ROM Hack Pokemon Legends Arceus Cheat Database


Apr 23, 2016

CHEAT FILE: 24/07/23

updated to page 238
Please be patient, new cheats are coming. Asking for new cheats will not speed up the process.
!!!! Are your cheats not working after a game update? !!!
1) Check this post for the newest build ID & the latest updated cheats.. if it didn't work then
2) Do a
clean & fresh REinstall of Edizon / Edizon Overlay / Tesla Overlay

I have updated post #2 to include instructions on how to use each code that requires some form of instructions as per all the constant asking in the thread

Now this thread has been created to ask for the codes you'd like and share the cheat codes you have found.
Now when you Add or Request cheat codes, provide as much information as you can for us.

Example : Pokemon Legends Arceus
Request : Max Crafting Materials

Title id : 01001F5010DFA000
Build id : 7FCAD279539DE183
Version : Pokemon Legends Arceus v1.0.0

Good Luck , and Enjoy

FAQ: Troubleshooting Edizon related questions

Latest build 1.1.1First Time SetupTurn off all cheats default/Disable Edizon

  1. Atmosphere
    1.0.0 Legends
    1.0.1 Legends
    1.0.2 Legends
    1.1.0 Legends
    1.1.1 Legends

    SX OS
    1.0.0 Legends
    1.0.1 Legends
    1.0.2 Legends
    1.1.0 Legends
    1.1.1 Legends

  2. Redirect: How to Apply Cheats to Pokemon Legends


    1) Move sd:/atmospshere/config_templates/system_settings.ini
    to sd:/atmospshere/config/
    2) Find this line
    ;dmnt_cheats_enabled_by_default = u8!0x1
    Change line to
    dmnt_cheats_enabled_by_default = u8!0x0
    ******DELETE THE SEMI COLON ( ; )

    1) Move sd:/atmospshere/config_templates/override_config.ini
    to sd:/atmospshere/config/
    ******DELETE THE SEMI COLONS ( ; )
    3) Boot up the game, press L immediately and hold until you get to TITLE SCREEN then release

    [tab=Edizon/File Crashing]
    Scenario 1: A certain cheat is causing problem.
    Solution: Take out codes 1 by 1 to determine issue.

    Scenario 2: Your cheat title is too long or has symbols [-] making it crash.
    Solution: Remove any unnecessary dashes, space out numbers in title, shorten cheat name. See scenario 1.

    Scenario 3: Game crashes after turning on several cheats.
    Solution: Don't use a lot of cheats at the same time. 6 or less. Obviously similar cheats might clash and crash on you.

    Scenario 4: Atmosphere crashes when triggering overlay menu.
    Download newest Edizon overlay (7/30): Here

    [tab=Cheats won't show up]
    Scenario 1: Clicking into the Edizon app says "no cheats found!"
    Solution: Pokemon will only appear in the Edizon / Tesla Popup menu. Press L + Dpad Down + RS (Right Stick Click down)

    Note: Please check your current build ID matches the current update.

    Scenario 2: Catch trainers pokemon cheat should be the very last cheat.
    Solution: Move your Catch trainers pokemon cheat to the end of the file.

    Scenario 3: Your file is greater than 32kb.
    Solution: Delete unneeded cheats


    [tab= Parsing Error]
    Common SX OS error. I do not have SX OS to know what causes this. Since majority cheats were built on AMS, it is possible that some cheats are AMS only. Please delete your file and build your own file from scratch.

    [tab=Communication Error]
    You will occasionally come across the Communication Error when connecting via online play, due to RAM Editing.

    [tab=Upgrade = Cheats won't work?]
    Do a clean install of your Edizon / Tesla Overlay / Edizon Overlay

Codes will be updated, don't DM me

Please download the file for the most updated codes :)

Main will include cheat files for all version of the game so it wont matter which version you have installed.

Added credits to all code creators for each code being used here PLEASE mention the creators by name whenever and wherever you share our codes ok?

