is easy and rather convenient. Have only purchased 1 game and indie games run well so long as you buy a better controller.
the drifting issue is just awful and it took them long enough to respond with a policy change. notice how nintendo tried so hard to make the wii u successful? they poured so much into it. but since the switch is selling incredibly well, nintendo is doing absolutely nothing with things like virtual console. if it hurts nintendo financially they will do something about it.

Your problem is that you have high expectations of console gaming for everything past the sixth generation of consoles. If you think this shit is bad, wait until everything goes to streaming like these companies ultimately would love to have happen, where everything is a service. What are you going to turn to for BC then? "I shouldn't have to mod my console to do basic things that other Nintendo consoles listed?" Like what, exactly? Virtual console, when the emulators for the Wii provided a better experience at no cost at all if we're gonna be honest? Same story with the WiiABU? Save backups locally? Homebrew (of which you are on a homebrew forum, let's not kid ourselves here) has you covered on that last one and with emulation and ports!

Also, this is your personal opinion, whether you like it or not. Some people, yours truly included, looked forward to another port of Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R because it felt like a complete version of the game (even comes with the Korean OST that you can switch to), and it just happening to be the best portable version of the game is just bonus. (not to mention I being a Guilty Gear fan) "But I played this game on Steam x years ago!" Shock of all shocks...not everyone has. Not to burst your bubble, but you are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else. Video games are hobbies, and unfortunately, when one has college projects, a job, and relationships to maintain, something is gonna have to give, and it may just so happen that the port of Cross Code or Shovel Knight (a game that keeps getting update after update) to the Switch may be my first time playing the game! So perhaps the 10th way to play Shovel Knight and Resident Evil 4 may not be for you. You getting triggered like that jackass in "internet irl" over the library of a game system being mostly ports says a lot more about you than I think you're aware of!

The only reason you're disappointed is because you seem to think Nintendo should make the equivalent of my HTPC and overpower both Sony and Microsoft when, at this point, the only way that will ever happen is if they change their entire strategy to support the core gaming audience that is getting older, who's disposable incomes and life priorities are changing and moving away from gaming and more to other things that keeps them away from their 50" TVs. Sure, it might work for a generation if they have a bunch of software in the works to support getting said new system, but I just doubt that Nintendo has that in mind.

Here's my question: you returned the Switch a month ago and have no plans on getting it again. You care what other people think because...why? Are you that insecure in your decision to return hardware that wasn't keeping you entertained?

Some of us have lives and actually work hard and don't leech off of others, so I'm done with you.
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Online Services via PC like Steam and Streaming to low end devices via Cloud is what is happening slowly due to Technology slowly rolling out Globally and trying to squeeze as much possible out of Traditional and current Gaming Platforms etc.
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I'm angry that the Switch has almost zero third-party exclusives for itself. Or if it gets a game that the bigger systems get, it's poorly optimized. (Unlike DOOM 2016 and Wolfenstein, great job Panic Button!)
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I am not angry at all to be honest. I have all consoles this generation, and to be honest I don't play so much, no time. But if anything right now I would say my playtime is something like 60% Switch, 30% PS4, 10% XBONE... And I really enjoy each of them a lot (but if I would play a cars game it would sure be on XBONE and it will be called Forza Horizon).

People get too annoyed for some reasons, I think the Switch is good as it is. But again, regarding Nintendo's Software, they are lacking this time around, you know, no Metroid yet.
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@Jayro Third-party exclusivity is dying altogether. Sony/Nintendo can't possibly offer enough money to make third parties pass on the additional revenue stream that is PC, and to a lesser degree, Xbox. Usually you only get timed exclusives at best, such as Nier on PS4 or Octopath Traveler on Switch. Everything else exclusive comes down to in-house studios or Nintendo/Sony funding development of games and concepts from the ground up.
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BRAVO! BRAVO! Finally, someone who makes SENSE! :D Albeit a bit colorful, but still the point is there.

I couldn't agree with you more. The whole Switch thing has been a bunch of bull... well, you know. Even with Kimishima gone, Nintendo seems permanently and financially damaged as far as customer satisfaction goes. You got your people who say "Switch is the best!" when they haven't really experienced THE best - Wii and Wii U. Definitely more innovative in software than the stupid Switch. I say, go back a few generations! Try out all the consoles, and see if the Nintendo switch still holds up as "the best". You may find that even the VirtualBoy is better!

...Okay, maybe not. Still, Switch is overpriced, overrated, and overpromoted. Iwata's idea has pretty much been shot to hell by launching under a non-sociable, money-minded CEO. It was, and always will be, a very bad mistake. It only survives because of games that succeed on other platforms (like Cuphead), and a slew of accessories, which ironically I don't remember any of Nintendo's previous consoles having so many peripherals made by Nintendo. Not even the Wii.

I, sir, salute you! :)
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I agree with the sentiments about the WiiU having great games, even if the library is very small. When I heard that the Switch was just a freakin' tablet, I lost all interest in new Nintendo games. I've never agreed with the directions they took, even as a kid, Nintendo was a major presence in my childhood gaming, and despite some annoyances I still love a few of their games. I guess I'm too old now to put up with the shit just to get to the gold nugget inside.
VC was bad, why should I spend 1000s of dollars on emulated ROMs? I remember buying every Sega Genesis game that's on Steam for 10 USD during a Christmas sale. That's the price of one N64 game on VC (with terrible emulation to boot). Switch Online is way cheaper.
Robfozz regarding all those games you mentioned that´s really subjetive as for the wii u 100% right! Against facts there are no arguments!
It was just so disrespectful goddammit.
But still I guess they have done that, so they could have more time to make new games + make real profit from the previous ones since the console didn´t sell well. It wasn´t a really bad idea.
I trully understand you as a wii u owner, but let´s not be all that negative if I remember correctly they want the switch to have a 10 years life cycle, so do not lose your hoppe! There might be great games in the future!
PS: I hoppe now that those ports are done for real ......being FFE the very last wii u port.
i know i said before i hate the ports but super mario 3d world deluxe would be neat, but only if it had more levels added in as well as more characters
I think the switch is great for one reason emulation. I have over 400 forwarders of emulated games. If I was completely legit and only buying games I'd be dissapointed as well.
I can't lie, the performance and quality of Nintendo's online service these days is really unacceptable, especially when compared against its competitors, and even moreso when considering that it isn't free. In a shareholder meeting, when asked about how Nintendo intends to improve customer retention to their online service, the president made it fairly clear at the time that they had no intention of improving the quality of the service, but instead developing more games with content that requires the service.

As an aside, I've also been displeased with the quality of Nintendo's controllers this generation. The pro's d-pad registers misinputs continually without modification, the quality control on their most recent GC rerelease wave had people complaining of stick drift/centering issues (myself included), and the joycons' analogues appear to have a failure rate so high it's more of a "when" than an "if", with Nintendo doing the bare minimum to compensate those affected, only under the threat of legal suit, and still they haven't vocalized any intention of fixing the problem which necessitated replacements in the first place.

In terms of game development, I can still genuinely feel people trying, even if I don't end up enjoying the final product (Super Mario Odyssey cough cough), but in terms of company management, they feel like a husk doing the bare minimum to keep breathing and avoid lawsuits.
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it IS underpowered
it DOES have hardly no games
it's online STILL sucks
it's FULL of gimmicks like cardboard and belts
it HAS been hacked to fuck

and it's still in 1st place :creep:
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