Hey everybody
I was hoping someone could fill me in on .wad installing
i own a wii with some virtual console games that I bought off of the E-shop, but i'd like to play them on the Wii U's vWii, i've seen threads and such about forwarders and how wii .wads aren't the same as vwii .wads, however i'm not sure about Virtual Console .wads, do those install like on a wii or do i need to do something special for it to install and work on vWii?
I was hoping someone could fill me in on .wad installing
i own a wii with some virtual console games that I bought off of the E-shop, but i'd like to play them on the Wii U's vWii, i've seen threads and such about forwarders and how wii .wads aren't the same as vwii .wads, however i'm not sure about Virtual Console .wads, do those install like on a wii or do i need to do something special for it to install and work on vWii?