Some codes conflict with others when used at the same time.

HEX name
0011 Potion
0017 Full Restore
0018 Max Potion
0019 Hyper Potion
001A Super Potion
001B Full Heal
001C Revive
001D Max Revive
0027 Max Ether
0029 Max Elixir
0032 Rare Candy
0036 Old Gateau
0048 Red Shard
0049 Blue Shard
004B Green Shard
0050 Sun Stone
0051 Moon Stone
0052 Fire Stone
0053 Thunder Stone
0054 Water Stone
0055 Leaf Stone
005A Stardust
005B Star Piece
005C Nugget
006B Shiny Stone
006C Dusk Stone
006D Dawn Stone
006E Oval Stone
006F Odd Keystone
0095 Cheri Berry
0096 Chesto Berry
0097 Pecha Berry
0098 Rawst Berry
0099 Aspear Berry
009A Leppa Berry
009B Oran Berry
009D Lum Berry
009E Sitrus Berry
009F Figy Berry
00A0 Wiki Berry
00A1 Mago Berry
00A2 Aguav Berry
00A3 Iapapa Berry
00A4 Razz Berry
00A6 Nanab Berry
00A8 Pinap Berry
00E9 Metal Coat
00FC Upgrade
012A Flame Plate
012B Splash Plate
012C Zap Plate
012D Meadow Plate
012E Icicle Plate
012F Fist Plate
0130 Toxic Plate
0131 Earth Plate
0132 Sky Plate
0133 Mind Plate
0134 Insect Plate
0135 Stone Plate
0136 Spooky Plate
0137 Draco Plate
0138 Dread Plate
0139 Iron Plate
0141 Protector
0142 Electirizer
0143 Magmarizer
0144 Dubious Disc
0145 Reaper Cloth
0146 Razor Claw
0147 Razor Fang
01B9 Red Chain
01C7 Azure Flute
01D2 Gracidea
0247 Comet Shard
027E Reveal Glass
0278 Shiny Charm
0284 Pixie Plate
0351 Ice stone
0465 Exp. Candy S
0466 Exp. Candy M
0467 Exp. Candy L
0468 Exp. Candy XL
04CF Lonely Mint
04D0 Adamant Mint
04D1 Naught Mint
04D2 Brave Mint
04D3 Bold Mint
04D4 Impish Mint
04D5 Lax Mint
04D6 Relaxed Mint
04D7 Modest Mint
04D8 Mild Mint
04D9 Rash Mint
04DA Quiet Mint
04DB Calm Mint
04DC Gentle Mint
04DD Careful Mint
04DE Sassy Mint
04DF Timid Mint
04E0 Hasty Mint
04E1 Jolly Mint
04E2 Naive Mint
04E3 Serious Mint
0648 Time Balm
0649 Space Balm
064A Mysterious Balm
064B Linking Cord
064C Hometown Muffin
064D Apricorn
064E Jubilife Muffin
064F Aux Powerguard
0650 Dire Hit
0651 Choice Dumpling
0652 Twice-Spiced Radish
0653 Swap Snack
0654 Caster Fern
0655 Seed of Mastery
0656 Poke ball
0658 Eternal Ice
0659 Uxie's Claw
065A Azelf's Fang
065B Mespirit's Plume
065C Tumblestone
065D Celestica Flute
065E Remedy
065F Fine Remedy
0660 Dazzling Honey
0661 Hearty Grains
0662 Plump Beans
0663 Springy Mushroom
0664 Crunchy Salt
0665 Wood
0666 King's Leaf
0667 Marsh Balm
0668 Poke ball Recipe
0669 Breat Ball Recipe
066A Ultra Ball Recipe
066B Feather Ball Recipe
066C Pokeshi Doll Recipe
066E Smoke Bomb Recipe
066F Scatter Bang Recipe
0670 Sticky Glob Recipe
0671 Star Piece Recipe
0672 Mushroom Cake Recipe
0673 Bugwort Recipe
0674 Honey Cake Recipe
0675 Grain Cake Recipe
0676 Bean Cake Recipe
