If you REALLY think about it...

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Deleted User

If you really think about it:
- If you get sick, your body raises it's temperature up to 30°C - 31°C because viruses can't function past these temperatures... but neither does your organs.
- If you are cold, our body retrieves all blood from our extremities and head in order to protecc our organs... meaning that fingers and toes and sometimes our brain would die.
- If we get a trauma, our brain shuts himself off in order to protecc itself, leaving you comatose.
- We like sweet and greasy things because or brain needs sugars and carbs to keep functioning... but they might give you diabetes in huge amounts.
- Women has their period because they're fertile. Instead of just NOT... they have to throw out their unfertilized eggs as menstruation, leading to abnormal abdominal pain, excessive loss of blood and hormonal changes... sometimes blood pressure problems.
- And like... our stomach's acid is too strong. Being able to even dissolve metal.
But if you eat chilli peppers... the acid's HP changes leading to our own acid to engulf our stomach, leading to stomach-ache, diarrhea and pain.
- Also... why would we ever want hair in our arses?
- If you die, you'd poop and piss yourself... like... literally right away.
- Our own bacteria makes us sick.
- And what's the point of spending 12 to 15 years of your life, sitting in a classroom, 8 hours a day, almost all the year, just so that you know that it's useless because you need to spend more money in order to enter a college in order to get a job to get more money.
- Like why our meaning in life is to get a job in order to make our bosses richer everyday?
- Do you realize that YOU ARE PAYING YOUR BOSS... LITERALLY...
- When you die, you take absolutely nothing but your bacteria.

Like... WTF?


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2016
And what's the point of spending 12 to 15 years of your life, sitting in a classroom, 8 hours a day, almost all the year, just so that you know that it's useless because you need to spend more money in order to enter a college in order to get a job to get more money.
The point is to control you. Everyone knows that students forget most of what they have learned with the exception of languages (if they keep using it) and fundamental math. Think of how quickly a government can completely change a society. It only takes about a generation. That's also why it's enforced in many countries. The communists raise(d) communists, monarchists raised monarchists, the national socialists raised national socialists, and we are raising whatever we are at the moment... consumers I guess.

- Like why our meaning in life is to get a job in order to make our bosses richer everyday?
You are interested in your own survival. You offer your service in exchange for currency (which symbolizes the service of others). You do not work to make your boss rich but to secure your survival. Your boss does not pay you out of good will but to make a profit. In order to do that, he/she needs somebody (or something) to do the labor.

Do you realize that YOU ARE PAYING YOUR BOSS... LITERALLY...
Explain please.

When you die, you take absolutely nothing but your bacteria.
What did you expect though? Our cells will become part of the cycle of life.
And if you leave behind children, part of your genetic information will live on and you will have cheated death in a way (as have your ancestors for billions of years).
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Deleted User

It sucks.

Like, paying your boss. Let's say that each worker produces goods that a companny or physical person sells at a certain price.
If you have produced that good or product, you are paying your boss the price of that product... hence paying yoir boss.


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2016
No, you are not paying him/her anything. You exchange your service (the market determines the price - in a free market) for money. If it frustrates you that your hard work makes him/her a lot of money, then do as he/she does.

I'm just talking about the ideal/principal. I know that there is injustice on many levels (e.g. how the profits are privatized but the risk of big names failing is socialized; rich companies run politics to a large degree etc).
Last edited by UltraDolphinRevolution,
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Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
If your temperature is normally lower than 30 degrees you are probably some kind of ice man, or frequenting contending with hypothermia. The human body temperature is typically around 37.5 Celsius.

Salt, sugar and fat are kind of rare in the natural world so "more of that" is a strong drive that is tempered by the general lack of availability. Not sure why it is on the rest of this list.

Hair on your arses. Same reason you have pubic and underarm hair -- trapping smells was historically an important thing.

Some take issue with the idea of own bacteria and instead wonder if we dance for them. Still it is less own bacteria and more own bacteria in places not set up to accommodate them.

The class thing seems to be an thing in the rather modern world. Between automation and easy global transport the main means of earning a crust are increasingly seeing people need to develop high end skills.

