Hello to all,
i'm reading from USB laoder gx that reading FAT32 wbfs file format.
Maybe someone with more experience can post some instruction to prepare
usb hardisk (eg: folder structure) and prepare some howto to install prperly cios 222/223) ?
Thank you for reading,
i'm reading from USB laoder gx that reading FAT32 wbfs file format.
ÂÂÂÂLoads game from *.wbfs file on FAT32 partition (works only with Hermes cIOS).
ÂÂÂÂThis version has FAT support. You can change the used partition in the game load
ÂÂÂÂoptions. Default WBFS will be used, if found. Otherwise the first FAT partition
ÂÂÂÂwith games will be used. FAT will only work when using Hermes cios (222/223)!!!
Maybe someone with more experience can post some instruction to prepare
usb hardisk (eg: folder structure) and prepare some howto to install prperly cios 222/223) ?
Thank you for reading,