With the end of the month getting closer day by day, I very much would enjoy importing an N3DS and running some sweet homebrew on it. While I favor Gateway as a cart, I view Sky3DS in a much brighter light. A seemingly simplistic cart is definitely more desirable than something that you must constantly be patient with, even as the cart is only a 1x1 cart that will most likely be blocked in the future.
Of course, before I even think about purchasing this product, I have some questions for you lovely people:
- Is this cart simple to use? The simple format and drop games onto it seems a bit too good to be true.
- Do games that are out of region work? Not much of a problem if no.
- Do .3DS games that have been ripped of their region work? I see these a lot, and I am unsure if they will cause a problem.
- How does the blue button work? I understand that it allows for game switching, but I'm unsure if you have to take it out to hit the button, or how it works.
- If it can run .3DS as a 1x1 cart, can you use DEVMENU.3DS to install DEVMENU.CIA like the Gateway cart?
Thank you for any explanations.
Of course, before I even think about purchasing this product, I have some questions for you lovely people:
- Is this cart simple to use? The simple format and drop games onto it seems a bit too good to be true.
- Do games that are out of region work? Not much of a problem if no.
- Do .3DS games that have been ripped of their region work? I see these a lot, and I am unsure if they will cause a problem.
- How does the blue button work? I understand that it allows for game switching, but I'm unsure if you have to take it out to hit the button, or how it works.
- If it can run .3DS as a 1x1 cart, can you use DEVMENU.3DS to install DEVMENU.CIA like the Gateway cart?
Thank you for any explanations.