If that is the meaning you have in life then I feel sorry for you.

Are you or are your bosses (assuming you have any) fronting the capital to do a task, sorting the high level aspects, offering a measure of certainty and possibly engaging with concepts you don't understand but making use of the results of things you can do?

How do you take bacteria when you die?


GBATemp Addict (apparently), but more like "bored"
Sep 8, 2017
If you really think about it:
- If you get sick, your body raises it's temperature up to 30°C - 31°C because viruses can't function past these temperatures... but neither does your organs.
- If you are cold, our body retrieves all blood from our extremities and head in order to protecc our organs... meaning that fingers and toes and sometimes our brain would die.
- If we get a trauma, our brain shuts himself off in order to protecc itself, leaving you comatose.
- We like sweet and greasy things because or brain needs sugars and carbs to keep functioning... but they might give you diabetes in huge amounts.
- Women has their period because they're fertile. Instead of just NOT... they have to throw out their unfertilized eggs as menstruation, leading to abnormal abdominal pain, excessive loss of blood and hormonal changes... sometimes blood pressure problems.
- And like... our stomach's acid is too strong. Being able to even dissolve metal.
But if you eat chilli peppers... the acid's HP changes leading to our own acid to engulf our stomach, leading to stomach-ache, diarrhea and pain.
- Also... why would we ever want hair in our arses?
- If you die, you'd poop and piss yourself... like... literally right away.
- Our own bacteria makes us sick.
- And what's the point of spending 12 to 15 years of your life, sitting in a classroom, 8 hours a day, almost all the year, just so that you know that it's useless because you need to spend more money in order to enter a college in order to get a job to get more money.
- Like why our meaning in life is to get a job in order to make our bosses richer everyday?
- Do you realize that YOU ARE PAYING YOUR BOSS... LITERALLY...
- When you die, you take absolutely nothing but your bacteria.

Like... WTF?
The "Like... WTF?" should go to you:rofl2: I get it's EoF, but here goes...

- If body temperature is normally 36.6°C, how can you RAISE it to 30-31°C? And no, the body temperature goes up as a byproduct of the work of antibodies, not to prevent viruses from functioning.
- It does NOT retrieve blood, it simply slows down flow to the extremities in order to not waste energy heating up the whole system. The parts that get slowed blood flow are fingers, nose and ears mostly, not the brain.
- Comas don't happen in all traumas, they happen when something vital has been damaged to a fixable degree in order to preserve life by slowing down all functions to speed up healing factors activation on damaged cells.
- No, we like sweet things because they were uncommon in the really ancient times, so the body developed a liking to them if in short amounts, while it makes you feel sick in large doses for the same reason to remind you that you shouldn't eat sugars a lot, you get diabetes if you ignore your body's warnings.
- In order to ensure that no defective DNA is passed on it's a necessity to discard old eggs, same goes for guys' sperm getting less and less fertile if they don't ejaculate for more than a month. Once the DNA proteins are produced, they starts deteriorating/breaking down, so if not used up, it's best to be discarded and replaced by newly produced one to reduce the chance of birth defects. Although I'll admit the female body's way of doing it is ridiculously and stupidly inefficient.
- Stomach acid SHOULD be strong, otherwise you'd get diarrhea from EVERYTHING and generally shit out 99% of what you eat instead of only 10%. If it's not strong enough, then you don't digest properly while also having a far higher chance to get food poisoning if you eat contaminated food because strong acide also means good against germs. As for the chillis, they are acidic too, which is why some people's bodies react badly to them and they also generate gas during being broken down, so they can also cause acid reflux to some people. (And for the record, it's not HP, it's PH:P)
- About the hairy asses, I don't know either why we have it, so no explanation there, but hair grows more the more you sweat (because of the discarded hormones sweat contains), so if you sit a lot and your ass gets sweaty, then expect a lot of hair...
- Don't believe everything you see on South Park, sure bowel and bladder control is lost, but it doesn't mean you always crap your pants and piss yourself when dying:rofl2:
- Our own bacteria also makes us healthy, depends on how you look at it
- The current school system was made during the industrial revolution more than 100 years ago and is an outdated system meant to specifically strip kids of any individuality and make them all into mindless, obedient and idiotic labor workers for the people at the top to use as pawns, if people still haven't realized that they are just dumb. Diagnozing kids who have realized that much as having ADHD just because they want to be different rather than the exact same as everyone else is just proof of that, get their self-esteem and image down to keep them from being who they really are, while neutering them through unnecessary drugs.
- You should decide your own meaning in life, if you want to be a boss, then overthrow the others and become on instead of bitching just for the sake of it and being useless:P
- Depends on the case, so yeah... no comment there...
- Not true, you also take a indefinite break from everyone's bullshit, for better or worse!