0677 Salt Cake Recipe
0678 Potion Recipe
0679 Super Potion Recipe
067A Hyper Potion Recipe
067B Max Potion Recipe
067C Full Restore Recipe
067D Remedy Recipe
067E Fine Remedy Recipe
067F Superb Remedy Recipe
0680 Old Gateau Recipe
0681 Jubilife Muffin Recipe
0682 Full Heal Recipe
0683 Revive Recipe
0684 Max Revive Recipe
0685 Max Ether Recipe
0686 Max Elixir Recipe
0687 Stealth Spray Recipe
0689 Aux Power Recipe
068A Aux Guard Recipe
068B Dire Hit Recipe
068C Aux Evasion Recipe
068D Aux Powerguard Recipe
068E Forest Balm
068F Iron Chunk
0691 Black Tumblestone
0692 Sky TumbleStone
0694 Ball of Mud
0696 Pop Pod
0697 Sootfoot Root
0698 Spoiled Apricorn
0699 Snowball
069A Sticky Glob
069B Black Augurite
069C Peat Block
069D Stealth Spray
069E Medicinal Leek
069F Vivichoke
06A0 Pep-Up Plant
06A3 Tempting Charm B
06A4 Tempting Charm P
06A5 Swordcap
06A6 Iron Barktongue
06A7 Doppel Bonnets
06A8 Dire Shroom
06A9 Sand Radish
06AA Tempting Charm T
06AB Tempting Charm Y
06AC Candy Truffle
06AD Cake-Lure Base
06AE Poke Ball
06AF Great Ball
06B0 Ultra Ball
06B1 Feather Ball
06B4 Scatter Bang
06B5 Smoke Bomb
06B8 Pokeshi Doll
06B9 Volcano Balm
06BA Mountain Balm
06BB Snow Balm
06BC Honey Cake Recipe
06BD Grain Cake Recipe
06BE Bean Cake Recipe
06BF Mushroom Cake Recipe
06C0 Salt Cake Recipe
06C1 Swap Snack Recipe
06C2 Choice Dumpling Recipe
06C3 Twice-Spiced Radish Recipe
06C4 Survival Charm R
06C5 Survival Charm B
06C6 Survival Charm P
06C7 Survival Charm T
06C8 Survival Charm Y
06C9 Torn Journal
06CA Warding Charm R
06CB Warding Charm B
06CC Warding Charm P
06CD Warding Charm T
06CE Warding Charm Y
06CF Wall Fragment
06D0 Basculegion Food
06D1 Old Journal
06D2 Wing Ball
06D3 Jet Ball
06D4 Heavy Ball
06D5 Leaden Ball
06D6 Gigaton Ball
06D7 Wing Ball Recipe
06D8 Jet Ball Recipe
06D9 Heavy Ball Recipe
06DA Hopo Berry
06DB Superb Remedy
06DC Aux Power
06DD Aux Guard
06DE Aux Evasion
06DF Grit Dust
06E0 Grit Gravel
06E1 Grit Pebble
06E2 Grit Rock
06E3 Secret Medicine
06E4 Tempting Charm R
06E5 Lost Satchel
06E6 Lost Satchel
06E7 Lost Satchel
06E8 Lost Satchel
06E9 Lost Satchel
06EB Origin Ball
06F0 Origin Ore
06F1 Adamant Crystal
06F2 Lustrous Globe
06F3 Griseous Core
06F4 Blank Plate
06F6 Crafting Kit
06F7 Leaden Ball Recipe
06F8 Gigaton Ball Recipe
06F9 Strange Ball
06FA Pokedex
06FB Old Verse 1
06FC Old Verse 2
06FD Old Verse 3
06FE Old Verse 4
0700 Old Verse 5
0701 Old Verse 6
0702 Old Verse 7
0703 Old Verse 8
0704 Old Verse 9
0705 Old Verse 10
0706 Old Verse 11
0707 Old Verse 12
0708 Old Verse 13
0709 Old Verse 14
070A Old Verse 15
070B Old Verse 16
070C Old Verse 17
070D Old Verse 18
070E Old Verse 19
070F Old Verse 20
0724 Legend Plate

