I'm only gonna break your heart.

Another Friday.
Another nite spent closing.
Wutever though.
So over the past few weeks I've noticed the fact that real pr0n turns me on less and less.
I don't particularly mind.
I've gots my hentai.
And now every day in PE pretty much everyone tries to tell me how weird it is.
But wutever.
I'd get a girlfriend
But I've got nobody in mind really.
Actually that's not true...
Which leads me to the true topic of this post.
So I've realized that I'm a terrible person.
Though I'm probably one of the nicest people you'll ever meet
(if you meet me)
I'm a terrible person.
It's basically cuz I would hardly think twice about cheating.
Or I guess using...
(a girl)
Iunno man.
I respect people...
Perhaps it's just the two girls I have in mind now...
I seem to play a game with them.
Convince them that I have no thoughts about the other.
Then try to be with both of them.
It worked for a while.
Then I decided to give up on the one I actually thought I "loved"
(No such thing now)
Not that there isn't love,
Just that right now I don't wanna be in love.
So I won't.
Perhaps I'll continue my strange ways...
Perhaps one day I shall fall in love.
For now
I've got my hentai.
I've possibly got a girl to fool around with.
My life's set till the end of the summer.
Then we've got college.
I'll change up my mindset then.
Until then, hopefully you're not creeped out by this blog post.
I am truly a good person.
Just not someone who currently wants to be in love.
Is that so wrong?
I think I've told the story before of what happened.
You prolly don't care anyway.
So yeah...
Now to watch some anime.


I did a poem once
It was awesome...
I guess if you consider typing how my thoughts are processed poetic then yes
It is a poem...
About hentai :P
[quote name='Raika' post='2797029' date='May 1 2010, 01:36 AM']Lol you're hentai obsessed.[/quote]
Coming from someone who's quite Yui obsessed, ne? :creep:
[quote name='bnwchbammer' post='2796988' date='May 1 2010, 06:49 AM']I've got my hentai.
I've possibly got a girl to fool around with.[/quote]


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