Hi, I actually recently went to walmart and got the mario bundle switch with red case and joy-cons. Unfortunately It wasn't until later in the car I found out that it ships with 3.0.1! Not only is it a download only game (didn't come with the card), I have to update to download the game. What a flying pain in balls. I was wondering a couple things. Does anybody know any of the switch hackers personally, because they said they have a few hacks up their sleeves and I've been looking for as much information as possible. Sure, I wish I could play mario odyssey, but frankly, on my gaming pc I have just about every mario game ever, and I haven't finished any of them except Sunshine. So that should keep me happy for a while, but I want to know things like.. how long before a hack for 301 ( lol nobody probably knows). I seriously cannot wait to see zdoom on my switch.