Putting custom NES roms in Animal Crossing for play through Nintendont?


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2017
United States
Alright, random post, I know, but I'm trying to bury fun NES homebrew and romhacks deep in my Wii U as like an Easter egg for whoever may be playing around with my Wii U. Sure, you can play most of the official NES catalog on my Wii U through a dedicated FCEU GX channel or through Retroarch. But I love the idea of there also being hidden treasure on my system for those who look deep enough.

Anyway, I'm aware of ACNESCreator which allows you to create .gci files that turn any NES rom into GameCube save data that can be read from within Animal Crossing as an NES game you can play on the NES system item without a specific game tied to it. I recognize that this actually wasn't fully understood and exploited until only like 2018 or so, and for the most part everyone just thought that was a purely aesthetic item. We now see though that that NES item is probably the most important NES item in the game as it opens up just about any NES game ever to be played on it within Animal Crossing.

Anyway, my confusion is how do I make these NES games playable in Animal Crossing through Nintendont? ACNESCreator outputs games in .gci, Nintendont reads saves (from the SAVES folder) as .raw files. Additionally, those .raw files are named for the 4 character GameCube title IDs. So, what is the solution? Even if I can convert .gci to .raw (which I believe I can), what is the naming structure that Nintendont will look for to recognize those nes games to be playable in Animal Crossing? I can see that when I hold A on the bios screen (Gamecube logo doing its thing) and look at the memory card for any given game that it only shows save data for the game in questions, as if Nintendont is only programmed for each game to have an individual memory card tied to it, despite the fact that there are many other Gamecube save files that could be gleaned in the SAVES folder. If you have any insight on this, I would really appreciate it. Thanks!
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Never mind! The solution was real simple just use the memory card manager inside of Dolphin, load up the Abimal Crossing .raw data from the SAVES folder, and simply import in the .gci save files created for each game by ACNESCreator. And instantly the .raw save is updated with the additional NES games. It works amazingly! Gonna have some fun hiding modern NES gems in here specifically on my Wii U. Again, completely unnecessary, but it does make the whole experience feel all the more special.
Last edited by MikaDubbz,
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