So what's good about monster hunting? I tried to get into the series years ago but I was bored relatively quickly.
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For me, it has really depended on the game. I tried to get into MH: Generations but there was no story, no pacing, and an entirely different combat style.
Monster Hunter is comparable to games such as Clash of Clans. You start off with relatively nothing, and then from that nothing, you build. At the beginning, I just wanted to quit, but as I put more time into it, I fell in love.
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate is my favorite of the series. Because of the following attributes:
Great Pacing:
This game forces you to play through the story to unlock certain things. One of these examples is Guild Quests, a key component in the game. Without Guild Quests, users wouldn't be able to get certain weapons that otherwise wouldn't be possible. You never truly unlock everything until you have completed every quest in the game, which I really admire.
Decent Story Mode:
From my brief, 20 minutes of playing MHG, I learned that I hated it. It's story mode was just nonexistent. Where in this game, it actually makes sense, with certain monsters in certain ranks that you otherwise wouldn't be able to fight. I.E. fighting a Low Rank Shagaru Magala is only possible in story mode. In the gathering hall, the first one you fight is in high rank.
Sensible Combat System:
In this game, mastering the combat is simply learning how, when, and where to use your weapon. So, eventually, you will be an expert in any given weapon. In newer games, such as Generations and XX, you have something called styles. Styles allow the player to experiment with their weapon of choice, but the effects are different for each style. There is no set-in-stone way to play each weapon, which I don't like, but others may.