Every, meaning ALL R4 cards, are a clone of some other card. Actually, I should say a cheap clone of some other card. Cheap because in every version their attempts at copying the features of the card that they attempted to clone was done half assed and never actually worked as seamlessly as on the original cards. I have an original R4 which was a simple ds card with basic features that worked "ok". Supercard, EZFlash, M3, and Acekard were the original and most "professionally" done cards. All the others were basically a clone of one of these. Unfortunately Supercard (DSTWO) is the only one still able to work on newer firmwares but, it is easily the most feature packed or in other words the most bang for your buck. Never say you are not interested in all of the extra features like emulators. There were tons of GBA games that are worth a go even if you never make it completely through one. It's nice to have the ability to be able to do something and choose not to do it rather than have a desire to do it and not have the ability!