[Max/Inf Pokedollars] - Stoned
[Max All Pokeballs] - SkyQueen
[60 FPS (WARNING)] - 8BitWonder
[30 FPS (WARNING)] - 8BitWonder
[Max Slot 1] - Winbom
[999 Rare Candy] - SkyQueen
[Infinite PP] - Eiffel2018
[Max Pocket Size] - Eiffel2018
[Shiny Pokemon (Left/Right Dpad Off/On)] - Patjenova
[Max/Inf Merits] - SkyQueen
[Moonjump Wyrdeer] - Patjenova
[Invincible Trainer] - Eiffel2018
[Pokedex Status Challenges] - Eiffel2018
[Instant Kill + Mastercode] - Patjenova
[Invincible + Mastercode] - Patjenova
[20x Ride Speed] - Eiffel2018
[100% Catch Rate] - Eiffel2018
[Instant Space Distortion] - Patjenova
[Pokedex Encounter]  - Patjenova

Added Softlock recovery code for the research task codes. it locks you on legendaries, this will be a temporary fix for it till pkhex support comes.

[Max/Inf Pokedollars] - Stoned
[Max All Pokeballs] - SkyQueen
[Max Slot 1] - Winbom
[999 Rare Candy] - SkyQueen
[Max/Inf Merits] - SkyQueen
[Pokedex Status Challenges Warning] - Eiffel2018
[Shiny Pokemon] - Patjenova
[Infinite PP] - Eiffel2018
[Max Pocket Size] - Eiffel2018
[100% Catch Rate] - Eiffel2018
[Invincible Trainer] - Eiffel2018
[Completed Pokedex not status] - Eiffel2018
[Wild Pokemon lose hearing]
[Moonjump wyrdeer] - Patjenova
[Instant Kill + Mastercode] - Patjenova
[Invincible + Mastercode] - Patjenova
[900 items when use] - Patjenova
[Instant Space Distortion] - Patjenova
[Pokedex Encounter] - Patjenova
[Wild Gender Modifier codes] - SkyQueen
[All Wisps Collected] - SkyQueen
[Teleport to Flag Marker] - Abadidea
[Wild Level Modifiers] - SkyQueen/Abadidea
[Spawn only Alpha forms] - Abadidea
[6 Efforts 10 code (EVS)] - Eiffel2018
[Spawn according to Dex] - Eiffel2018
[Spawn random pokemon] - Eiffel2018
[Fix Shiny Lucario] - Eiffel2018
[Remove Black Bar in Battle] - SkyQueen

{Mastercode} - Patjenova
[01# Inf Health] - Patjenova
[02# Instant Kill] - Patjenova
[Shiny Pokemon Left/Right Stick Off/On] - Patjenova
[Always Encounter (M)] - Patjenova
[Always Level] - SkyQueen/Abadidea
[Always Gender] - SkyQueen
[Encounter Hisuian Form] - Patjenova
[(ON) Only Spawn Alpha Pokemon v1.0.2] - Abadidea
[Encounter by Pokedex] - Patjenova
[6 Efforts 10 code (EVS)] - Eiffel2018
[900 items when use] - Patjenova
[Instant space distortion] - Patjenova
[Max Pocket Size] - Eiffel2018
[100% Catch Rate] - Eiffel2018
[Invincible Trainer] - Eiffel2018
[Complete Dex] - Eiffel2018
[Spawn according to Dex] - Eiffel2018
[Spawn random pokemon] - Eiffel2018
[Fix Shiny Lucario] - Eiffel2018
[50% Shiny] - Eiffel2018
[Max/Inf Pokedollars] - Stoned
[Max All Pokeballs] - SkyQueen
[Max Slot 1] - Winbom
[999 Rare Candy] - SkyQueen
[Max/Inf Merits] - SkyQueen
[Teleport to Flag MArker] - Abadidea
[Moonjump] - Patjenova
[Remove Black bars in battle] - SkyQueen
[Spawn 6iv pokemon] - Eiffel2018

