Virtual Console - Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) - Wii VC Injecting Tutorial
Hello, community.
I'd like to share us my Wii VC injection tutorial for Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) games.
If you like NES games as Super Mario Bros. 3 Mix, Dr. Mario, Pac-Mania, Mega Man 6, Konami Hyper Soccer, Tiny Toon Adventures or others for that game system, and you want to see in action as Wii VC games, this is the tutorial for you.
Unproperly following these instructions and/or unproperly packing the 00000000.app file CAN HARD-BRICK YOUR Wii!!!!!! DO NOT ATTEMPT TO CREATE CUSTOM WII VC WADS unless you know what are you doing!!!!!! It's highly recommendable that you have installed in your Wii any brick protection such as BootMii as boot2, or Priiloader!
Here are the steps to inject your game!
You can download the tools here: https://gbatemp.net/download/all-in-one-wii-vc-injecting-tools-by-saulfabreg.35917/
Uncompress the ZIP file.
Remember, you must have installed any brick protection such as BootMii as boot2, or Priiloader BEFORE INSTALLING ANY WAD!!!!!!! For install WADs, you must have the Homebrew Channel installed on your Wii and one of the following homebrew apps:
And here's a video demostration for my injected NES game:
Enjoy injecting your NES games, and have fun!!! Enjoy!
I'd like to share us my Wii VC injection tutorial for Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) games.
If you like NES games as Super Mario Bros. 3 Mix, Dr. Mario, Pac-Mania, Mega Man 6, Konami Hyper Soccer, Tiny Toon Adventures or others for that game system, and you want to see in action as Wii VC games, this is the tutorial for you.
Unproperly following these instructions and/or unproperly packing the 00000000.app file CAN HARD-BRICK YOUR Wii!!!!!! DO NOT ATTEMPT TO CREATE CUSTOM WII VC WADS unless you know what are you doing!!!!!! It's highly recommendable that you have installed in your Wii any brick protection such as BootMii as boot2, or Priiloader!
Here are the steps to inject your game!
You can download the tools here: https://gbatemp.net/download/all-in-one-wii-vc-injecting-tools-by-saulfabreg.35917/
Uncompress the ZIP file.
- Get your NES ROM. Its format must be in .nes. Emulate it using Nestopia, FCEUX, VirtuaNES or other emulators.
- Take a snapshot of your game. Use Snipping Tool to do it.
- Click in 'New' and use the mouse to take it.
- Save the snapshot in a folder with the name of the game.
- Get your WAD to inject. The recommended NES WADs to inject are Kirby's Adventure, Super Mario Bros. 3, Double Dragon, Ninja Gaiden, NES Play Action Football (for 4-player games) and River City Ransom.
- Now do the following instructions depending of the Wii VC injector you want to use:
- For Devilken's VC Injector:
- Copy your NES ROM in the following folders: .../Devilken_Injector/VC/ROM/
- Copy your NES VC WAD in the following folders: .../Devilken_Injector/VC/
- Now open the CMD. For this, click in the address bar and write 'cmd' and press Enter.
- Then write the following commands in the CMD: VC.exe [wad_name].wad ROM Example: VC.exe SuperMario3_NES.wad ROM
- Wait the ROM inject in the WAD.
- When the VC.exe program shows enter the region, enter the region number and press Enter. The regions are in-screen.
- When the VC.exe program shows enter the new game ID, enter the game ID you want to make the injected WAD and press Enter. The instructions for entering new game ID are in-screen.
- Wait the program finish the injection. When screen appears 'Mission completed! =)', then close the CMD.
- You get a new title.wad file. Now go to the THIRD STEP.
- For AutoInjectuWAD Injector:
- Open the Wii VC Injecting Tools folder and select the AutoInjectuWAD folder.
- Run 'Auto Injectuwad Injector v3.exe' as administrator
- In 'Console Mode', select 'NES' for NES injection.
- Copy the NES ROM and paste it in the AutoInjectuWAD folder.
- Copy the WAD you want to use for inejct and paste in the AutoInjectuWAD folder.
- Click 'Refresh' in Pick Rom and Pick Wad.
- Select your ROM to inject in 'Pick Rom'.
- Select the WAD file you want to inject in 'Pick Wad'
- In 'Custom Channel Title', enter the name of the game.
- Press the 'Start!' button.
- Wait the injection finish...
- Close AutoInjectuWAD. Now go to the THIRD STEP.
- Now open the CustomizeMii v3.11 folder
- Run CustomizeMii.exe as administrator
- In Source Wad, select the title.wad file that is in .../Devilken_Injector/VC/ folders.
- Click in the 'Title' tab, delete the translations, and write the name of the game you want to inject.
- Click in the 'Banner' tab, and select the 'VCPic.tpl' file.
