Blog entries by bnwchbammer

Hey guys, not depressed this time. So I've been busy a bit now with some videos, so here's my demonstration of what they are. First of all I've got a new Astronomy log. Which are videos of me taking videos during Astronomy class. IgF_Hc7-gYU Next Me and a partner had to do a video for Adventure...
Heh, depressed bnwchbammer again, it's been a few months hasn't it? Well I said I wrote the best blogs when I'm depressed But this just might be story time. Please excuse grammar mistakes as I have the Hot Fuss album blasting in my ears. (Great album) So you must be thinking it's about a girl...
No I don't believe in miracles, But I watch the top 10 on ESPN. And there's no such thing as free will, But the illusion is just the same. There may be such a thing as love, But you're probably not in it, kid. You may think you're unique, But someone's already thought your thoughts, And...
/** *@author bnwchbammer *Assume all classes mentioned are in their own files and do in fact exist * */ public class FridayNite{ private Person ben; private ArrayList<Person> customers; private int numCustomers; private double benPissed; private int seconds; public...
Is that a word? I dunno. So as I said in a blog a bit ago, I am a terrible person. So here's wut's up. A week after I tell girlA that I don't like girlB I end up kissing girlB. //I took a Computer Science test, I'm thinking in java /*In fact, I should write a while blog in Java... But that'll be...
Oh God. So I have this really lame AP Computer Science teacher. The test wasn't too bad. My hand hurt like crazy after I was done with the writing part But wutever. Anyway Before the test our teacher is waiting outside the room wishing us luck (Since he's not technically allowed to be in the...
Well it was a bit chilly. Warm for normal weather though. T-Shirt... Anyway That's only part of the reason why it was cool. ... So a few nites ago I was hanging with the usual crew. We were planning on seeing the new Nightmare on Elm Street. So we watched the first then. I wasn't that scared. My...
Man Another Friday. Another nite spent closing. Wutever though. So over the past few weeks I've noticed the fact that real pr0n turns me on less and less. I don't particularly mind. I've gots my hentai. And now every day in PE pretty much everyone tries to tell me how weird it is. But wutever...
So last friday nite I reviewed some henais. I shall do that again. First I shall talk to you about Baccano. Just started watching it. Pretty cool. Reminds me of The Godfather... Cept this is supernatural. But it seems really promising. Especially since I'm enjoying Durarara so much. It's almost...
So I don't have much to say now. My last blog was a hit. Heh Hentai. Anyway I realized I haven't ever talked about school. So I'm gonna talk about school. So I'm in no honors classes. Well, I'm in AP Computer Science. Java programming. Sweet. I'm pretty lazy. Taking Astronomy. Which I will have...
(this blog is split up into sections so you don't have to read it all) Well, read the first part, then see what else you wanna read. Proceed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First of all If you're under 13 Stop. I will not be the one to...
So I'm in Astronomy. It's kind of a joke. I mean It's interesting. But we hardly do anything in class. So I got bored and started recording stuff with my fone. Here's the first three days results... hjaoiyH71aA Hope it's amusing... I shall make more Whether or not it's funny. Iiiiii found it to...
Whoo. So I'm getting a laptop sometime in the next month or so. I'm thinking of an ASUS. I've had a motherboard from them for a few years and never had problems. Though this big of an investment feels weird. Last time I bought a PC was 5 years ago. It was pushing 2 grand. It still runs And can...
The night is old. The morning is young. A group of friends sitting around. A pair of legs atop mine. A head resting against my shoulder. Something soft against my elbow. Something smooth under the blanket. Smooth up to the short jeans. A cute voice. A cool breath. A warm embrace. A cool evening...
Alright then. So I considered doing a review of a buncha hentai series. But thought better of it. Unless you guys wanna hear it? Haha, perhaps when I'm overtired and extremely bored. Anyway I'm now stuck between browsers. One being Avant Browser (google it) and the other being firefox. The main...
Alright guys, there are a lot of instances of the eff word. And if all goes like I think it may This will be loooooooong. So Without further adeu. Fuck emo people. Honestly. Ok, so I guess I'm saying this because of this girl I liked. For a while. She was my first girlfriend... Kinda. Not like...
Dude, I don't have school today. Why? Cuz of my lucky underwear! .... Ok Maybe cuz of power outages. But there was a huge storm yesterday. And I was wearing my lucky underwear. Coincidence? I think not. My lucky underwear does one lucky thing the day I wear it. And seemingly nothing lucky...
Alright, so we've been playing this game at our school. It's called "Gotcha" So there are teams of two And you've got nerf guns. So every week (if you advance) you're given another group to take out. You've gotta shoot them outside of school, work, or inside their house. So it's basically find...
Stupid internet went down. So I reinstalled windows. Hell yeah. Naw, I mean I tried everything. And I figure, ehh, might as well. I've got a lot of useless crap anyway. But I'm back. With a few days left of break. Prolly not gonna hang with anyone tonite. That sucks. Last chance to hang. Before...
Deep shit follows in this blog Don't say sorry, I never understood what you were sorry for. Anyway, go ahead. Well, today marks the sixth year since my mom died of cancer. It feels weird. As if back then I thought I'd never be happy again. But life goes on I guess. Which is good, cuz life truly...
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