The new year do not even start and the Vita scene comes up with 3 new Android Ports for the VITA / PSTV !
Happy New Year
Title :
Jet Car Stunts 2
Description :
Homepage -
Sequel to the award winning Jet Car Stunts.
WARNING This game will challenge you.
- 120 levels, 3 difficulties each.
- 7 cars with varied handling.
- 4 Game modes.
- Level creation and sharing
- Global leaderboards with replays.
- Crazy stunt driving on outlandish courses.
- Insane jumps.
- Ludicrous speeds.
- Manic car handling.
- Outrageous jet physics.
- Friend challenges.
- Controller support
Note: Using non-app store apps with JCS2 may break JCS2, causing it to crash every time on start up.
In-App Purchases: JCS2 has flexible options, either buy all in one purchase, or pay just for what you want.
Release Name :
Jet Car Stunts 2 Vita v.1.0
Info :
This is a wrapper/port of Jet Car Stunts 2 for the PS Vita. The port works by loading the official Android ARMv7 executable in memory, resolving its imports with native functions and patching it in order to properly run. By doing so, it's basically as if we emulate a minimalist Android environment in which we run natively the executable as is.
Version :
v.1.0 (First Release)
Download :
NOTE : reading github need IE update, otherwise it dont show anything up.
Setup Instructions :
Requirements ->
- libshacccg.suprx
- kubridge.skprx
- fd_fix.skprx OR repatch_ex.skprx (Don't install fd_fix.skprx if you're using rePatch plugin)
- Android Game Data Files
- Install kubridge and FdFix by copying kubridge.skprx and fd_fix.skprx to your taiHEN plugins folder (usually ux0:tai) and adding two entries to your config.txt under *KERNEL:
Note Don't install fd_fix.skprx if you're using rePatch plugin
- Install libshacccg.suprx, if you don't have it already, by following this guide.
Install Android Data files ->
- Obtain your copy of Jet Car Stunts 2 legally for Android in form of an .apk file. You can get all the required files directly from your phone or by using an apk extractor you can find in the play store.
- Open the apk with your zip explorer and extract the lib and assets folders to ux0:data/jetcarstunts.
- Install VPK.
Optional ->
- Install PSVshell to overclock your device to 500Mhz.
Notes and Tips :
- In order to play DLC levels you'll need to have purchased them and provide the relative data files. Failing to do so will cause a crash when attempting to load related levels.
- Sometimes, game can crash due to audio mixer qwirks. To circumvent this, an option to start the game without audio is provided.
Credits :
- TheFloW for the original .so loader.
- gl33ntwine for the awesome Android subsystem reimplementation FalsoNDK and FalsoJNI.
- CatoTheYounger for testing the homebrew and providing screenshots.
First Test :
PSTV 3.65 + 32GB Sony Memory Card + fd_fix + kubridge v3 (no overclock used or install)
Data Files APK = v1.0.17
Result = WORKING
Many Thanks Rinnegatamante ! gbatemp is also loving your SoulCalibur Port !
Happy New Year
Title :
Jet Car Stunts 2
Description :
Homepage -
Sequel to the award winning Jet Car Stunts.
WARNING This game will challenge you.
- 120 levels, 3 difficulties each.
- 7 cars with varied handling.
- 4 Game modes.
- Level creation and sharing
- Global leaderboards with replays.
- Crazy stunt driving on outlandish courses.
- Insane jumps.
- Ludicrous speeds.
- Manic car handling.
- Outrageous jet physics.
- Friend challenges.
- Controller support
Note: Using non-app store apps with JCS2 may break JCS2, causing it to crash every time on start up.
In-App Purchases: JCS2 has flexible options, either buy all in one purchase, or pay just for what you want.
Release Name :
Jet Car Stunts 2 Vita v.1.0
Info :
This is a wrapper/port of Jet Car Stunts 2 for the PS Vita. The port works by loading the official Android ARMv7 executable in memory, resolving its imports with native functions and patching it in order to properly run. By doing so, it's basically as if we emulate a minimalist Android environment in which we run natively the executable as is.
Version :
v.1.0 (First Release)
Download :
NOTE : reading github need IE update, otherwise it dont show anything up.
Setup Instructions :
Requirements ->
- libshacccg.suprx
- kubridge.skprx
- fd_fix.skprx OR repatch_ex.skprx (Don't install fd_fix.skprx if you're using rePatch plugin)
- Android Game Data Files
- Install kubridge and FdFix by copying kubridge.skprx and fd_fix.skprx to your taiHEN plugins folder (usually ux0:tai) and adding two entries to your config.txt under *KERNEL:
Note Don't install fd_fix.skprx if you're using rePatch plugin
- Install libshacccg.suprx, if you don't have it already, by following this guide.
Install Android Data files ->
- Obtain your copy of Jet Car Stunts 2 legally for Android in form of an .apk file. You can get all the required files directly from your phone or by using an apk extractor you can find in the play store.
- Open the apk with your zip explorer and extract the lib and assets folders to ux0:data/jetcarstunts.
- Install VPK.
Optional ->
- Install PSVshell to overclock your device to 500Mhz.
Notes and Tips :
- In order to play DLC levels you'll need to have purchased them and provide the relative data files. Failing to do so will cause a crash when attempting to load related levels.
- Sometimes, game can crash due to audio mixer qwirks. To circumvent this, an option to start the game without audio is provided.
Credits :
- TheFloW for the original .so loader.
- gl33ntwine for the awesome Android subsystem reimplementation FalsoNDK and FalsoJNI.
- CatoTheYounger for testing the homebrew and providing screenshots.
First Test :
PSTV 3.65 + 32GB Sony Memory Card + fd_fix + kubridge v3 (no overclock used or install)
Data Files APK = v1.0.17
Result = WORKING
Many Thanks Rinnegatamante ! gbatemp is also loving your SoulCalibur Port !
Last edited by peter8,