I was really surprised to find an Android Smartphone for £20. Usually you pay that much to get a case or screen protector. You would never expect to get a smartphone rocking a quad core processor for that price. Is it any good? Check out the review and website below for a video and written review.
Share the video with your friends and family so more people will be aware that a phone like this exists! If this gets enough buzz and attention then they just might make a better version for the same price! If not then this will be the last we EVER see of ultra cheap smartphones.
Written Review: Ecartman12.blogspot.com
Share the video with your friends and family so more people will be aware that a phone like this exists! If this gets enough buzz and attention then they just might make a better version for the same price! If not then this will be the last we EVER see of ultra cheap smartphones.
Written Review: Ecartman12.blogspot.com