Blog entries by bnwchbammer

God, another blog. But this one is awesome. So we had an assignment for school that had to be on sources. Like how to find and use sources in out papers and stuff. So we made a video. And it's awesome. c2bNKiWbrZo Most of it is boring school stuff. If you want to watch it for the lulz the...
So thanks to a thread I made a while ago, Twiffles showed me a show that I knew I shouldn't watch. Not that anyone remembers, but after a coupla weeks I started, and now finished Asobi ni Ikuyo. So terrible. I mean, I knew it was gonna be terrible. But Goooooooood! There'll be spoilers. So it's...
Damn, it just kinda dawned on me that I've been living away from home for a while now. I quite like it, too. Kinda like a kid who ran away from home. (Not that I wanted to run away from home, but I do get a sense of freedom) I mean, I can do whatever I want. Not that there's much I wouldn't have...
So I had a fortune cookie today and my fortune was: Which is quite a good fortune cuz I'm going home this weekend! (No, Jon, I'm not asking Ariel out) But I am looking forward to seeing the crew again. Didn't think I'd miss everyone this much, but I do. So yeah. Yesterday I had kinda an ehh...
Just a few things to say. So as a college kid I now know what it's like to be absolutely broke. I have 16 dollars in my bank account, 4 dollars in quarters that I will be using for laundry tomorrow, and I'm 100 dollars in debt to my friend cuz he let me borrow 100 bucks which I will pay back in...
You guys ever get those moments where you find something out and it's just like "no shit" and you feel really REALLY stupid? I just got that today. So I'm sitting in Psych class. We're discussing memory, and ways to better remember stuff. So there were stuff like acronyms and songs and stuff. So...
I can't control myself, when I see you there's no one else, when I get down all by myself, you're the one that I think about. YAaRHQVlSPA(I don't like the music video so here's just the song) I've listened to this song before, but for some reason this week it's been stuck in my head. At first I...
Being a good friend is hard to do when you're trying to be a good friend to the girl you like. It's also hard to do when there are a ton of complications. But patience is truly a virtue. A virtue that will be tested extraneously over the next few months. Then again, if I really think about it...
So I guess I've decided I'm gonna have nosebleed sigs (so to speak) all the time now. I actually worked relatively hard on this sig. I mean, not that hard, but compared to some of my other ones it was more work. Why does a girl like this not exist in real life? Yes including the cat ears. I...
So I figured I'd do another secret message. It'll be much more tricky than last time, but I figure you need a challenge. Honestly, I'm starting this off without exactly knowing how I'm gonna do it. So perhaps it's me that needs a challenge. Not gonna be like/ last time, though, that was too...
I dunno wut to feel right now. Like I'm feeling a bit melancholic, Or perhaps I'm also feeling at the top of the world. A strange combination of emotions, as by definition they're not supposed to exist together. Ehh, guess you can consider this a girl thread, but I'm not exactly gonna talk about...
Dudes, I am such a good person. So last weekend (the hide yo shit story) After all that went down we were gonna go out. One friend was so wasted he couldn't even walk. So I piggybacked him back to his room. He was on my back in a crowded elevator and I felt no shame. He threw up on me on the way...
Alright guys, you're all internet people here, right? So last nite me and some friends were watching some scary videos on the interwebs. They put on ghost sightings and such, and I suggest we put Marble Hornets on youtube up. Wmhfn3mgWUI (Intro's not scary) So yeah, that's the premise for the...
So ever since this weekend I (as well as the whole crew) have been obsessed with the song "Like a G6" My friend is a bit of a DJ so he asked me to pirate an app called Virtual Vinyl. (I'm kinda the group's pirate) So I never installed it on my comp till I saw wut it could do on Saturday (When I...
So funny story guys! That's the room report for the dorm room I was in. In a bit of fairness there were like 14 of us in the room or something like that. So it was diluted around. Here's how it went down. We were blasting music soooooooooo loud in the dorm, I'll admit that. I had just gone to...
Probably gonna be a short blog, but wutevs. So yesterday we went out again, (as we probably will tonite, yes, that's 3 days straight) But we were at an apartment yesterday and this song plays: GvgJEznqtms It's such a beast song. I really don't like that kinda music that much, but it was so sick...
Last nite was fun as hell. I'll try to tell an interesting story for once, but we'll see. So the gang decided we were gonna go out on a Thursday nite. Everyone pregamed (Some more than others) (I only had like 3, while one of my friends, who this story will focus on mostly, had like 6. It's also...
So I was going through my things this weekend when I was at home when I found my green math notebook/journal I call it my notebook/journal because I found myself bored as hell in that class and decided to write a journal entry every... well, whenever I wanted. Full of advice to myself and crappy...
So I'm home for the weekend (as I've said before) Went golfing with my brother, dad, and uncle today. It was fun, We played me and my bro on a team. We won by 6 strokes playing a skins scramble if anyone knows/cares. So I had an Arnold Palmer (The drink) On the course and it's down to it's last...
Well, it's Labor Day weekend! Know what that means? Goin home for the weekend! Not that I don't like it here But literally every one of my friends are going home, So I may as well... as well... Yes. Plans: Saturday: hang with the crew. Sunday: play golf (probably) and possibly hang out with my...
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