SunDEV is now only composed of one coder : me (aka as Ludo6431)
So i started to code SunOS but i have school so i can't work a lot on SunOS.
Moreover the previous website host had a problem, they lost our previous website.
I created a new one hosted by google : http://sites.google.com/site/sundevds/
I decided to open the source i wrote for SunOS here : http://code.google.com/p/sundevos/
and decided to recruits contributors.
So the core of SunOS is written, you can test it : http://sundevos.googlecode.com/files/SunOS...029_01H11M50.7z
(SunOS_nitro.nds is a standalone binary that works well on emu)
(SunOS.nds and the data directory should be copied to the root of your memory card and "might" work on your linker)
Thanks a lot
SunDEV is now only composed of one coder : me (aka as Ludo6431)
So i started to code SunOS but i have school so i can't work a lot on SunOS.
Moreover the previous website host had a problem, they lost our previous website.
I created a new one hosted by google : http://sites.google.com/site/sundevds/
I decided to open the source i wrote for SunOS here : http://code.google.com/p/sundevos/
and decided to recruits contributors.
So the core of SunOS is written, you can test it : http://sundevos.googlecode.com/files/SunOS...029_01H11M50.7z
(SunOS_nitro.nds is a standalone binary that works well on emu)
(SunOS.nds and the data directory should be copied to the root of your memory card and "might" work on your linker)
Thanks a lot