Blog entries by bnwchbammer

So this weekend was incredibly legit. A couple of friends from back home came down on Friday to hang out (sorry, Jon) and we all hung out. So my friend and I have been wanting to DJ a party for a while, and Friday we were offered the chance to finally do so. Hooked up 4 sets of speakers to his...
So as you may or may not know, we get into a lot of stupid shit here at college. What with one drinking violation, neeeeeeearly another one, plenty of alcomohol in the dorms, and most recently a failure to comply. So, they said they "smelled beer" (I mean, honestly it was a Friday night, the...
So I went back and read my past blogs. Well, I was skimming through them to find the blog I wanted to find, but shit, they were just... Bleh. Sounded like a depressed teenage emo girl most of the time. Which is pretty cool how much I've changed since, well, even the winter. Plenty of things have...
So I pre-ordered Portal 2. It is indeed a feat as I never buy games. But I loved Portal 1 so much that I bought the second one a month before release. So that leads into this. I bought the Orange Box a while back. So now I have a free copy of Portal to give away. Couple of my friends from here...
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Personal Blogs
So I finally beat Ghost Trick. Which is actually quite impressive for me, I never beat games. It was a relatively short game, yes, but I still can never beat games. I kinda feel like I should have seen the end coming. Actually, you know what, I'mna spoiler tag this shit. Only read if you beat...
So yesterday I was at my friend's dorm room as usual. We were playing some Mario Golf, and one of the players went downstairs to smoke, so we had to find a way to entertain ourselves for a bit. This is what the dorm looks like: So yeah, if you see, the windows from the left tower face either...
tl;dr version at the end. So the weekend is finally over, and it's certainly up there as one of the crazier weekends of college. Thursday was the default chill day. Girlfriend mentioned we needed to talk. I pretty much knew exactly what that meant, but didn't think much of it till the time to...
I've actually got a date for Valentines day! Upsides: Having a girlfriend. Downsides: Flowers are hella expensive. But I do so hope they look pretty. Oh yeah, didn't actually tell you guys, got myself a girlfriend. Decided to ask her out on Friday evening before too much went down. She said yes...
So it's Friday. Which means today is gonna be awesome. Big-mini party in the dorms as always, cept this week, I've got some percentages. (All percentages loosely based on facts and have to do with a girl) 99% chance of getting a kiss. 98% chance of making out. 98% chance of her being my...
Seems like I go through phases of saying how life is good and how it is just whatever based on one thing: Girls. Though, I mean, life is never really bad. I've got my friends I can hang out with. I've got my friends I can just talk to . And I've got my computer. So I'm all set. So if you follow...
So I go to school in Illinois, In case you didn't know we got a lot of snow the past couple of days. So we had no classes yesterday and today. You know what that means? Mid-week weekend! So Tuesdays I don't have classes till 12:35 anyway, so I decided to sleep over at my... friend's room on...
GCi_eNHu2a0 So this is my house. Haven't been inside it for a while, so the interior is all from memory. Uhh, yeah, not a whole lot else to say about that. Next project: Hell yeah. Gonna take like a month. So that's that. Peace!
A bit of background on me and everything. So I'm in college now as a freshman, declared my major as Math ed (secondary education) With a minor in Comp Sci. I've wanted to teach nearly all my life, and I've always loved math. Last year I took a computer science class and absolutely loved it...
So I'm nearly done building my old house from my childhood in Minecraft. I'll be sure to record a runthrough of the house when it's done, but that's not why this blog is up. So I got nearly all of the house done, from the porch, to the main floor, to the second floor, to the basement, to the...
The Bears/Packers game is today. I go to a university in Illinois and it's pretty much the biggest game either team will play for decades. I'm rooting for the Bears, but whatever. Here's wuts up. 2 invites. First option includes having some brewskies, hanging with friends. Second option includes...
Warning, spoiler contains OC. Spoiler also contains spoilers. This was me. Finally beat it (Had it on my R4 since it came out) But over the past week I've been grinding down on it. Decided I'd try to beat it before 1am last night. It's 12:30, decide to keep playing. 1, decide I'm probably...
Haven't dropped a blog in a while, have I? I may go off on a few tangents as I've just got some stuff on my mind. First of all, girl issues. Always issues with me. Come on, what do you expect? So my choices in girls have never been incredible. (Put lightly) She's kinda... well, not to say...
Hung out with math class girl today. So. We went to Gameworks and beat Time Crisis II. Just kinda for something to do. It closes at 9, so we left then. Went to grab a bite to eat. We talked about stuff. Decided talking about stuff in McDonalds was relatively unromantic so we hopped in the car...
So as with every other time I make a new sig I post a blog about how much I love it. And since all of my sigs are from some sort of hentai I figure I'll at least tell you the sauce. Actually, I've told you the source in another thread, as well as the name of the doujin in the pic. But yeah, the...
So I posted a blog a few hours ago, but I figure since it's 2011, I should do something relatively special as well. I'm gonna take a look at the highlights of the year of 2010. May: Turned 18. Felt cool as hell. Went to prom, spent way too much money on it. June: Graduated high school. Also felt...
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  • BakerMan
    I rather enjoy a life of taking it easy. I haven't reached that life yet though.
    BakerMan @ BakerMan: more of a platinum guy myself personally