Ok i have some rather odd questions or maybe dumb questions to ask about the gateway ultra
- how does the 3ds save encryption work? why can't we just pull "keys" or something from our backed up 9.2 FW 3ds then downgrade to 4.2 and inject it back into the nand so that launching games with lower FW does not corrupt retail cart save data?
- why does the profile exploit no longer work on anything past 4.5? i dont know but maybe the methoid of installing the exploit was blocked (installing exploit via ds flashcart) but now that we have access to the NAND files of the 3ds up to 9.2 cant we just manually re add those same exploit files to the same location as before but using another way such as dragging the files or the use of these .cia files to re install a easier way?
- can i make my retail cartridges save data not corrupt my savedata when launched on 4.5?
does this have something to do with it?