[Remove Black bars in battle] - SkyQueen
[Max/Inf Pokedollars] - Stoned
[Max/Inf Merits] - SkyQueen
[Max Slot 1] - Winbom
[999 Rare Candy] - SkyQueen
[Max All Pokeballs] - SkyQueen
{Mastercode} - Patjenova
[01# Inf Health] - Patjenova
[Shiny Pokemon Left/Right Stick Off/On] - Patjenova
[Always Encounter (M)] - Patjenova
[Always Level] - SkyQueen/Abadidea
[Always Gender] - SkyQueen
[Encounter Hisuian Form] - Patjenova
[(ON) Only Spawn Alpha Pokemon v1.1.0] - Abadidea
[6 Efforts 10 code (EVS)] - Eiffel2018
[900 items when use] - Patjenova
[Instant space distortion] - Patjenova
[Max Pocket Size] - Eiffel2018
[100% Catch Rate] - Eiffel2018
[Invincible Trainer] - Eiffel2018
[Spawn 6iv pokemon] - Eiffel2018

[Remove Black bars in battle] - SkyQueen
[Max/Inf Pokedollars] - Stoned
[Max/Inf Merits] - SkyQueen
[Max Slot 1] - Winbom
[999 Rare Candy] - SkyQueen
[Max All Pokeballs] - SkyQueen
{Mastercode} - Patjenova
[01# Inf Health] - Patjenova
[Shiny Pokemon] - Patjenova
[Always Encounter (M)] - Patjenova
[Always Level] - SkyQueen/Abadidea
[Always Gender] - SkyQueen
[Encounter Hisuian Form] - Patjenova
[(ON) Only Spawn Alpha Pokemon v1.1.0] - Abadidea
[6 Efforts 10 code (EVS)] - Eiffel2018
[900 items when use] - Patjenova
[Instant space distortion] - Patjenova
[Max Pocket Size] - Eiffel2018
[100% Catch Rate] - Eiffel2018
[Invincible Trainer] - Eiffel2018
[Spawn 6iv pokemon] - Eiffel2018
[Easy Task completion] - Eiffel2018/INSTRUMENTAL
[Infinite Challenge Time] - INSTRUMENTAL

Some of the codes are being worked on over here if you want to check their progress before they get placed all here.

Request Queue

Let us know what you want please!


    13.7 KB · Views: 120
Last edited by OblivionReign,


Apr 23, 2016
Here I will explain how to use each of the codes that are a bit more complicated.

How to use Infinite HP/InstakillHow to use Pokedex EncounterHow to use MoonjumpHow to use Instant Space-Time DistortionHow to use Invincible TrainerHow to use Max Item Slot 1How to use Shiny Pokemon codeHow to use Completed PokedexHow to use Research Tasks CompleteHow to use All Wisps collectedHow to use Teleport codeAll Cheats Off Code

  1. Ensure the Mastercode is enabled (It should be by default).
    Then turn on either the Infinite Health or Insta kill code.

    You can turn these on or off using their respective codes.

  2. This is a culmination of many codes.
    Step 1
    - Activate Always encounter code

    Step 2
    - Turn on Pokedex Encounter code

    Step 3
    - go through your pokedex and find a pokemon you want to spawn while looking at it press L+Plus buttons

    step 4 Optional
    - If you need a hisuian form then turn on the always encounter hisuian form code too before pressing L+Plus on the pokemon entry. use the off code when you dont want hisuian mons anymore

    Step 5 Optional
    - If you want to change the gender of all the spawning pokemon then after turning on the code in step 1 you can enable the different gender codes.

