Blog entries by bnwchbammer

Ok, so I'm looking for advice here on what to do with this girl. If you remember from some of my previous blogs, I have a new love interest. (Ok, wouldn't call it love, but I do like her) So we've hung out a few times, we both know we like each other, we text each other all the time. There's...
So I was asked the question of what I'm gonna do with my life the other day. And I've got plans and such, but I suppose I'm just gonna go with the flow. Now, that's always misinterpreted, as every time I say it people look at me oddly, assuming it means I give in to peer pressure and don't think...
So I "went on a date" with math class girl, (Who I will always refer to her as on the forum) Perhaps it wasn't a date, but it was a trip to the mall then a movie... Not sure what it was/we are/will ever be. So we went to see Tron. Now the title of the post has plenty of things that could mean...
So I suppose I was gonna write a little review about Spice and Wolf as I just finished the series today, though I figured I'd go off on a bit of a tangent. I think out of everyone in my circle of friends I'm one of the more innocent ones. It's kinda weird to think so, cuz I think of myself as...
Alright, so, I've hung out with girl who had been known as "Math class girl" for the longest time because I didn't know her name. I know her name now. So anyway, I was in her room today on the presumption that I'd help her study for physics as I had already taken the final. So, her roommate left...
So this coming week is finals week. Today the plan was to study. I played vidya games and listened to trance music all day. And watched some vids and such. Tomorrow I will probably "study" with my friend. (Not even I know the implications of that statement) Nobody's really here this weekend...
Alright, so today was the last day of regular classes. Which means one thing: Last day to get this one girl's number. Dunno if I've mentioned her before, but it's kinda been my goal to get her number. She's not my type at all. Though that's pretty much exactly what I need right now. I need a...
So I purchased Chime. Why? I mean, I like rhythm games I guess. Though the real reason is cuz Steam has that stupid treasure hunt thing! It doesn't cost much. (well, no more than a pack of gum) But I've been trying not to spend too much money lately. Oh well, I guess a buck here and there on...
I know there's a post in the other forum where posts actually count, but figured I'd make my own one. So I just started watching it a bit ago. I was always on the fence about actually watching it. I mean, with a name like Panty and Stocking? Really? Though it is quite incredible. Well, I suppose...
So I finally picked up the Orange Box for 7.50 yesterday. Best deal in gaming got better for one day. I've had HL2 and Portal pirated for the longest time. Never beat HL2, but with it purchased I feel more of a need to play it. (Though who knows, pirate syndrome could come back on purchased...
So I'm home for Thanksgiving break. (Which is as close as Columbus day to the celebration of genocide as it gets) But wutever, I get a week off. It always feels weird to be home. Get the usual questions: "Can you fix the computer?" "Do you have a girlfriend?" "Did you get more hours for your...
So there's a supposedly haunted building here at my college. My friends and I have decided that we need to spend the night there. Now, there are pleeeenty of things that could go wrong. For one, they lock the doors to the hall at night, meaning we'd have to go in before they lock the doors and...
So my friend and I have discovered that we're the same person. (Kinda) I mean, when it comes to girls (Especially this one girl) We're the same exact person. But what am I supposed to do about it? For whatever reason I don't want him and her getting involved. (This girl is the one who I had a...
So last blog I made was about this weekend's events. After contemplating everything I've decided there's no point in thinking I can wait for this girl. She lied to me. Told me she loved me. And I fell for it. So now it's wutever. What's happened has happened. New goal: Ask out girl who's name I...
There's a tl;dr synopsis at the end if you don't wanna read it all. So I've been half looking forward to/half dreading this weekend for about a week now. My two friends from back home came down to my college from Friday to today. Here's how that went in chronological order: Friday: Friends...
So yeah, got a new sig. I loved the old one, but I figured I should change it up every now and then. I kinda don't like it. Seems weirdly cropped. But ehh, wutever, it still looks pretty good I suppose. So anyway, Halloween is coming up. It'll definitely be interesting as the two friends who...
So yes, as probably none of you recall from: This amazing blog... I had "made up" an intricate story on this one girl who was cheating and turned out I was just kinda being a creep. A believable story to most. A good lie, however. So why tell you this now? Essentially, it's because everybody...
Well I just realized it's been a while since I recommended the temp any hentai. So here's bnwchbammer's signature "Make the 'temp feel kinda awkward hentai guide!" ...Yeah. So I've just got 4 recommendations for you today. 2 animated ones and 2 mangas. So heeeeeeeere we go! First off in...
Fuck Halloween. Yeah, I said it. It's just a stupid excuse for girls to run around in their underwear. Now, ok, you're like: But, bnwchbammer, what's wrong with girls running around in their underwear? And I don't know if I have a good answer for that. It just pisses me off. As do girls wearing...
So lemme start off by saying I've not been so sure about something yet been so confused at the same time. I dunno wut else to say about that, but yeah, I guess I'll leave it there. But went home for the weekend. I like going home, buncha people I quite like are there. Hell, not worth beating...
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