Hi tempers. So I spent a couple of hours today seeing what Moonshell2 (aka MS2) can do with my slot 2 cards. I have an M3 GBA Expansion pack and an EZFlash V 3in1. Thought I'd share what I've found so far. Those with short attention spans can skip to the bottom of this post for the TL;DR version...
(All tests use a DS Lite running Moonshell2 on a CycloDS)
Launch GBA Games:
Rudolph has been kind enough to release a customised Moonshell2 version of GBA ExpLoader. With it, you can launch GBA game ROMs from MS2's GUI if you have a supported card in slot 2.
Download the special GBA ExpLoader from Rudolph's site here.
Or, if you're using wolfmanz51's translated version of Moonshell2, you will find the necessary files in \Moonshell2.0b5(english)2\GBA_ExpLoader_MSHL2\.
gba.ExpLoader.nds and GBA_ExpLoader_MSHL2.ini must be placed in MS2's \moonshl2\extlink folder.
You'll also need to create the obligatory GBA_SIGN and GBA_SAVE folders in the root of your microSD card (root is the default location specified in GBA_ExpLoader_MSHL2.ini).
When a GBA ROM is selected from Moonshell2's GUI, ExpLoader auto-loads the ROM to the slot 2 card, then the game starts.
With the M3 GBA pack, ExpLoader displays "GBA ExpLoader MSHL2 [ M3/G6 ] v0.0" at the top of the screen.
With the 3in1, It's almost exactly the same. With my card, Exploader displays "GBA ExpLoader MSHL2 [New 3in1] v0.0" at the top of the screen.
So both slot 2 cards load GBA games just fine, as long as the ExpLoader files are in all the right places. Nice job Rudolph, thank you very much.
About RAM support
One of the nice things about Sakura running on an M3 Real, is that it can use the additional RAM from an M3 GBA expansion pack to speed up file operations, view pics and load mp3 or dpg files faster. It's little things like that which creates a better user experience overall. The good news is, Moonshell2 detects the M3 GBA Expansion pack's RAM automatically on startup, and gets a comparable performance boost to Sakura. I'm not saying it's turbo charged, but any performance boost is a good thing, amirite?
Now that I've opened my big fat mouth and tipped everyone off about the RAM boost, it's only a matter of time before users start asking if Moonshell2 can somehow be configured to detect and use the RAM in the very popular EZ V 3in1 in a similar manner. So let's nip that in the bud and see what happens with the two different cards when MS2 starts up.
When Loading Moonshell2...
MS2 immediately detects the M3 GBA Expansion Pack on startup and displays how much RAM it found in Kb.
MS2 fails to detect the 3in1, reporting "Extension memory not found"...
...which should be enough to tell you not to get your hopes up about the 3in1. I'm not saying it can't be done - just at this stage of the game, Moonshell2 support for the 3in1 doesn't look very encouraging. But any temper worth their salt is made of sterner stuff than that (or like in my case, is too damn thick to take 'no' for an answer). I wasn't going to be put off by a simple loadup screen message. So without further ado, I present an over-long guide on...
(NOT) Enabling the 3in1's RAM
So can it be done?
Short answer: No. I haven't managed to get MS2 and the 3in1 to play nicely together (sorry to disappoint everyone). But to save others wasting time, here's what I've tried so far...
Long answer: It is not possible to manually enable the 3in1's RAM in the MS2 version of ExpLoader. Opening ExpLoader via Moonshell2's GUI, with a 3in1 in slot 2 gives a "Selected GBA file loading failed (A) : Confirm" error. Pressing the A button invokes soft reset, and we're back to the Cyclo GUI. Restart MS2, and it still fails to detect the 3in1's RAM.
As gba.ExpLoader.nds is a custom version made specially for MS2, I wondered if another version of ExpLoader would make MS2 detect the 3in1's RAM.
Using a different version of ExpLoader on the root of the card to enable the 3in1's expansion RAM looks like it's going to work up to the point where it invokes the Cyclo's soft reset, and returns to the Cyclo's GUI, just like it's supposed to. Starting MS2 however, shows that it still fails to detect the 3in1's RAM. Damn. Welcome back to square one - again.
Using a different version of ExpLoader in MS2's \moonshl2\extlink folder makes it run exactly like the MS2 version above, so no joy there either.
Okay, I've had enough file juggling and failure. No automatic or manual 3in1 RAM support at this stage.
If anyone knows if it's possible to get Moonshell2 to detect the 3in1's RAM without hacking the source files, please reply here or send me a PM with how you did it. I'm sure there's quite a few more 3in1 owners here who would like to do this too (now).
If not, well, we'll just have to wait and see if some kindly programmer will add 3in1 RAM support to Moonshell2's source code and compile a new release.
TL;DR: The bad news is Moonshell2 cannot detect a 3in1's RAM (yet, hopefully). The good news is, if your slot 2 card is supported by the Moonshell2 version of GBA ExpLoader (see the GBA bit above for linkies and crappy guide), MS2 can launch GBA games from its GUI (sort of).
Oh yeah, one other thing: Using an M3 GBA Exp pack with Moonshell2 doesn't stop mp3 files skipping a little bit near the start of some songs, or prevent .dpg files freezing MS2 at the end of some videos. So imho, it looks like those two annoying bugs are not caused by a lack of RAM.
