Tales of a depressed teenager

So I went back and read my past blogs.
Well, I was skimming through them to find the blog I wanted to find, but shit, they were just... Bleh.
Sounded like a depressed teenage emo girl most of the time.
Which is pretty cool how much I've changed since, well, even the winter.
Plenty of things have happened over the past year, and I think I've finally settled down to the Ben I wanna be.
I can now truly say that I'm really chill, I don't let many things bug me, and I'm certainly not depressed.
I had preached that for so long, but never really looked at myself.
Living on my own and, well, not going for girls that are incredibly complicated have probably helped me with that.
Think I've found the secret to life itself.
Don't mess around with an individual of the gender of your choosing if they will drive you insane.
And have a firm group of friends that'll stand by you.
Think I've always had the group of friends thing down, but not exactly the girls part down.
Though it should go without being said, plenty of people will probably find themselves in a situation where they are going crazy.
Take a step back and see where you are in life and see if you like yourself.
If not, do something about it.
Iunno, perhaps more advice to myself than to you, cuz I certainly need to follow it, but hey, I like throwing out meaningless advice.
And peace!


Everyone around here needs to avoid becoming all whiny emo bitch. If for no other reason that it's my turf. I'm the official GBAtemp Whiny Bitch around here. People muscling in on my patch thinking they've got problems :glare:
When I first read the topic title, I thought it was related to the Tales of RPG series. Oh well..
[quote name='WiiBricker' post='3508110' date='Mar 9 2011, 05:54 PM']When I first read the topic title, I thought it was related to the Tales of RPG series. Oh well..[/quote]
If they had to resort to something like that, I don't think it would be worth looking at.
I used to be depressed when I was like 14, but since then I've matured. I think its a growth thing and everyone experiences it, in one way or another.
I'm never depressed, and it's nice to see other people who have decided to stop being depressed. Optimism fucking rules.
[quote name='bnwchbammer' post='3508100' date='Mar 9 2011, 04:50 PM']Take a step back and see where you are in life and see if you like yourself.
If not, do something about it.[/quote]

some good shit right there

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