Hacking Multitude of problems


New Member
Nov 22, 2009
United States
I wasn't sure where to put this topic considering I'm not really sure where the problem lies.

As for background on my system, I softmodded it back before 4.2 was released. My wii still runs on 4.1U firmware. I had everything installed and working; I could run games on neogammaR7 with CIOS38 rev 14.

This week, I decided to try out USB Loader GX. It worked fine on this HDD
I could get NSMB and Guilty Gear XX AC+ to work. However, upon trying Naruto CONR3, it would freeze randomly.

From here on, I started running into problems. I thought perhaps my softmodding software was out of date, so I tried to update it. I re-ran the CIOS38_rev14 again forgetting that I had already installed it, and on the option of picking IOS, i picked 249 instead of the usual 36. Realizing this, I installed it yet again except this time picking 36. (At this point I had also installed a channel for USB-GX. I wanted to add this even though i think it wouldn't have really changed anything. I removed it later trying to retrace my steps.) I then tried to run games off my USB Loader GX again, but this time, everything went to Error 002 blue screens. After scouring forums for a couple hours, I couldn't really find anything that helped, and there was no option to anti-002 on my version (USB-GX 1.0). I tried installing CIOS38_rev15, but made everything unplayable (including using Neogamma to load DVD-R's).

I thought that perhaps it was what i did with my IOS249, so I began looking for methods of reverting it. Not really finding anything relating to that problem (if it even is a problem), I went through the Trucha Bug steps where IOS 15 was downgraded, and IOS 36 was patched, etc. That didn't seem to fix the problem. I then went through a process of deleting IOS249 (after scouring forums for a couple more hours making sure it wouldn't completely brick my system). I then, again, reran CIOS38 rev14. Neogamma works yet again, but USB-GX continues to Error 002 blue screen. I again, reinstalled rev15, but came up with the same problem as before. Again deleting IOS249, and reinstalling rev14, I decided to use my last resort: reset everything using nand.bin.

Here in lies the reason why I typed this post. I tried to load nand.bin, but bootmii claims that the file is for another wii. I have never softmodded another wii. I am 100% sure this nand.bin file was backed-up using this system. However, after creating the back-up file, I have never tried to use it until now.

Throughout these steps I had also downloaded a newer version of Neogamma to try it's usb capabilities. Guilty Gear would work fine, Mario would Error (I had a version b4 mario was released), and Naruto would continue to freeze.

My current situation:

Neogamma works, but will not recognize the USB HDD. (Screen remains blank while trying to mount the USB HDD.)
USBLoaderGX 1.0 continues to go to Error 002 bluescreen. (When it worked, you would hear a sound when u pressed play: whether it'd be mario cheering or naruto yelling).
Bootmii claims my nand.bin file is for another system.
And least importantly but also the event leading to all these problems, Naruto continues to freeze despite someone else claiming it works perfect with USB-GX 1.0

I apologize for the ridiculously long post; however, I thought it might be better if I explained the steps I went through to help determine the problem.

Any and all assistance towards fixing these problems is very much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2007
mousex said:
In the time he needed to write this long post he could have find the solutions easily by searching.
that's true for 90% of all forum posts really


New Member
Nov 22, 2009
United States
As stated in my post, I already tried all yesterday afternoon and found nothing that distinctly addresses these problems. Perhaps I am searching for the wrong things. If these solutions are that easy to find, please link me to them. As stated, I have tried many different methods and none have worked. Yes google is my friend most of the time, yet not so much yesterday.

And manias, atm, I am unable to connect my Wii wirelessly. All my files are obtained through the computer and uploaded via SDCard, though i am pretty sure I have the most up to date version. Again, this version was working beforehand except for Naruto.

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