Blog entries by Forstride The Devil Wears Prada released their new album (Doesn't actually come out until September 13th) available for streaming. I'm loving it so far. Favorite song so far has to be My Questions, but I'm only half-way through the album. I'll most likely be listening to it...
I've found myself playing Minecraft more lately, mainly since I can get on TempCraft again (AVG was blocking it for a few weeks or so, and I found out when I uninstalled it). Figured I'd share some Minecraft-related stuff. Texture Packs: I've found my favorite texture pack of all-time...SMP's...
I love this... I do my chores, try not to cause trouble, etc., and I get $10 to go to the movies that I have to argue with my mom for 2 hours to get... And my brother makes my mom do his summer school work, swears up a storm, treats everyone like shit...And he gets a Dazzle (Video capture...
Well, I've made some more progress with my Zelda fan game, so I figured I'd share some more info. I've mapped out most of Caleron so far, and I only need to map out ~15 more areas, excluding interior areas/dungeons. I've been working on adding NPCs, which my friend SuperMarioMaster91 has been...
For those of you who remember my Zelda fan game - The Legend of Zelda: Threads of Despair - you'll be pleased to hear I've started working on it again. Here are some screenshots of it: Using the Pictobox on the edge of Esport Mountain. The Sacred Stream, home of the Flooded Caverns (Not...
So lately, I've found myself just playing the same games over and over and over, and it's getting dull now. I'm looking for some good DS, Wii, PC, or Retro games (NES, SNES, N64, etc.) to play. Genres I like are: Action/Adventure (Zelda for instance) Puzzle (Creative puzzle games, not...
So, there's this girl I've been talking to for the past week or so, and I asked her out today... ...And she said yes. She thinks I'm cute, isn't scared away by my profile picture on the site that we've been conversing on, and didn't reject me horribly. IS THE WORLD COMING TO AN END...
So, I've been trying to make this summer NOT suck, and I'm failing. All I ever do is play video games all day, unless it's nice out, then I go swimming like all day. XD. But the weather has been pretty shitty these past few weeks, and won't be nice enough to swim until next week. :/ I've...
That's a screenshot of Origin Forest in the summer. As you can see, I've added a small pond, lily pads, and cat tails to give more atmosphere. And of course, there's the HUD, which is complete. Just figured I'd share that. In other news, I have to wait YET ANOTHER WEEK until I get my money...
So, I recently started working on a new game (Yes, in Game Maker, like usual...Just so no one asks later on) called Riverside Chronicles. Here's the info page I have on my site, so you can get an idea of the game: I'm currently working on player sprites, and I have the base sprites done, but...
I've come to the realization that this summer is going to be boring as all hell. Mainly because my friends seem to never want to do anything. I'll ask if they want to go swimming...No, maybe tomorrow (And that never happens). I'll ask if they want to play Xbox...No, I'm too tired (And then...
So, the past 2 days, I cleaned 2 houses with my mom, and I'm getting $200 out of it. I'm not 100% sure what I want to get with it, but I've been thinking about either a Hauppauge HD PVR (For use with my 360, Wii, and future Wii U), or just some 360/3DS games. Nothing I REALLY want, but I was...
So, I have a lot in store this week... Today (Tuesday): Possibly putting up our pool, if not, then this weekend. Aside from that, I'm just gonna play Terraria most of the day, with some Xbox occasionally. Wednesday: If the Minecraft update is released (Notch said either Wednesday or...
Like the title says, summer is almost here as everyone with a brain should know. We got a new pool for this summer (And however many summers to come that it lasts for...:P), and we're probably gonna put it up this weekend. I forget the dimensions of the pool, but it's bigger than the one we...
So, there's this relatively new indoor airsoft place 5 minutes from my house, and me and my friends decided to go down yesterday for a few hours. I have my own guns and BBs, but I needed to rent a mask ($5), and of course admission ($15), and my friends didn't have guns or anything, so they had...
<!> Last update: 4/9/2011, 3:17 AM <!> Story For ages, there has always been a protector that served the land, seeing to it that evil forces would never overrun the land. With each century came a new hero, and with a new hero came the duty to pass down the sacred clothing to him. The...
So, instead of keeping the games/friend codes I have for my 3DS/DS in my signature, I figured I'd just make a topic for mine. I'm also going to put Wii games and friend codes in the topic. My 3DS friend code is in my signature, but I'll put it down below as well, and if you want to add me...
LOLJK I GOT A 3DS! :tpi: So yeah, 7 AM wakin' up in the morning, gotta be fresh AND GO GET MAH 3DS! Went down to GameStop around 8:30 AM, waited for them to open for 20 minutes, etc. Got the system, made an unboxing video (My youtube channel for those who want to watch it), as well as a...
The 3DS. Only a few days left. I'm really excited for it, and I've been trying to plan out what I'm going to do first. I plan on doing an unboxing specially for my one friend since he won't be getting his until early April or so. I also plan on testing each AR card in a separate video...
So I decided to take a break from Pokemon White and go play Minecraft. After all, I'm a SuperAdmin, and I have to go on often. I decided to build a giant tower, and here it is: EDIT: The texture pack I'm using is called Jolicraft by the way. I recommend it, 'cause it's awesome.
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