Dead and alive
Nov 23, 2014
Canberra, Australia
If you don't go to school, you won't be able to read or write or do basic arithmetic. You will have no way to make money, or be able to figure out how to use it to buy goods needed for your survival. Even if you decide to go join a tribe in the remote Amazon rainforest that doesn't have any writing, you would normally be spending your youth learning things needed for that culture like how to hunt in a group, which fruits are edible, which can be used for medicine and which are poison. You would learn how to weave baskets and build huts. If you learn nothing you would be completely useless and would die unless they were so charitable as to share the food they worked for with you even though you are just a drain on their resources and contribute nothing. Learning is pretty important.
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Deleted User

If you don't go to school, you won't be able to read or write or do basic arithmetic. You will have no way to make money, or be able to figure out how to use it to buy goods needed for your survival. Even if you decide to go join a tribe in the remote Amazon rainforest that doesn't have any writing, you would normally be spending your youth learning things needed for that culture like how to hunt in a group, which fruits are edible, which can be used for medicine and which are poison. You would learn how to weave baskets and build huts. If you learn nothing you would be completely useless and would die unless they were so charitable as to share the food they worked for with you even though you are just a drain on their resources and contribute nothing. Learning is pretty important.

If you don't go to school, you might end up on the EoF of GBATemp :creep:

oh wait...
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GBATemp Addict (apparently), but more like "bored"
Sep 8, 2017
If you don't go to school, you won't be able to read or write or do basic arithmetic. You will have no way to make money, or be able to figure out how to use it to buy goods needed for your survival. Even if you decide to go join a tribe in the remote Amazon rainforest that doesn't have any writing, you would normally be spending your youth learning things needed for that culture like how to hunt in a group, which fruits are edible, which can be used for medicine and which are poison. You would learn how to weave baskets and build huts. If you learn nothing you would be completely useless and would die unless they were so charitable as to share the food they worked for with you even though you are just a drain on their resources and contribute nothing. Learning is pretty important.
The point isn't that school shouldn't exist, it's how it's implemented that's the issue, what you are being taught and the way you are being taught are intended not for YOUR benefit, but more for the people who created the system in the first place so they can have more uniform and mechanical workers stripped of individuality, that's the problem. Learning things that will be useful in life is good, but in the current school system in most countries, you get pummeled with tons of work and studying on things that you will absolutely never end up using even once after you are out of school. It's good to learn a wide variety of things, but doing it in a way that intentionally overworks the kids isn't the right way to go about it.


Dead and alive
Nov 23, 2014
Canberra, Australia
what you are being taught and the way you are being taught are intended not for YOUR benefit, but more for the people who created the system in the first place so they can have more uniform and mechanical workers stripped of individuality, that's the problem
I think you'd have to be a little paranoid to really believe that - do you think there's some kind of secret international organisation with undercover members in all the education departments of all countries trying to sway their decisions to lean all syllabuses towards where they want it, to be able to influence the future generations in some way that will help them (and what their aims are and how this can possibly help them is outside the scope of any human's wildest imagination).
Last edited by Quantumcat,


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2016
It's not a secret organization, it's the government. As I said, it's no coincidence that you turned out the way your government wants you to turn out. Look at the different countries and their ideologies and compare that to the way the students and later adults think, judge etc. The current school system was basically taken over from the Catholic Church.