- Click in the 'Preview' button
- In 'Banner', select again 'VCPic.tpl'
- Click in 'Replace', and select 'RGBA8'
- Select the screen capture file of your game that you maked in Snipping Tool
- Now, in 'Icon', select 'IconVCPic.tpl'
- Click again in 'Replace', and select 'RGBA8'
- Select the screen capture file of your game again that you maked in Snipping Tool
- Close the Preview window
- Go to the 'Layout' tab
- In 'Banner', select the 'banner.brlyt' file and extract it
- Save in the Wii VC Injecting Tools folder
- Now open the 'HowardC_Tools' folder
- Open the 'VCbrlyt9.0' folder
- Run vcbrlyt.exe as administrator
- Click in the '...' button to localize the banner.brlyt file
- Select the 'banner.brlyt' file that you extracted
- Edit the banner.brlyt file as shown:
- Name: [Game Name]
- Year: [year that was released the game]
- Players: [# of allowed players], NO DASHES!!!! (Ex., write '2' for '1-2'
- Then follow the following steps:
- Click in 'Save Changes'
- Close the VC brlyt Editor
- In CustomizeMii, select again the 'banner.brlyt' file and click in 'Replace'
- Select the 'banner.brlyt' file that you edited
- Now click in 'Create WAD'
- If the 'You changed the brlyt file, but you didn't change the brlan file. Are you sure this is correct?' window shown, select 'Yes' or 'OK'
- Save the WAD as '[game_name]_TEST.wad' Example: 'MEGAMAN6_TEST.wad'
- Close CustomizeMii
- Now copy and paste the WAD in the 'WADpack_WADunpack' folder
- Rename the WAD file as 'in.wad'
- Use 'WAD Unpacker.bat'
- Click in the randomed-name folder. Here's the files that joins the WAD.
- Open again the 'HowardC_Tools' folder
- Now, in 'HowardC_Tools' folder, click in the 'VCIcon8.0' folder
- Run VC_Icon_Gen.exe as administrator
- In 'Console', select:
- The 'NES' option
- Then follow the following steps:
- In 'Source', select the screen capture photo that you made in Snipping Tool
- In 'Dest', select the photo folder
- In 'Create', uncheck the options 'Channel Icon' and 'Banner Image'
- Click in 'Make Preview' to see the preview of your new save icon
- Now click in 'Make' to make the banner.tpl file. This file is saved in the photo's folder.
- Now go to the following folders:
- The screen capture folder
- The '/[randomed_name]/' folder
- Then follow the following steps:
- Now copy the banner.tpl file and paste in the randomed-name folder
- Go to the HowardC_Tools folder, and go to the 'VCSaveInject5.0' folder
- Run vc_save_inject.exe as administrator
- In 'Select a Console', select 'NES/FC'
- In 'Source Tpl(s)', click in '...'
- Select the banner.tpl file that is in the randomed-name folder
- In 'File to Inject', click in '...'
- Select the 00000001.app file that is in the randomed-name folder
- In 'Save Title(s)', enter the name of the game and click in 'Set ALL'
- Click in the 'Inject' button and click in 'Accept' or 'OK' button to close the windows shown
- Close the VC Save Icon and Save Title Injector
- Go to the randomed-name folder
- Copy all the files (not the folders, just the files) that are:
- - The .app files
- - The .tik file
- - The .tmd file
- - The .cert file
- - The .trailer file
- - The .tpl files
- Then follow the following steps:
- Paste all the files in the 'WADpack_WADunpack' folder
- And use 'WAD Packer.bat'
- This make a out.wad file
- Go to the 'WADder_Editor' folder
- Run wadder.exe as administrator
- In 'WAD to Edit', click in 'Browse'
- Select the 'out.wad' file that is in the 'WADpack_WADunpack' folder
- Click in the 'Title' tab
- In 'All Languages', enter the name of the game
- Click in the 'Create WAD!' button
- In the 'Banner' tab, select the 'VCPic.tpl' file
- Click in 'Preview'
- Now click in 'Replace'
- Select the screen capture that you made in Snipping Tool
- Click again in 'Preview'
- Click in the 'Icon' tab
- In the 'Icon' tab, select the 'IconVCPic.tpl' file
- Click in 'Preview'
- Now click in 'Replace'
- Select the screen capture that you made in Snipping Tool
- Click again in 'Preview'
- Then click in 'Continue'
- Save your WAD as [game_name].wad Example: MegaMan6_NES.wad
- OK! Now you injected your game as Wii Virtual Console game, ready to install and use!
Remember, you must have installed any brick protection such as BootMii as boot2, or Priiloader BEFORE INSTALLING ANY WAD!!!!!!! For install WADs, you must have the Homebrew Channel installed on your Wii and one of the following homebrew apps:
- Wii Mod Lite (released by RiiConnect24 bashed on jskyboo's WiiMod)
- Multi-Mod Manager (released by Wiiwu)
- YAWMM (Yet Another Wad Manager Mod) (released by Leathl, WiiShizzza and Cwstjdenobs)
- WAD Manager (released by Waninkoko)
- Pimp my Wii (released by Attila and distributed by wii-info.fr)
And here's a video demostration for my injected NES game:
Enjoy injecting your NES games, and have fun!!! Enjoy!
Last edited by SaulFabre,