Idk if Im right here (but I think I am.). So Wexos Toolbox says Error #2004 couldnt load cafe.dll. Or any other plugin in the plugins folder. It ask me if I forgot to unzip the .zip file, but I did it and idk what the problem is... Why am I doing it you ask? Cuz Im modding mario maker 4 wii u and in StaticSkin.pack there are .szs files. In these .szs files are usually .bfres files. So the problem is, I can put the edited .dds files into the .szs files, but they need to be in the Output.bfres file (looks like this: StaticSkin.pack-->.szs files-->.bfres file-->.dds files) and I dont know if there is any other tool that can create .bfres files. So if there is plz tell me. bye!
Last edited by Exists,