Welp, I fucked up. I blanked prodinfo in sysnand because a bad tutorial, the video said that "it didn't matter what nand you should put a 1". My exosphere.ini file is like this:
Of course, both serial numbers in emunand and CFW sysnand is XAW0000000, in OFW is still the actual one. I also set 90DNS and DNS MITM too and haven't connected the console to the internet since first day I hacked the Switch.
The fact is, I already played some mods and overclock in CFW sysnand (I have my reasons and I knew the risks) since 4-5 days ago. It's probable that some logs have been created since then, and I'm convinced I will be banned as soon I connect to the internet. No piracy, no NSP files installed, just overclock and mods with legit carts.
According to another threads, it's kinda dangerous to restore the original prodinfo after using CFW, but the most it still set up the worst could be due to the logs. I wonder if still time to change it, and if I only need to change to 0 on the .ini file or make a full NAND restore.
Anyway, I don't plan to connecting to the internet anymore until it's really necessary, but I just want to at least fix this mistake.
Of course, both serial numbers in emunand and CFW sysnand is XAW0000000, in OFW is still the actual one. I also set 90DNS and DNS MITM too and haven't connected the console to the internet since first day I hacked the Switch.
The fact is, I already played some mods and overclock in CFW sysnand (I have my reasons and I knew the risks) since 4-5 days ago. It's probable that some logs have been created since then, and I'm convinced I will be banned as soon I connect to the internet. No piracy, no NSP files installed, just overclock and mods with legit carts.
According to another threads, it's kinda dangerous to restore the original prodinfo after using CFW, but the most it still set up the worst could be due to the logs. I wonder if still time to change it, and if I only need to change to 0 on the .ini file or make a full NAND restore.
Anyway, I don't plan to connecting to the internet anymore until it's really necessary, but I just want to at least fix this mistake.
Last edited by dysphoria,