yeah, game filename should be GameID6.wbfs
don't put the game's title, or any other information in the filename.
You can put info in the folder's name if you want.
wbfs file format is also trimming the ISOs.
If you have the disc, just put it inside the loader and it will install as proper format and path.
If you have the ISO, use wii backup Manager with this setting :
Layout : Title_[ID]
Auto rename on mount
Use wiitdb titles (if you want proper folder's name)
As for the proxy:
My own setup is strange.
I setup my network the same way I explained in ccproxy guide, and I'm using fixed IP addresses for all connected devices.
Then I always keep the Proxy disabled on my computer to block all traffics when I don't need to access internet. The WiiU can't access online AT ALL which is the expected result.
when testing the connection: WiiU<->Working<->Access Point<->Failed<->internet
I launch vWii, and network is working, I can download updates, files, covers, etc.
So, for me I don't have any problem accessing my local or distant files when on vWii.
It should use the proxy and block online access on vWii too, I don't know why I can access internet but that's a great benefit!
Maybe it's an issue in the WiiU version I'm using? (I'm still on 4.0.2E)
On WiiU, I can't access local network IP in the browser without opening the proxy. (the browser is forcing the use of the proxy, so I guess that's normal. WiiU setting doesn't have "don't use proxy for local IPs" option)
My PS3 is setup like this and I can access my local files through homebrew FTP (which doesn't use proxy?) and have internet blocked.
I don't know why my vWii can access internet while proxy is setup on WiiU.
If you want to block internet but allow local FTP access, maybe you can try to set CCProxy user's detail for the WiiU rule to allow only FTP and disable WWW and socks.
that way, you can still enable FTP access to your local files, but all http/s and socks protocol will be denied.
If I understand correctly, you are using the proxy (it's enabled and started on your computer).
So it should allow traffic for both local and internet.
I don't know why you can't access your files if the proxy is started.
when you say that you can't update the homebrew, which program are you using? wiixplorer? HBC+zip+wiiload? HBC don't see the network?