Going with the flow.

So I was asked the question of what I'm gonna do with my life the other day.
And I've got plans and such, but I suppose I'm just gonna go with the flow.
Now, that's always misinterpreted, as every time I say it people look at me oddly, assuming it means I give in to peer pressure and don't think for myself.
That's not what going with the flow means.
Going with the flow means avoiding conflict, finding the best paths through life, and just being at peace.
Sounds kinda like being a hippie, sure.
I'm not saying you need to love everyone though.
(As I don't really love a lot of people)
However, avoiding conflict does mean trying to avoid conflict with peers, which would mean not disliking people.
The more dislike you have for specific people, the harder it is to avoid conflict, and thus, disrupts the flow.
Finding the best path through life can possibly be interpreted as being lazy, sure.
Though again, this is a misinterpretation.
Throughout life there will be plenty of responsibilities to face, and plenty will be stressful.
The lazy route is to do nothing about it.
Going with the flow involves getting what needs to be done done using the easiest possible solution.
Being at peace sounds like the biggest hippie thing I've said I suppose.
And I don't really know how to explain it too well, it just involves avoiding stressful situations, and not getting stressed out in relatively stressful situations.
Only downside to this is you'll seem kinda emotionless at times that don't directly stimulate emotion.
Though that's up to you whether or not that's a good thing.
Suppose this is just an explanation for myself, though I'd recommend this as a way to live.
This blog brought to you by the shower: providing epiphanies since 2005.
Peace out!


That is a sweet outlook. :) Looking at past blogs that you have made it seems like this is a must for you. You need to have less worries and a better reflection. Whether this is the way to go or not I have no idea, but it's a step in the right direction. ;)
Make moolah by creating perverted signatures for fellow otakus on some japanese otaku site. :creep:
That's a pretty awesome outlook on life. ^_^

[quote name='Hikaru' post='3343169' date='Dec 22 2010, 09:26 PM']Make moolah by creating perverted signatures for fellow otakus on some japanese otaku site. :creep:[/quote]
I now know what the anime/VA bwnch's sig's from ^_^
Huzzah for expansion of anime knowledge.
Albeit marginally perverse.
[quote name='shlong' post='3343326' date='Dec 22 2010, 03:55 PM']That's a pretty awesome outlook on life. ^_^

[quote name='Hikaru' post='3343169' date='Dec 22 2010, 09:26 PM']Make moolah by creating perverted signatures for fellow otakus on some japanese otaku site. :creep:[/quote]
I now know what the anime/VA bwnch's sig's from ^_^
Huzzah for expansion of anime knowledge.
Albeit marginally perverse.
Hell, I would buy it. ;)
Doesn't really pertain, but it may, I don't know. Just providing random insight:
Ever since my first "big move" from my hometown I just gave up doing what all the grown ups told me to do. You could say I lived a full life's worth of experiences back then. Since I find everyone and their mother, literally, has been brainwashed from birth to believe what are called "social norms" and methods of acceptance. In the end you're just assimilating to the man and following conformity. It isn't very fun to do what you're told anyway, so I just live life to have fun nowadays. Fun things are fun after all.

tl;dr - Screw what other people think, just live your life how you want it.
So you is like that Naruto character who use shadow-jutsu. You avoid all confrontations and let it slide...

It's good at first but if your career is something coming from the heart, you is going to confront certain issues in life. I used to be 'nonchantlant and naive' but it didn't got me far it only made me become a puppet to my mother. 'Blah this...blah that...'
When I started to care and control my flow instead of being carefree, I took a stance for myself and confront a lot of issues that I didn't want to do in the first place. Right now I'm confronted with issues that are either pointless or important...if I don't want to deal with it then I just go with the flow till something serious happens.
It's easy to swim down a river, but swimming up it is quite a different thing entirely.

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