You don't need to go to school in order to learn languages or fundamental mathematics. Parents, relatives and friends (and today: media) can do that as well. But then the students might turn out contrary to the wishes of the government, e.g. Mormons.


Dead and alive
Nov 23, 2014
Canberra, Australia
It's not a secret organization, it's the government. As I said, it's no coincidence that you turned out the way your government wants you to turn out. Look at the different countries and their ideologies and compare that to the way the students and later adults think, judge etc. The current school system was basically taken over from the Catholic Church.

You don't need to go to school in order to learn languages or fundamental mathematics. Parents, relatives and friends (and today: media) can do that as well. But then the students might turn out contrary to the wishes of the government, e.g. Mormons.
You do realise that the entire world isn't run by one government right? Or did all the governments of the world get together and secretly agree that they need to corrupt their youth in exactly the same way? School exists because all children deserve education (so as to not to become homeless and die early), and parents can't be trusted to all provide sufficient education (and most would not be able to even if they wanted - they have to work full time outside the house to earn money and keep the family fed and housed). So governments make sure all kids get a sufficient education by funding schools.

In addition, there's nothing stopping parents from teaching their kids at home if they wish, if they have the time and resources. School is only a benefit to people. If you think it is something bad, you're welcome to teach your kids yourself. As long as they are being taught. The only thing governments of all countries care about us that you don't neglect your kids by denying them an education. How you choose to give them that education is up to you.
Last edited by Quantumcat,
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Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2016
You do realise that the entire world isn't run by one government right? Or did all the governments of the world get together and secretly agree that they need to corrupt their youth in exactly the same way?
The world is run by hundreds of governments (thousands, if you consider the local level). And all of them have found out that the best way to prevent disagreement is to indoctrinate children from an early age (because young minds can be molded easily).
I'm not even against it, but let's be honest about it. To think that only we (i.e. the "West") are free from indoctrination is supremacist thinking. Just consider how many drastic changes East Germans went through from around 1900 to today. Their ideology completely changed at least three times. They went from being German Monarchists to National socialists to Communists and now Democrats in about 100 years (!) This would never be possible without our school system.

Most West Germans were pro-American. Most East Germans were pro-Russian. What a surprise! Let's have a look at their school books and teachers... oh wow, they seem to represent the corresponding ideologies.

Another example would be Hong Kong today.
Last edited by UltraDolphinRevolution,


Dead and alive
Nov 23, 2014
Canberra, Australia
So all the thousands of governments get together regularly to discuss how to structure their education systems to achieve some kind of unknown end, and there's no documentation anywhere or any evidence at all that this has ever happened. No governments in the entire world disagree with this despite the hundreds of very different histories and cultures they come from. Ok then!


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2016
So all the thousands of governments get together regularly to discuss
Strawman argument. I already denied it.
Using a knife is the best way to peel an apple. There is no conspiracy behind it even though people around the world do it the same way.
Forced education from an early age is the best way to keep a new generation in line.

That's all there is to it.
How can you question this basic fact?
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Dead and alive
Nov 23, 2014
Canberra, Australia
Strawman argument. I already denied it.
Using a knife is the best way to peel an apple. There is no conspiracy behind it even though people around the world do it the same way.
Forced education from an early age is the best way to keep a new generation in line.

That's all there is to it.
How can you question this basic fact?
It makes no sense that they all came up with the same way to achieve the same goal completely independently of each other, not to mention all the generations of leaders all coming up with the same way without discussion. And this on top of the fact that there is no documentation about their goals and the decisions made to achieve these goals - so every leader has come up with this independently and also decided not to write any of it down or mention it to anyone else, and all the people involved in implementing it (thousands of people in government departments, state school departments, people on the board of individual schools, teachers, university professors that teach education degrees) have asked no questions about why they are being asked to do things this way if they are to the detriment of young people. You suggest that there is a better way to educate young people but absolutely nobody has thought of it or asked questions about why we aren't doing it the better way. In all the countries of the world.
Last edited by Quantumcat,

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