Hope someone finds at least some of this dribble useful...
(All tests use a DS Lite running Moonshell2 on a CycloDS)
Launch GBA Games:
Rudolph has been kind enough to release a customised Moonshell2 version of GBA ExpLoader. With it, you can launch GBA game ROMs from MS2's GUI if you have a supported card in slot 2.
Download the special GBA ExpLoader from Rudolph's site here.
Or, if you're using wolfmanz51's translated version of Moonshell2, you will find the necessary files in \Moonshell2.0b5(english)2\GBA_ExpLoader_MSHL2\.
gba.ExpLoader.nds and GBA_ExpLoader_MSHL2.ini must be placed in MS2's \moonshl2\extlink folder.
You'll also need to create the obligatory GBA_SIGN and GBA_SAVE folders in the root of your microSD card (root is the default location specified in GBA_ExpLoader_MSHL2.ini).
When a GBA ROM is selected from Moonshell2's GUI, ExpLoader auto-loads the ROM to the slot 2 card, then the game starts.
With the M3 GBA pack, ExpLoader displays "GBA ExpLoader MSHL2 [ M3/G6 ] v0.0" at the top of the screen.
With the 3in1, It's almost exactly the same. With my card, Exploader displays "GBA ExpLoader MSHL2 [New 3in1] v0.0" at the top of the screen.
So both slot 2 cards load GBA games just fine, as long as the ExpLoader files are in all the right places. Nice job Rudolph, thank you very much.
About RAM support
One of the nice things about Sakura running on an M3 Real, is that it can use the additional RAM from an M3 GBA expansion pack to speed up file operations, view pics and load mp3 or dpg files faster. It's little things like that which creates a better user experience overall. The good news is, Moonshell2 detects the M3 GBA Expansion pack's RAM automatically on startup, and gets a comparable performance boost to Sakura. I'm not saying it's turbo charged, but any performance boost is a good thing, amirite?
Now that I've opened my big fat mouth and tipped everyone off about the RAM boost, it's only a matter of time before users start asking if Moonshell2 can somehow be configured to detect and use the RAM in the very popular EZ V 3in1 in a similar manner. So let's nip that in the bud and see what happens with the two different cards when MS2 starts up.
When Loading Moonshell2...
MS2 immediately detects the M3 GBA Expansion Pack on startup and displays how much RAM it found in Kb.
MS2 fails to detect the 3in1, reporting "Extension memory not found"...
...which should be enough to tell you not to get your hopes up about the 3in1. I'm not saying it can't be done - just at this stage of the game, Moonshell2 support for the 3in1 doesn't look very encouraging. But any temper worth their salt is made of sterner stuff than that (or like in my case, is too damn thick to take 'no' for an answer). I wasn't going to be put off by a simple loadup screen message. So without further ado, I present an over-long guide on...
(NOT) Enabling the 3in1's RAM
So can it be done?
Short answer: No. I haven't managed to get MS2 and the 3in1 to play nicely together (sorry to disappoint everyone). But to save others wasting time, here's what I've tried so far...
Long answer: It is not possible to manually enable the 3in1's RAM in the MS2 version of ExpLoader. Opening ExpLoader via Moonshell2's GUI, with a 3in1 in slot 2 gives a "Selected GBA file loading failed (A) : Confirm" error. Pressing the A button invokes soft reset, and we're back to the Cyclo GUI. Restart MS2, and it still fails to detect the 3in1's RAM.
As gba.ExpLoader.nds is a custom version made specially for MS2, I wondered if another version of ExpLoader would make MS2 detect the 3in1's RAM.
Using a different version of ExpLoader on the root of the card to enable the 3in1's expansion RAM looks like it's going to work up to the point where it invokes the Cyclo's soft reset, and returns to the Cyclo's GUI, just like it's supposed to. Starting MS2 however, shows that it still fails to detect the 3in1's RAM. Damn. Welcome back to square one - again.
Using a different version of ExpLoader in MS2's \moonshl2\extlink folder makes it run exactly like the MS2 version above, so no joy there either.
Okay, I've had enough file juggling and failure. No automatic or manual 3in1 RAM support at this stage.
If anyone knows if it's possible to get Moonshell2 to detect the 3in1's RAM without hacking the source files, please reply here or send me a PM with how you did it. I'm sure there's quite a few more 3in1 owners here who would like to do this too (now).
If not, well, we'll just have to wait and see if some kindly programmer will add 3in1 RAM support to Moonshell2's source code and compile a new release.
TL;DR: The bad news is Moonshell2 cannot detect a 3in1's RAM (yet, hopefully). The good news is, if your slot 2 card is supported by the Moonshell2 version of GBA ExpLoader (see the GBA bit above for linkies and crappy guide), MS2 can launch GBA games from its GUI (sort of).
Oh yeah, one other thing: Using an M3 GBA Exp pack with Moonshell2 doesn't stop mp3 files skipping a little bit near the start of some songs, or prevent .dpg files freezing MS2 at the end of some videos. So imho, it looks like those two annoying bugs are not caused by a lack of RAM.
Hope someone finds at least some of this dribble useful...