    Step 6 Optional
    - If you want to use a level modifier code use that as well as others.

    Step 7 Optional
    - If you wish to use Spawn Only Alphas then turn on that code as well

    Step 8 Optional
    - If you want 6 max EV mons you can use the six efforts 10 code.

    To disable everything. Turn off the pokedex encounter code then use the Always encounter Off code.

    These codes ONLY WORK if you have the Always Encounter cheat on.

    Alternately We now have the spawn according to dex code which lets you just straight up look at any entry in the Dex and it will spawn. Use the "All Cheats Off" code to disable.


  3. Turn on the code and equip your ride pokemon (Wyrdeer or Basculegion) then jump and hold :)

  4. Turn on code and enter any area that is not Jubilife. Go ahead and press L+R it should spawn. It's been known to cause issues spawning when in certain weather conditions but this is unconfirmed.

  5. Turn on the code and be invincible. May still die from super high heights but attacks and general falling will not kill you.

  6. Turn on code and move whatever item you want 999 of that you have at least 1 of to your slot 1 in satchel. Press R to make it 999 in quantity.

  7. Turn on the code then use the right Stick press button to turn all spawns into shiny. May have to leave and come back to that area.
    To turn the shiny off press Left on analog stick:)

  8. Turn on then talk to the professor to automatically have your dex show all pokemon as seen and captured to allow the Arceus fight.

  9. Activate and talk to professor. You may freeze at this point. If you do turn off the code then use the Research off code and wait a few seconds. You should then be rewarded your points.

  10. Activate then talk to the little girl who gave you the quest in Jubilife. It will complete your quest taking you to the odd keystone to encounter your Spiritomb.

  11. Open map and place a flagmarker any where (except the temple of sinnoh)
    Then exit your map and press your Left and Right analog sticks in like buttons to teleport to the marker.

  12. Use this cheat to disable
    - Fix Buggy Lucario
    - 50% Shiny
    - Spawn Random Pokemon
    - Spawn according to Pokedex
Last edited by OblivionReign,


Has a PhD in dueling
Aug 27, 2009
duel acadamia
United States
you should've posted this when LA leaked @SkyQueen you gave false hope (I got excited and checked my "usual sites/shops" and my joy replaced by disappointment (I did pre order on eshop so i did buy it too) anyways can't wait to see what cheats come of it


Apr 23, 2016
you should've posted this when LA leaked @SkyQueen you gave false hope (I got excited and checked my "usual sites/shops" and my joy replaced by disappointment (I did pre order on eshop so i did buy it too) anyways can't wait to see what cheats come of it
Lol sorry buddy. I did this with BDSP too. Just for prep for when it leaks. As when that happens ill be too busy datamining and making cheats to be arsed with creating the post at that moment. So this way its already up and ready.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2018
ayy @SkyQueen keep up the good work, if you need help with keeping the OP up to date I'm up to help when I can.
Also for codes I believe
- max money
-max/inf mats or x99 on pickup
- one hit in battle mode,1st pokemon can one hit
- one pokeball for capture of pokemon in wild
-inf health for player, so no blacking out in the wild
-max xp for party pokemon 1-6?
I think those for are the main six codes people will request
Last edited by Ultimos54,


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2020
I was hoping you would make cheats for this, thanks!

Wanted codes:
- anything shiny related
- IV inheritance
- fast/infinite balm throw if possible (during frenzy noble battles)
- infinite HP/unlimited hits/can't knock out the trainer
- instant egg hatch
- 30 and 60 FPS cheats
- auto-finish research task for the Galaxy Expedition Team
- infinite crafting items
- infinite merit points
Last edited by rafpoop,

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