I searched the site for a bit trying to find an answer so if this a repeat question sorry, but I did make the effort.
I have a 3ds xl and a gateway running omega 3.0. Evertyhing I try to do but this works flawlessly.
My smash rom is a 3dz I made after reading this thread: https://gbatemp.net/threads/how-to-use-scene-dumps-with-gw-2-2-online.365829/
I have replicated this problem with both the MGS header and Luigi's mansion headers provided in that link. Both time my tool (the rom cleaner recommended in that thread) have told me it needed to regenerate some stuff related to chip size so I let it. I have used the methods in this thread to successfully get other games (MK7 and Bravely default) working online.
So when I try to update smash it won't read the fact that the update is on the SD card. I know the update is on my SD card because I looked in the dlc portion of settings and it's sitting right there. Interestingly (and this is the clue that I think will give someone more knowledgeable the answer to my problem) when I try to update by launching the game and clicking "review and download in e-shop" e-shop gives me an error saying the software is currently unavailable. But if I search for the update in e-shop I can find it from the keyword "smash". I downloaded that and I still get the "there is an update for this title" message.
I have a 3ds xl and a gateway running omega 3.0. Evertyhing I try to do but this works flawlessly.
My smash rom is a 3dz I made after reading this thread: https://gbatemp.net/threads/how-to-use-scene-dumps-with-gw-2-2-online.365829/
I have replicated this problem with both the MGS header and Luigi's mansion headers provided in that link. Both time my tool (the rom cleaner recommended in that thread) have told me it needed to regenerate some stuff related to chip size so I let it. I have used the methods in this thread to successfully get other games (MK7 and Bravely default) working online.
So when I try to update smash it won't read the fact that the update is on the SD card. I know the update is on my SD card because I looked in the dlc portion of settings and it's sitting right there. Interestingly (and this is the clue that I think will give someone more knowledgeable the answer to my problem) when I try to update by launching the game and clicking "review and download in e-shop" e-shop gives me an error saying the software is currently unavailable. But if I search for the update in e-shop I can find it from the keyword "smash". I downloaded that and I still get the "there is an update for this title" message.