All the adds are negative because that's how politics work. They all are snakes and if I could I would not vote for any of them.
He's only bad because he was left to clean up Bush's shit. It took Bush 8 years to fuck up America, it's going to take twice as long to clean it back up.Obama is terrible but I'll vote for him again to protect the surpreme court from repub idiocy
I am voting for Obama. I lived under Mitt's ruling in Massachusetts and he had a great job destroying that state and I am pretty sure under Newt and Rick, Mike and I will be treated like criminals, as would the rest of the gay community.
~43% of the current United States debt was under George W. Bush. That's a lot. Much of the debt increase under Obama has been economic recovery policies. The national debt would be a lot less of an issue if the Republicans would allow tax cuts for the rich to go away.However... Obama wants to INCREASE the debt another couple trillion. That won't fuck up the countries economy at all.