Gaming PSP screen gets hot.


Resident Furvert™
Feb 4, 2010
Cave Entrance, Watching Cyan Write Letters
United States
PSP-2000 (TA-85v2), Prome-2 firmware (Gen-D3 with the Prometheus-V2 upgrade).

So I use GoTube to watch stuff on video sites while I go to sleep because I have trouble falling asleep normally, I pretty much have to bore myself to passing out. Gotube runs at 333mhz, I leave it plugged in (charging) while I use it in bed since the cord's long and I don't like it dying.

I sometimes fall asleep without a chance to turn the PSP off... I'll wake up in the morning and it's fine if it ended up with the screen upwards.
However if it ends up with the screen facing down towards the bed, the PSP is hot when I wake up.
Well, not "hot", but a lot warmer than I've ever had a handheld get (though it still functions fine).

Anybody else notice this?


Apr 19, 2010
Rydian said:
PSP-2000 (TA-85v2), Prome-2 firmware (Gen-D3 with the Prometheus-V2 upgrade).

So I use GoTube to watch stuff on video sites while I go to sleep because I have trouble falling asleep normally, I pretty much have to bore myself to passing out. Gotube runs at 333mhz, I leave it plugged in (charging) while I use it in bed since the cord's long and I don't like it dying.

I sometimes fall asleep without a chance to turn the PSP off... I'll wake up in the morning and it's fine if it ended up with the screen upwards.
However if it ends up with the screen facing down towards the bed, the PSP is hot when I wake up.
Well, not "hot", but a lot warmer than I've ever had a handheld get (though it still functions fine).

Anybody else notice this?
umm thats because you left it charging and you had it on for some hours :/
Try to remember to turn off your psp.

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  • _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_:
    @K3Nv3, Real mfs don't call it british English and american English, they call it British and American
  • _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_:
    >What languages do you speak?
    > I speak British and American
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Dinoh teaches me brit swears but now just calls me a fucking wank
  • mthrnite @ mthrnite:
    sod off old chap
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Could be part of the learning process
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @_Ruri_, This shit always happens:
    1. Person 1 says something
    2. Person 2 asks something about what person 1 said
    3. Person 1 answers
    4. Person 2 either forgets about it or just dissappears
  • _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_:
    I'm pretty bad at doing the british accent
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @_Ruri_, I was trying to do a british accent and then I just stuck with the american one
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    American VS Brit would be better tv than America's got talent
  • mthrnite @ mthrnite:
    i'm southern and we kiiiiinda have a british accent depending where you look
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    I'm still learning how to read
  • mthrnite @ mthrnite:
    i say the word "reckon" a lot anyway
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @K3Nv3, the Sonic cd osts are the closest thing we have to that
  • _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_:
    @Xdqwerty, Hmm, yeah, a lot of people online ask questions and when somebody answers their question they never answer lol, I just assume they read the message and they're satisfied with the answer lol
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Just did learn that police don't like to be told to fuck off
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    @mthrnite, ah, Jeff Foxworthys language
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @_Ruri_, it's worse when you wanna troubleshoot an issue, someone asks for details, you give details and then they don't reply even though you still havent fixed the issue
  • _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_:
    @Xdqwerty, Omfg yeah! Also hate the "EDIT: Fixed it" without any explanation whatsoever
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Superbowl commercials kind of sucked this year
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @_Ruri_, yeah they should elaborate on how they manage to fix it
  • _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_:
    @Xdqwerty, There are a lot of people uneducated on netiquette these days huh
    _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_: @Xdqwerty, There are a lot of people uneducated on netiquette these days huh