Hmmm. In some respects I may agree.
I think that Wii has a lot more good games, however the GC has a couple of shining gems that beat most wii games. You see, I missed out on the gamecube generation (because i had no money at the time) and so when the gc backup loader was released I too started playing gamecube games too.
Recently I've found that I've been spending more time on them than wii games. Mainly wind waker and f-zero gx, beautiful games that really illustrate the quality of the gamecube.
When I think of the wii, I think of great games but slightly imperfect. Mario kart, NSMB, mario galaxy, Smash bros brawl, House of the dead, taiko no tatsujin, the conduit, etc etc
However, if you compare some other franchises - mario kart, mario, and (perhaps only for me) smash bros, i prefer the wii versions.
That being said, when I look back even further, I remember the N64 days... my favourite console of all time.