To preface, I was one of the people that tried to help Rii Shop in January. However, it didn't work out. The code was a mess and did not work properly, the beta was released prior to making downloads properly work, and it made press headlines too fast. They also were considering making people buy Wii Points using PayPal, which is even more stupid. I told them how stupid it was and they didnt do it. Also, people that could help refused, saying that the documentation exists and they dont want to support piracy. It ended when the Discord got locked down after things went south, then one of the admins of WiiLink decided to ping over 20k people over the untrue claim that I used it to dox people in a voice channel by displaying serial numbers / ip / console nicks. Not only I was not responsible for this, but it was made worse when immature people thought I was lying because they thought it was true because they made a ping over it. There was no proof that I did this. People started to dig up old drama about me, I was getting harassed, it was getting scary. Also, people kept spreading the drama saying to not use Rii Shop even after the project was shut down. The fact that this was attached to me and I was accused of being a person that ruined the project is unacceptable and I therefore lost faith with the Wii community because of it. To this day, there's been 4 attempts - Rii Shop Channel, Reviive Shop Channel, New Shop Channel, and LaunchShop. To this day, Rii Shop was restarted to try to be a homebrew Wii Shop replacement, Reviive is to revive the actual shop, and LaunchShop was restarted and it was a separate project that meged with Rii Shop originally. However, given the immaturity of people in the community that worked on the projects, Im surprised that there hasnt been a more proper attempt by a group thats not full of teenagers to revive the shop, because as of now I still think that none of them made dling any title from the Wii Shop properly work