hello! I've been meaning to make a gbatemp account for a while, and finally got around to it.
I'm numberri, and you may have seen me around the nintendo homebrew, netpass, or DSi mode hacking discord servers. from this, it's pretty safe to say that I'm interested in DS and 3DS homebrew, but also enjoy Wii homebrew and have been wanting to dip my toes into Switch hacking and 3/DS homebrew development for a while.
I have also done a small amount of 3DS custom theming on ThemePlaza, and I'm birdmode there. I look forward to talking to people here :3
nice to meet you!
I'm numberri, and you may have seen me around the nintendo homebrew, netpass, or DSi mode hacking discord servers. from this, it's pretty safe to say that I'm interested in DS and 3DS homebrew, but also enjoy Wii homebrew and have been wanting to dip my toes into Switch hacking and 3/DS homebrew development for a while.
I have also done a small amount of 3DS custom theming on ThemePlaza, and I'm birdmode there. I look forward to talking to people here :3
nice to meet you!